What did kill all the dinosaurs


International Playa
Dec 15, 2003
Death Eats a Cracker said:
I suppose you believe the Earth is 6000 years old as well?

I mean really...if you're serious, then there's no help for you.

so these dinosaurs that you are so sure about, they were here how many BILLIONS of years ago according to "society"?

if we all died today, i don't believe for one second people could come to this planet 75 billion years from now and be able to tell what we ate etc from our bones....i just dont buy it....

Oct 5, 2004
regardless of what you beleive in, its fu*ked up to call people of faith "nut jobs"...people of faith outnumber atheists by alot, so you are offending many people..try and be more tolerant in life

New member
Sep 20, 2004
i think i was right about shrink doing it he shot'em all...go back and look at post 10....

International Playa
Dec 15, 2003
Sal santorre said:
if you choose to be ignorant. so be it. can't argue with you

if u knew me i think you'd agree i'm a level headed fella.....it's just dinosaurs that give me a problem....


New member
Sep 21, 2004
you guys never cease to amaze me,,, if being a born again believer is to be a nutjob, then by all means im a nutjob... I could list countless scholars who feel and think otherwise... Do some research on what astronauts say about this subject... Do some research on the man who heads the entire NASA program and see how he feels about this subject.. some of you guys are so uninformed its pathetic.... it takes a great faith to believe in evolution, there is zero scientific proof (that comment will be attacked)...

As for gambling, its my achilles heel, i ---- like everyone (except ONE) am not perfect....

International Playa
Dec 15, 2003
sherman said:
if u knew me i think you'd agree i'm a level headed fella.....it's just dinosaurs that give me a problem....

oh and the god thing, but that's it..........

(yes i believe we sent a man to the moon)

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Amazing that some people will call others that believe in God "Nuts", when they believe ridiculous theories themselves. Scientists are proven wrong over and over every single day for them most simple things in life. They can't even cure the common cold, but they know how life evolved?!? LOL ......... Get real........ Oh, I suppose an explosin, or whatever other means created us all. How impossible is this.............. First a microorganism or what have you just "appeared", then thousands of years later it grew eyes, then thousands of years later a nose, then thousands of years later a mouth, and so on.......and so on......and so on.........until a human is developed. Oh, and don't forget, not only was there something so small that began and grew over thousands or millions of years into a human, there were also thousands of DIFFERENT mirco cells/organisms, for birds, insects, all other animals, different color/ethnicity of people, and so on for every living thing on the planet! LOL.......Righttttttttt....!
Oh, and what about the ape theory. If we evolved from apes, then first of all, whay are there still apes, and second of all, why aren't we STILL evolving. What , we just STOP all of a sudden. The world is too perfect. The reproduction system.....day and night being separated so perfectly........and something that nobody can see..............love.....


Jan 15, 2005
SSI said:
Death, no offense to you but i choose to believe the first book in the Bible on this matter, my comments were directed only to the General...

those that believe need no proof, those that do not believe, there can never be enough proof... "to each his own".

do you also believe that Noah was over 700 years old?

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Well, I am really disappointed in all of you. A simple discussion has turned into attack back and forth. Jeepers. If someone wants to believe in God, why be so angry? I'm amazed at how angry people get at those that have faith in God. At the same time, those that believe in God, and Jesus and the New Testament, shame on you for entering into fruitless arguments with angry people that take what you believe as Truth and muddy it. Unless someone knows you and sees the good works you do, there is very little you can do by arguing to show a God exists and your faith is truth. The God you believe in does not exist for us to rationally argue. If you believe in God then pray for those that don't. Do unto them as you know Christ would. Let them see God in your life. But, don't think you can rationalize God. If your God exists He is obviously above any rationalization possible. If you believe in God then it is a Faith in those Things Unseen. Finally, there is no consipiracy to take bones of giant proportions and say they existed several million years ago and place them in museums in order to bring down a faith. There were dinosaurs, and just like the American Indians and their heritage, they were here before 6,000 years ago. Now, everyone attack and be mean at me. I can take it you sons of bytches!!!! Heee. I like all of you. Be kind to each other. tulsa

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
SSI said:
it takes a great faith to believe in evolution, there is zero scientific proof (that comment will be attacked)...


There's just loads of proof that the Bible is real, right? That evolution occurs is irrefutable. Anyone who denies it is mentally ill.

