What a sorry existence....


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.


I've always maintained that whether or not there is a God, the religions of our Judeo-Christian society are filled with wisdom. As we move away from religion, as we move towards an amoral society, we're moving away from wisdom and respect. As a country, we're morphing into a nation of fucking idiots. We're a people of talk, not work. We're entitled to property and other peoples' money, as opposed to being entitled to the right to pursue happiness. It is no longer about "ask what you can do for your country", it's all about "asking what can my country give to me?".

The above expression reminds me of Greek Philosophy which I studied a long time ago (paraphrasing)

don't worry about anything, because worrying about something never solves a problem

if you can't control something, don't worry about it

if you can control something that's bothering you, then work to fix your problem

Nov 17, 2004

The above expression reminds me of Greek Philosophy which I studied a long time ago (paraphrasing)

don't worry about anything, because worrying about something never solves a problem

if you can't control something, don't worry about it

if you can control something that's bothering you, then work to fix your problem

That pretty much says it. If someone wants to get his jollies wasting his time posting a bunch of vitriol that he calls "news", knock yourself out. It won't change a thing. It's going to be a very long four years for many people that are still in denial. The time to control things was Tuesday, November 8th. The Democrats weren't able to do that. They lost. That lost was a culmination of the dismantling of Democrats. Over 900 Legislative seats, 12 Governors, 60+ House seats, and 10+ senate seats. This after having a Super Majority some 8 years before. Hard to ignore those numbers, but Liberals still try to spin them. That's called being taken out to the woodshed. And after 5 months, many of them still can't accept it. So sad, too bad. Get over it.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
That pretty much says it. If someone wants to get his jollies wasting his time posting a bunch of vitriol that he calls "news", knock yourself out. It won't change a thing. It's going to be a very long four years for many people that are still in denial. The time to control things was Tuesday, November 8th. The Democrats weren't able to do that. They lost. That lost was a culmination of the dismantling of Democrats. Over 900 Legislative seats, 12 Governors, 60+ House seats, and 10+ senate seats. This after having a Super Majority some 8 years before. Hard to ignore those numbers, but Liberals still try to spin them. That's called being taken out to the woodshed. And after 5 months, many of them still can't accept it. So sad, too bad. Get over it.
God blessed them. They're just to stupid to realize it. :)
Sep 24, 2009
I can't help but laugh at a couple of posters here who's sole purpose in life appears to be to scour media articles on a daily basis just to find some dirt on Trump.


You just have to wonder how people can be this obsessed and have so much hatred that they simply can't get beyond a Presidential election. To say I didn't like Obama would be an understatement, but as my buddy Dave said to me after he won in 2014...I woke up this morning and the sun was still shining. And he was right. The world wasn't going to end and I was simply hopeful when someone else took over, they could undo some of the damage. I didn't however, spend every waking hour trying to dig up dirt. I have better things to do with my life than just walk around and be angry all the time.

A friend of mine is a recovering alcoholic and he uses the first paragraph of the serenity prayer to allow him to come to grips with things. I think some of the posters here might want to repeat it on a daily basis...

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a lot of wisdom with those posters.

It's really time for the left to let it go. I wasn't fond of Trump with some of his chosen cabinet members but at least I don't have to look at Hillary every day. The truth is Trump maybe a bit brash and unpolished or considered unpresidential but he has my total support and I like the way he is handling himself with other countries. It's a little bit scary but a breath of fresh air compared to rolling over in years past

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Lmao at the not afraid of burning in hell! He is probably a satanist.

The threat of burning in an imaginary Hell has served controlling religious orgs for millennia..

Fortunately, a growing number of humans recognize that they can cultivate a healthy, positive spiritual life without having to fear boogeymen constructed by those trying to control their behavior

New member
Nov 21, 2013


The above expression reminds me of Greek Philosophy which I studied a long time ago (paraphrasing)

don't worry about anything, because worrying about something never solves a problem

if you can't control something, don't worry about it

if you can control something that's bothering you, then work to fix your problem

The first version I heard (and accepted) of the above was from former Ranger and Yankee great Mickey Rivers

Not sure if he has any Greek blood, though I read he is healthy and raising race horses here in Florida at age 69
Dec 11, 2006
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.


I've always maintained that whether or not there is a God, the religions of our Judeo-Christian society are filled with wisdom. As we move away from religion, as we move towards an amoral society, we're moving away from wisdom and respect. As a country, we're morphing into a nation of fucking idiots. We're a people of talk, not work. We're entitled to property and other peoples' money, as opposed to being entitled to the right to pursue happiness. It is no longer about "ask what you can do for your country", it's all about "asking what can my country give to me?".

The above expression reminds me of Greek Philosophy which I studied a long time ago (paraphrasing)

don't worry about anything, because worrying about something never solves a problem

if you can't control something, don't worry about it

if you can control something that's bothering you, then work to fix your problem

You get it, Willie. Not so long ago most every American thought like this and we were a much healthier, much happier, much more unified country. What the hell happened?

Happy Easter, man. Same to anyone else here who celebrates Easter. And Happy Passover to our Jewish bretheren.

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