What did kill all the dinosaurs


Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Hey General, I get the feeling you are "wanting" to believe, but at the same time, simply looking for answers.

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
general or anyone else who is really seeking answers (as opposed to looking for reasons not to believe) just let me know.

i teach a class that covers pretty much all of this stuff. we attempt to answer and debate questions like:

- is there a God?
- is evolution true or was this world created?
- why should i believe the Bible?
- is Jesus the only way, or are all religions equally valid?
- if God is good and all-powerful, why is there evil and suffering in the world?

i have some good info.

if i can try to answer some questions for you, email me at edwardsblue@yahoo.com. if you are firmly set in your beliefs and want to debate me, i am not really interested in that.

peace posters.

I can't sing ain't pretty and my legs are thin
Dec 5, 2004
Ok.........Listen closely my children, I'm only going to explain this once. The dinosaurs were wiped out by the aliens, who in turn, mated with the apes, thus producing us humans. The true aliens continue to monitor us apeliens and when things start to go a little awry, they send down a true alien to straighten things out for us. As far as I can tell the true aliens have included. Jesus, Budha, Allah, Coprinicus, Sir Issac Newton, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates and quite possibly Regis Philbin.

I know it sounds a little crazy at first but think about it, we evolved from 1 celled beings to a point where we have put a man on the moon and invented microwave popcorn...........I think not!
My theory makes as much sence as any other I've read.

Indeed.............crazy like a fox!

New member
Oct 26, 2004
OH MY GOD!,well this confirms that there is all kind of believes out there..... I'm not going to explain... or argue..... that's it............:icon_conf

New member
Sep 20, 2004
"absolutely nothing afterwards...............Is the most frightening thought of all."

that's exactly why man invented religion, all religions believe that you somehow survive after death, it's hard to grasp the idea that we are born,live and die. Everyone would like to believe that there is more, that we are bigger than we are, that we are special and that somehow you get to live forever

At some point in time, someone had the audacity to tell me that it was a "good bet" to believe in God, if I was right and God didn't exist then nothing happened, but if was existed and I believed in him I would be saved..........what a hipocrit.......

I will tell you what I believe is crazy, the notion that the "Christianism/Judaism" God is one that demands worshiping, if you don't then get ready for eternal hell, he is omnipotent YET he choses to see the world in pain, wars and famime, he sends deadly disasters to its "loved" people and noone can fathom the "why does he do that.......its a mistery we really can't comprehend so.....let's keep worshiping because if not we will be sent to a place with lakes of fire" and when someone NOT bad happens, that is, when the weather is good then "thank you God you are awesome, thanks for being so nice to us" , this kind of duality is nonsense, you see it very clearly in the Bible, somehow the God from Part I (Old Testament) is completely different from the one of Part II where suposely all is love.

King David had BUNCHES of wifes yet we are suposed to be monogamous......this was a person IMPORTANT to God, yet he ignored the basic concept of monogamy, the Bible is full of contradictions that are very convenient to ignore when its useful, yet they preach that the Bible "is the word of God" ....well if it is this is a pretty flawed one.....

I hope you believe that Unicorns actually EXIST as they are mentioned in the Bible..........

Sorry to break it to you Hache but your admission of believing the Bible as you stated before means that you are not a critical/thinking person that evaluates evidence and can reason why it does/doesn't make sense

I could recommend you books to read about the other point of view but why bother, you are not going to try to think out of the box........HOWEVER if you dare to challenge what they fed you in school/church and intend to use the brain that took 4 billion years to evolve............I challenge you to go here http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com

Luckily mankind now its quite different from what it was 500 years ago and it's not so easy to keep the masses happily going to the Church and maintaining the Status Quo

Trust me that there is nothing scary in being free from hell, no "god" is sending me to wars against people that believes different (well "god" of his legion of self appointed embassadors who tell me what is good and bad for me in the basis that "that is what God wants you to do" ) and my only

"evil" is ignorance itself, ignorance is MUCH WORSE than any satan.

Have a good one :drink:

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Not meaning to sound beligerant but........

"if you are firmly set in your beliefs and want to debate me, i am not really interested in that"

if your evidence and explanations are so self evident that can contradict everything else (including ALL religions) then how come you are not interested.....

I see, the point is to brainwash the weak :icon_conf

New member
Sep 20, 2004
"Ok.........Listen closely my children, I'm only going to explain this once. The dinosaurs were wiped out by the aliens, who in turn, mated with the apes, thus producing us humans. The true aliens continue to monitor us apeliens and when things start to go a little awry, they send down a true alien to straighten things out for us. As far as I can tell the true aliens have included. Jesus, Budha, Allah, Coprinicus, Sir Issac Newton, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates and quite possibly Regis Philbin. "

Now this theory is obviously idiotic

You now claim that Bill Gates is one of these superior aliens???????

I REBEL against the notion that Bill Gates who gave us windows millenium (the greatest piece of crap ever) is somehow superior to the apealiens like me

You will have to try harder with your selection of aliens if you intend to keep offering flawed all powerful beings :finger:

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
wolfie_cr said:
Not meaning to sound beligerant but........

"if you are firmly set in your beliefs and want to debate me, i am not really interested in that"

if your evidence and explanations are so self evident that can contradict everything else (including ALL religions) then how come you are not interested.....

