Welcome to the Pandemic of the Unvaccinated


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Now it's the AMA taking part in yet another conspiracy


I'm thinking there are some 12 million more people involoved in this coverup than the 37 million people it took to cover-up 9/11
priceless part is that 96% of 300 respondents in AMA survey said they were fully vaccinated but only 42% of the 700 in the AAPS survey said they were vaccinated so you just took the 96% of 300 and dropped the mic while ignoring the larger survey with drastically different outcome.


[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Both the American Medical Association and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons have released surveys regarding what percentage of physicians are fully vaccinated. The results of the two are very different. The AMA’s is publicized in mainstream media. The AAPS’s is not. Both surveys were of an opt-in nature and done without random samples of all American physicians. Nevertheless, Americans deserve to hear both results from both organizations. The AMA survey of respondents says 96% of American physicians are fully vaccinated; the AAPS survey says about 40% are.


[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]The AAPS (aapsonline.org) says, “It is wrong to call a person who declines a shot an ‘anti-vaxxer,’ whereas all are opposed to treatments that they think are unnecessary, more likely to harm than to benefit an individual patient, or inadequately tested.”[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]80% of the AAPS respondents said “I believe risks of shots exceeds risk of disease.” 30% said “I already had COVID.” Other reasons given for declining the shot were unknown long-term effects, the vaccine is experimental, effective early treatment is available, and reports of deaths and blood clots. 56% of physicians said they offered early treatment for COVID.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Acceptance of inordinately more deaths following the COVID vaccinations than has ever been accepted with past vaccinations, would have “resulted in a huge product liability or malpractice award if they had occurred after a new drug,” commented AAPS executive director Jane Orient, M.D. “Purveyors of these COVID products are protected against lawsuits.”[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has represented physicians in all specialties since 1943.[/FONT]

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Now it's the AMA taking part in yet another conspiracy


I'm thinking there are some 12 million more people involoved in this coverup than the 37 million people it took to cover-up 9/11
priceless part is that 96% of 300 respondents in AMA survey said they were fully vaccinated but only 42% of the 700 in the AAPS survey said they were vaccinated so you just took the 96% of 300 and dropped the mic while ignoring the larger survey with drastically different outcome.


[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Both the American Medical Association and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons have released surveys regarding what percentage of physicians are fully vaccinated. The results of the two are very different. The AMA’s is publicized in mainstream media. The AAPS’s is not. Both surveys were of an opt-in nature and done without random samples of all American physicians. Nevertheless, Americans deserve to hear both results from both organizations. The AMA survey of respondents says 96% of American physicians are fully vaccinated; the AAPS survey says about 40% are.


[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]The AAPS (aapsonline.org) says, “It is wrong to call a person who declines a shot an ‘anti-vaxxer,’ whereas all are opposed to treatments that they think are unnecessary, more likely to harm than to benefit an individual patient, or inadequately tested.”[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]80% of the AAPS respondents said “I believe risks of shots exceeds risk of disease.” 30% said “I already had COVID.” Other reasons given for declining the shot were unknown long-term effects, the vaccine is experimental, effective early treatment is available, and reports of deaths and blood clots. 56% of physicians said they offered early treatment for COVID.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Acceptance of inordinately more deaths following the COVID vaccinations than has ever been accepted with past vaccinations, would have “resulted in a huge product liability or malpractice award if they had occurred after a new drug,” commented AAPS executive director Jane Orient, M.D. “Purveyors of these COVID products are protected against lawsuits.”[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has represented physicians in all specialties since 1943.[/FONT]

Sep 17, 2010
Willie, I have always known you to be sharp...

If you look at old posts, over a year ago, I was the first, or among the very first, to state that the CCP virus came from the lab, that HCQ cocktail is safe, effective, and low cost, and that bacteria masks do not help against a virus, and I was adamant about all three, cited my experience and connections...look it up, somebody.

And I have made other statements.

RE the AMA, it is very possible that they were asked/pushed/threatened to put out a general BS statement like they did, so the media can fill the heads of our dumbass voter base with the notion that MDs are all taking the vaccines. That 96% is clearly not credible, and I made a living out of mixing up numbers, confusing others, in the business I was in...

