[FONT="]<article class="message-body js-selectToQuote" id="js-XFUniqueId115" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 10px 0px 0px;">"2800 dead yesterday.
Yesterday morning on Fox and Friends, one of the host told a story about his home state of Kansas. In summary he said back in July some cities in Kansas had mask mandates and some didn't. He goes on to say subsequent studies indicted Covid infections decreased substantially in the cities that had mask mandates and increased substantially in the cities that didn't have mask mandates. The good looking blond host sitting between the 2 male hosts comments "that shows blah, blah, blah". Can't remember her comment. The story teller responds "no, apparently masks do work". Yeah they do work, but unfortunately so many people don't think they help in stopping the spread. The misinformation started from Trump and the Un-American right wing leaders and their bucketful of un-American deplorables peddled the misinformation that has led to 10's of thousands of unfortunate deaths and many ridiculous debates about masks. Lets be clear, masks do work and anyone that thinks differently voted for Trump and is an obvious idiot."
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