It is all very weird, but not surprising that people don't trust the government especially when things are being handled very politically. And it's not one sided. We have that doctor from Texas who is a teaching doctor pushing false information like the VAERS is showing people are dying from the vaccine which is false, and it's weird to me that he's doing that and not alone on it, and he's a teaching doctor. It baffles my mind when I wonder why he's doing that. But then you have guys like Ron Paul getting lumped with those types when he asks why The VAERS numbers for the Covid vax are significantly higher than for the flu shot, which is a legitimate question and not false information, they are higher and by a lot. There is probably a reasonable explanation for that, but instead of answering the question, he gets lumped as spreading misinformation. Doing things like that is just gonna push more people away from getting the vax, which is weird because they have to know doing that is going to get that result.
People keep posting the VAERS as if it is people dying from the vax which it isn't, correlation doesn't equal causation. To put it into perspective, a lot of people died today for various reasons after eating breakfast, but breakfast isn't what killed them. The VAERS is higher than in the past with the flu shot, but it could have to do and most likely to do with it being from more attention to detail because this is a pandemic, plus mostly really old people got the vax first, and the average age of death on the VAERS was 74.5. That's probably more likely than some sinister plan to depopulate the planet. But why not answer that and put people at ease instead of saying you can't ask that question and people that do get deplatformed. Just weird how everything has to be so politicized, when it doesn't have to be. And it will cost lives. I have a lot a friends that aren't getting this vax, because they are being mislead. Doing things like forced vax, or any other kind of authoritarian approach is a bad take though too, a really bad take, that the left entertains as if that's helping.