SO NO, I do not say I am sure that the AMA was lying their asses off.

But 100 things have happened this year that I thought never possible (my Dad, thank God, did not live to see an AA transgender model in a bikini on the cover of Sports Illustrated).

I hope the vaccines work and have very few side effects, I have family and friends that got jabbed, my wife and I decided to pass because there are just too many things that have been misrepresented, we have been lied to, so I do not want to take a vaccine that was not adequately tested and is of a formulation that is different from all previous vaccines.


Sep 19, 2019
Willie, I have always known you to be sharp...

But 100 things have happened this year that I thought never possible (my Dad, thank God, did not live to see an AA transgender model in a bikini on the cover of Sports Illustrated).

I hope the vaccines work and have very few side effects, I have family and friends that got jabbed, my wife and I decided to pass because there are just too many things that have been misrepresented, we have been lied to, so I do not want to take a vaccine that was not adequately tested and is of a formulation that is different from all previous vaccines.


But you may undoubtedly be totally ok eating genetically modified meat, vaping, smoking, breathing polluted air, drinking out of plastic bottles, eating Advil, drinking alcohol, swimming in chlorine, fluoride in your drinking water (little children's drinking water!) and on and on. Of course none of these things has EVER been misrepresented. But getting a vaccine that's been used by (as of now) hundreds of millions of people worldwide during a devastating pandemic and is provably shown to prevent Covid deaths and hospitalizations is SCARY move on your part, despite the fact that the unvaccinated are what is driving the variants...

Yup, common sense prevails

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
The CDC officially corrected their Covid Deaths in the USA. The original 621,999+ total was adjusted to just 37~38,000 deaths in USA linked directly to Covid alone.or just 6% of 621K.About 61,900 died to the common flu in 2017-2018 Flu season.....

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Dear Libtards,

No-one has the right to imprison you for a Flu or force a vaccine that’s not needed

What is wrong with you all?

How did they brainwash you?

The rest of us will fight this shit for you but please don't get in the way.


New member
Nov 4, 2006
Wow. Let’s see300million people died a year before smallpox vaccine 160,ooo people a year died before whopping cough vaccine 787,000 died a rear before tetanus vaccine 26 million deaths before measles vaccine 3000 to 6000 died from flu each year till flu vaccine. 50million died from Spanish flu till vaccine invented 30/000 died from polio before vaccine. 12,000 died from Ebola till vaccine invented. And people don’t won’t to take the COVID-19 vaccine. And these people walk among us. So lost stupid ignorant. Wow.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

The J&J coronavirus vaccine is much less effective against Delta and Lambda variants than against the original virus, acc to a new study -- suggesting the 13 mil people who got it should get a second dose, ideally one of the mRNA vaccines.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
What will save you without a vaccine is taking care of yourself.

not sure if even half the population knows how to take care of themselves...

I'd bet good money that half the people on this forum don't even wash their hands leaving the shitter. or after handling money and door knobs...

Sep 17, 2010
But you may undoubtedly be totally ok eating genetically modified meat, vaping, smoking, breathing polluted air, drinking out of plastic bottles, eating Advil, drinking alcohol, swimming in chlorine, fluoride in your drinking water (little children's drinking water!) and on and on. Of course none of these things has EVER been misrepresented. But getting a vaccine that's been used by (as of now) hundreds of millions of people worldwide during a devastating pandemic and is provably shown to prevent Covid deaths and hospitalizations is SCARY move on your part, despite the fact that the unvaccinated are what is driving the variants...

Yup, common sense prevails

What is sad is that you think you are being witty.

You have no clue, you know nothing about healthcare, pharmaceuticals, healthcare data/statistics/studies. None of them.

Get a high level job in healthcare at a national level, learn this all, then write another post in ten years.

Sep 17, 2010
The CDC officially corrected their Covid Deaths in the USA. The original 621,999+ total was adjusted to just 37~38,000 deaths in USA linked directly to Covid alone.or just 6% of 621K.About 61,900 died to the common flu in 2017-2018 Flu season.....

Stevie this is not accurate you hurt our side by constantly putting this out... yes the deaths were greatly eggagerrated but this is an out of context misrepresentation of what was cited by the CDC.