Your cure starts here:The Short Proof of Evolution

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Thank you SSI. As always, I appreciate your feedback. And all serious professional feedback by others also.

Well, I am really disappointed in all of you. A simple discussion has turned into attack back and forth.

Welcome to the 7th grade.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Bible is complete utter BS ! It makes no sense !

Too many different religions, somebody be wrong ! I'll go with science and MATH !

The biggest hypocrasy ( sp?) of all is that the least educated members of society are the most devout.

It's cheap insurance to say you believe !

I don't believe ! GOD, send a bolt of lightening, strike me DEAD, now !

Take my wife ( PLEASE !) she calls herself Catholic. Didn't know what Easter is supposed to mean until I ( the atheist) told her. Maybe the lord said " thou shall bake a ham" Doesn't go the church, unless she needs to take a leak. Churches have clean bathrooms ! Better than Dunkin donuts. She gets the ashes on forehead every year, whatever that means, I'm sure she don't know.

Maybe Jesus had good drugs ?

I don't expect to make friends with this post. I'm like Fox Mulder from the X-files... " I wan't to believe ! " However I cannot.

Noah's ark would have disentergrated long ago, it's not on a mountain in Turkey.

The floods are BS, there is a certain amount of H2O in this world, it's as constant as Pi is.

I can't buy this crap !

New member
Sep 20, 2004
"If we evolved from apes, then first of all, whay are there still apes"

Hache Man, no disrespect to you or anyone in here, but that "fact" you put in there is just plain distorsion of the theory of evolution. Humans did NOT evolve from apes, at any rate, what ape do you supose they are talking about, there are MANY species of apes............

Current theory is that it evolved from a common ancestor.......same as all dogs come from wolves.......you can now imagine how selective breeding (instead of enviroment conditions as in evolution) can yield such variety of dogs , long , tall, small etc

simply by breeding dogs the way we WANT them to be we can have a chihuahua and a great dane that came from the SAME common ancestor, the difference here is that the driving force is not natural but simply human taste and preferences.

"They can't even cure the common cold, but they know how life evolved?!? "

the very reason why scientists can't create an effective vaccine against cold is because the virus keeps EVOLVING and ADAPTING to existing treatments.......microorganisms evolve at a much faster rate because........their life span is so short, that is, you have a bacteria here.....and three days later the bacteria reproduced like 100 times or more so there are 100 generations between yesterday and today

"why aren't we STILL evolving. What , we just STOP all of a sudden."

we ARE evolving.....OBVIOUSLY you can't see it because you and I don't like hundreds of thousands of years..........perhaps in 200000 years we will have 6 fingers on each hand (well it would sure come handy to type faster in the computer :lolBIG: )

"The world is too perfect. " the world is FAR FAR from perfect if you ask me, also its not the center of the universe as some guys from the Vatican used to tell us (about 500 years or so)

"First a microorganism or what have you just "appeared", then thousands of years later it grew eyes" , lets get this straight, its not thousands or hundreds of thousands.........we are talking about 4000 million years........that is 4000000000 years.........it didn't just "grew" eyes , for example, supose you live in a country where there is a lot of sun (say Costa Rica :dancefool ) , you can have skin cells that are white or black, which ones do you think Costa Ricans typically have? black/darker ones, why is that? because otherwise we would have sun burns every single day..........therefore people that has light skin here suffers more and in a natural enviroment ..........would be in disadvantage with the people that has a more resistant skin

now back to the simpler animals, supose that you are an animal, and also have different types of cells in your skin, some of these are EXTREMELY sensitive to light, these kind of cells could tell you if there is sun outside, or if something just got in your way (possibly something that is going to eat you) , this gives you an advantage by being more aware of your enviroment, so while you move away as fast as you can, your "buddy" that didn't have such kind of cells ...is quickly eaten away by a giant bird......so you survived because of those special cells, you reproduce and your offspring will have more/less of those cells, apply that filter a good 4000000000 years and then generation after generation you end up having pretty sofisticated eyes.......

"Scientists are proven wrong over and over every single day for them most simple things in life. " no need to go over what religion (in general not just your "flavor" or religion) is proven wrong every day/year/century.......they just keep changing their story when not enough people will buy it............now they try to tell us to love everybody when a few years ago they told us that the person who believed in a different "god" was literally Satan himself!