I see, the point is to brainwash the weak :icon_conf

no, i do not seek to brainwash. a debate between 2 people with opposing views, both of whom are set in their thinking, is just not something i want to do. wouldn't want to do it on theology, abortion, or any other topic that has a lot of emotion behind it.

i feel there is a ton of evidence that supports the christian world view. but, my experience has been that, no matter how much evidence there is, a hardened skeptic who is not open to any opposing view, will never believe the evidence.

people truly seeking answers are open to the truth and will look objectively at evidence. those are the people i like to talk with.

there are people out there who love to debate those with a hardened opposing viewpoint...i'm just not one of those guys. to me, that's a waste of time.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
an article published just last thursday, says that recent remains found in ethiopia show that modern man has existed for approxamatly 195,000 years. (article here)

if this doesnt dispel the bible, I dont know what else does besides all the other things that dont make sense. ;)

dinosoars were more than likely wiped out by some type of a meteor or asteroid shower. also, not everything from those eras are extinct. also take into account that because of "plate tectonics" all of the earth was grouped together. one side of the globe was completely water. so during those eras if asteroids or meteors smash a portion of the earth its incredibly dramatic and most devasting effects to all life in existence will cover all of the earth, since it is all 'grouped' together. this also explains why those eras do not have a wide variety of "climate specific" creatures.

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
vinividivinci said:
Are dinasours mentioned in the Bible? Don't recall any reference. Wonder why?


actually, they are. read the book of job.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
i actually liked the book of jobe. man who loses everything and gets it all back ten fold. but thats coming from a gambler. that was a real long time ago.

i was a seventh day adventist (a varitation of christianity) simply becuase i believed, that the sabath is really saturday which is the seventh day of week and not sunday the day god supposedly worked to create light. this all tied in with respecting the sabbath. really whacky stuff looking back on it and just another drivel filled way to interpurt the book.

a strange few months of thinking in life i guess. of course i dont believe a word of this now and havent for some time, but a lot of kids go/went (i didnt) to sunday school but it doesnt mean theyre going to be priests and regular church goers.

i suppose those few months were making up for not having any relegious exposure in life, but i really liked that jobe story and not too much else even if my expierence is limited to draw on.

i think i just wanted to risk everything i have on the bengals plus 11 and 1/2, say 'god' in a lot of sentances [lol] and get it back like my man jobe :103631605

but who cares now. .

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
The distinguished astronomer Sir Frederick Hoyle showed how amino acids randomly coming together in a human cell is mathematically absurd. Sir Hoyle illustrated the weakness of "chance" with the following analogy. "What are the chances that a tornado might blow through a junkyard containing all the parts of a 747, accidentally assemble them into a plane, and leave it ready for take-off? The possibilities are so small as to be negligible even if a tornado were to blow through enough junkyards to fill the whole universe!"<SUP>9 The amazing thing about this statement is that it only applies the question to human beings, or one living thing. You can take the analogy above and then use it for EVERY LIVING THING on the plane.When humans create life, it will prove life can be created.It doesn't have to evolve by mere chance.</SUP>
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in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
there are very few atheists anymore...too much evidence for a creator. most unbelievers admit there is a God...they just aren't convinced that the God of the Bible is the right answer.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
The General said:
There are many fossils to prove them, but where did the crater go from the meteor impact?

General, in response to this and your original question.

The most likely cause for the extinction of the dinosaurs was the impact of Earth with a large meteor that hit the region of the Yucatan peninsula and any crater is submerged. The effect would be enormous amount of particulates in the atmosphere blocking sunlight and producing a winter of several years duration leading to mass starvation. This was a global event.

This was the most recent of several mass extinctions that can be ascertained from the fossil record. The astromers who have charted asteroids, that are periodically shifted from the asteroid belt by Jupiter, have calculated that the impact of Earth with an asteroid of sufficient since to cause a global event of mass extinction occurs on average every 200 million years. In some of these mass extinctions over 50% of previously existing species have disappeared.

Sep 21, 2004
blue edwards said:
actually, they are. read the book of job.

regarding the mention of dinosaurs in the book of job, you are not inferring that man and dinosaurs co-existed, are you?

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
man i hope not. the last thing we need to speculate is scholars from 6000 years ago roaming the earth and the ones who couldnt get play plugging unsuspecting stegosoaruses from behind.

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
I wonder if the guys on a space shuttle could survive this somehow?

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Survive this thread? No. Survive a large meteor strike? Yes. For a few days until they had to come home. Many people would survive the initial strike. What might have killed the dino's and what may be our own undoing would be the resultant 'winter.' There would be so much debris in the form of dust in the atmosphere that it would cloud the sun and we would cool off the planet. Maybe not even 10's of degrees Fahrenheit on average, but enough that the ecology would be thrown out of whack. People and other things would survive for quite a while and might even make it through the crisis to a new day on the other side. However, a severe change in the ecology of the earth would cause people to quickly realize that we are wholly dependent upon it to survive. We really do forget that most of the time because of the ease of our going to the grocery and finding what we need. AND it might take the resultant 'winter' decades to hundreds of years to finish the damage that it would wreak. The dinosaurs did die out but they didn't die out in a day or in 10,000 years. The environs changed and they couldn't keep up with the change. By the way, if you think that such a strike would wipe everything out to the point that Earth would look like Mars...unlikely unless it was HUGE hit...the alligators were around when the dinosaurs died out. They made it. Cockroaches made it....heck....everything alive today came from things that made it through the last crisis. tulsa

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