Sep 17, 2010
Wow. Let’s see300million people died a year before smallpox vaccine 160,ooo people a year died before whopping cough vaccine 787,000 died a rear before tetanus vaccine 26 million deaths before measles vaccine 3000 to 6000 died from flu each year till flu vaccine. 50million died from Spanish flu till vaccine invented 30/000 died from polio before vaccine. 12,000 died from Ebola till vaccine invented. And people don’t won’t to take the COVID-19 vaccine. And these people walk among us. So lost stupid ignorant. Wow.

Pure stupidity.

Yes, previous vaccines have served mankind well.

I have taken some of them in my lifetime.

The DIFFERNCE is THIS vaccine, long story short, 1) was not tested for adverse affects (previous vaccines were tested for 5 yrs or so, these, a few months of limited testing... is your wife or daughter pregnant, do you want her to take the untested experimental vaccine?), and 2) is a new RNA/DNA formulation, never before used in a vaccine.

There is more but do not say all drugs, all vaccines, are the same, it is a juvenile position to take.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Stevie this is not accurate you hurt our side by constantly putting this out... yes the deaths were greatly eggagerrated but this is an out of context misrepresentation of what was cited by the CDC.

6% is their numbers. Their statement “of COVID”

Deaths were greatly exaggerated. Way over exaggerated
A numbers game to a hoax

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
These bitches are desperate. Not going as planned

Get vaxxed or get ready for lockdowns, McConnell warns: 'This is not complicated

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

So the CDC quietly added an additional 6,000 deaths due to the jab.

Viruses mutate, can become more contagious, not more deadly.

Jan 15, 2010
It is all very weird, but not surprising that people don't trust the government especially when things are being handled very politically. And it's not one sided. We have that doctor from Texas who is a teaching doctor pushing false information like the VAERS is showing people are dying from the vaccine which is false, and it's weird to me that he's doing that and not alone on it, and he's a teaching doctor. It baffles my mind when I wonder why he's doing that. But then you have guys like Ron Paul getting lumped with those types when he asks why The VAERS numbers for the Covid vax are significantly higher than for the flu shot, which is a legitimate question and not false information, they are higher and by a lot. There is probably a reasonable explanation for that, but instead of answering the question, he gets lumped as spreading misinformation. Doing things like that is just gonna push more people away from getting the vax, which is weird because they have to know doing that is going to get that result.

People keep posting the VAERS as if it is people dying from the vax which it isn't, correlation doesn't equal causation. To put it into perspective, a lot of people died today for various reasons after eating breakfast, but breakfast isn't what killed them. The VAERS is higher than in the past with the flu shot, but it could have to do and most likely to do with it being from more attention to detail because this is a pandemic, plus mostly really old people got the vax first, and the average age of death on the VAERS was 74.5. That's probably more likely than some sinister plan to depopulate the planet. But why not answer that and put people at ease instead of saying you can't ask that question and people that do get deplatformed. Just weird how everything has to be so politicized, when it doesn't have to be. And it will cost lives. I have a lot a friends that aren't getting this vax, because they are being mislead. Doing things like forced vax, or any other kind of authoritarian approach is a bad take though too, a really bad take, that the left entertains as if that's helping.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

I think the virus is very serious and fatal to a lot of people. Still I believe it's up to the individuals, their families and their friends to keep them safe. I'm opposed to government lockdowns. Freedom prevails

I don't think masks prevent a well person from becoming ill. I absolutely certain masks prevent inflicted people from spreading their disease. I'm opposed to government mask mandates, I support company and personal choices. Freedom takes every shape and size

I believe the vaccine will save lives, it will to a faster heard immunity and return to normalcy. I don't believe anyone should be forced to take it, I don't support vaccine passports. Again, all about freedom

I'm particularly amused by the antivaxxers, and yes that's what they are. They're not only choosing to not take vaccine, they want everyone to stop just like a vegan atheist screams about his version of a religion telling the world what they should eat. They think and talk like they're the smartest / most informed people in the room, and they're not. I don't even respond to most posts, because I can't muster up a respectful rebuttal.

I'm about freedom, that's never going to change

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