Also, now they try to tell us that science and religion can live happily ever after (another change of their "story"), first they tried to supress it by limiting knowledge of the masses, then when they can't do that anymore then try to brainwash us into "no problem, it all makes perfect sense" ......well it doesn't , it is 100% contradictory..........

I much rather live knowing I won't go to hell when I die, nor do I have to worry if I was affiliated with the "right" religion. Nor do I have to make war to somebody that believes in a different god.

Only problem is, it seems that you have religious freedom AS LONG as you have A religion.............if you lack what's commonly known as a "god" then you are viewed as dangerous, rebel and possibly something that must be erradicated.

New member
Oct 26, 2004
Awesome way to say it Wolfie. just to add something else, I CAN NOT believe that there is still some people saying that science is wrong and that a book wrote 4000 years ago it's absolutelly right!. Some things from Bible Studies -I studies that for more than 2 years-:

1. The Bible is NOT a book of Science, is a book of Faith
2. God gave us the inteligence to try to understand things... like evolution -seems that some persons doesn't like that divine gift-
3. Neither God nor the bible are against science after all "the truth will set you free"

SO guys please DO NOT try to explain everything with a book that is just faith in God and not science (actually there is some scientific errors in the Bible, check that out).

PS. Study and read a little.

New member
Jan 20, 2001
General - Not sure if this killed em off, but it had to put at least a buzz in their ears....

<TABLE class=contentpaneopen cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=contentheading width="100%">SGS Featured at AAAS - Nation’s Largest Science Meeting </TD><TD align=right> </TD><TD align=right> </TD><TD align=right> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contentpaneopen cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width="70%">Written by USGS </TD><TD vAlign=top align=right></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>Friday, 18 February 2005

Symposium: The Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Formation and Consequences 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Marriott Wardman Park, Exhibit Hall B North, Workshop Room E

About 35 million years ago, an asteroid or comet nucleus measuring about 1-1/2 miles in diameter collided with the Earth at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. The force of this collision was so great that it vaporized hundreds of feet of seawater and blasted sediments forming a 53-mile-diameter crater. Glass particles called "tektites" scattered across North America. Tsunamis triggered by the impact may have topped the Blue Ridge Mountains and were much larger than those caused by the recent Indonesian earthquake. This symposium will review the crater’s formation, how scientists discovered it 35 million years later, and how the results of this impact crater affect the residents in one of the fastest growing urban centers on the East Coast. The international group of scientists will also discuss several possible implications of recent findings.

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
why is it so hard to believe that dinosaurs just went extinct one by one over time? no one asks "what ever happened to the dodo bird?". it just ain't around no more.

since man has been around to measure these sort of things, thousands of species have been extinct. seems to be the norm in our world.

interestingly enough to all who tout evolution, in the same time that all those species became extinct, there is no evidence for even one new species coming into existence. not one.


Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
wolfie_cr said:
I much rather live knowing I won't go to hell when I die, nor do I have to worry if I was affiliated with the "right" religion. Nor do I have to make war to somebody that believes in a different god.


See wolfie, I feel just the opposite. In my opinion, the thought, or theory that when you die, that's it absolutely nothing afterwards...............Is the most frightening thought of all.My best friend, as many of you will agree with, thinks it is a "peaceful" thought. To me, it is simply terrifying.......

As for the bible and those that do not believe in it, I just think people have basically "drifted" over sooooo long of time. A good example woud be this.........
wolfie, let's just say that you're sitting at home alone, and you see something strange, such as a ghostly figure. Or, you see something odd in the sky that is unexplained. Well, at that specific moment, you know or feel it's 99.9% real. Even days later you feel the same. But......... as time passes on, days, weeks, or years, you begin to second guess yourself asking. "Was that actually real? Naaaaahhh, I must of been daydreaming or something". This is the exact same thing. Through all of this time the "drift" has occurred, creating so many to scoff at the bible. Fact is though, there are too many things in the bible that's been told that have and are currently happening. Im sorry guys, I just cannot reason with the fact an explosion or whatever other theory created life. It is just crazy............. I don't follow it really, but surely there are collisons and explosions in space all of the time. I understand that the "one" explosion was supposed to be of a greater magnitude, but why would, and how could that "one" specific explosion create ALLLLLLL of the living things on Earth, and none of the others don't.It just seems wayyyy too far fetched to me , even when compared to what you consider far fetched as well in which "God" created all.......

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