We are at defcon 3


New member
Oct 29, 2010
"Yeah, this ^^^" referring to 3peets post (I still don't have a "Quote" Button, among other things).....the shit in Yemen threatening to lead to Square Off between Iran and US....as well...

...a few "pots on the stove" here, all pots having arrived to be upon the stove due to this nation of damn fools having elected a fuckin' Islamist.


20 Quotes By Barack Hussein Obama About Islam and Mohammed

#1 “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”
#2The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”
#3 “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”
#4 “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”
#5Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.
#6 “Islam has always been part of America”
#7we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities
#8 “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”
#9 “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”
#10 “I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”
#11 “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”
#12 “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”
#13 “In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”
#14 “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”
#15 “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality
#16 “The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’”
#17 “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”
#18 “We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe.”
#19 “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
#20 “I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”


You should fact check a lot of these fake quotes. I'm not gonna embarrass you again by posting fact checkers on these quotes......but I will next time

Feb 2, 2010
I posted about it a few days ago when Iran deployed ships. Its crickets because how bad would it look on the US to have the country you gifted 1.7 billion firing missles at your navy.

But there is reporting on the Iraq stuff.

Nov 4, 2009
I posted about it a few days ago when Iran deployed ships. Its crickets because how bad would it look on the US to have the country you gifted 1.7 billion firing missles at your navy.

Yeah, thus does IRAN have that Firing Upon get done by some pussy-ass shill of theirs, on their behalf.

I swear and this is not just a matter of opinion, you research History as that relates to Muslims within actual Warfare and you see so many examples of them being complete and total pussycowards its astonishing. Start with what happened when they had Vienna CORNERED and they were within possibly ONE coherent strike from felling VIENNA and changing the course of Europe Forever.

But then a much smaller force of Polish Guys........came over the Hill. :):)

Any Guy who educates themselves about what happened next, there in 1683...

they will never again say a bad thing about Polish people.

And that guy will have learned of The Reality of Muslims when they are within actual Warfare.

The level of their incompetence and total outright Cowardice would astonish you.

If you knew it.

Thus do you only see them attack, when they attack, as a Gang. A Muslim will absolutely not fight a man one on one.

And "Muslim Army" is no thing more than a precursor, a preparation for a whole lot of Muslim Guys weeping on the ground

or Fleeing for their lives.

They are Pussies. Again....its not my opinion. Its Historical Fact.

Nov 4, 2009
You should fact check a lot of these fake quotes. I'm not gonna embarrass you again by posting fact checkers on these quotes......but I will next time

Awright Thats it. I wanna go on eBay buy a used FactChecker machine then get this shipped to a location that is somewhere up your ass.

I need you to PM the mailing address of your Prostate.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I have a question. Where is this info coming from? I am not in the military but to my knowledge the levels of readiness by our armed forces is classified material is it not?


According to Defcon Warning System, the alert status for 8 P.M., Thursday, October 13th, 2016
was Condition code is Yellow, DEFCON 3.

Your One Stop Shop For Nuclear Threats Against The United States

DEFCON Warning System (DWS) is a non-government website which focuses on nuclear threats to the United States and is not affiliated with any of the four branches of the military.

The DEFCON levels of the US Military are kept classified and whose revelation could compromise the country’s security.

We good now . . can we get back to betting?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Awright Thats it. I wanna go on eBay buy a used FactChecker machine then get this shipped to a location that is somewhere up your ass.

I need you to PM the mailing address of your Prostate.

Yeah.....why you should you bother posting accurate information now.....just keep throwing red meat lies to the dolts here. That's your best play.

Nov 4, 2009
just keep throwing red meat lies to the dolts here. That's your best play.


B4 The Army of Patriotic And UnBlindSheep-like Intelligent here

serve up yet another complete thrashing of you which once again as it always does

results in a complete Knockout

You just keep setting yourself up perfectly for these buttkickings.

Go Ahead, hot me with Snopes.com but like you say you want, "facts" be sure to include within your post knowledge of specifically which "powers" exist behind that curtain called Snopes.com

New member
Oct 29, 2010

B4 The Army of Patriotic And UnBlindSheep-like Intelligent here

serve up yet another complete thrashing of you which once again as it always does

results in a complete Knockout

You just keep setting yourself up perfectly for these buttkickings.

Go Ahead, hot me with Snopes.com but like you say you want, "facts" be sure to include within your post knowledge of specifically which "powers" exist behind that curtain called Snopes.com

Ahhhhh yes....the famous "fact checkers are liars defense". Going thru life misinformed.....can't be fun.....but you're good at it.

Nov 4, 2009
"Ahhhhh yes....the famous "fact checkers are liars defense". Going thru life misinformed.....can't be fun.....but you're good at it."

Because under NO Circumstances should The Allegiance of those in Control of "Fact Checkers" be considered...

....as a thing that one having intelligence would...

.....HAVE TO consider cuz the alternative to that would be to be Not Intelligent.

New member
Oct 11, 2004

According to Defcon Warning System, the alert status for 8 P.M., Thursday, October 13th, 2016
was Condition code is Yellow, DEFCON 3.

Your One Stop Shop For Nuclear Threats Against The United States

DEFCON Warning System (DWS) is a non-government website which focuses on nuclear threats to the United States and is not affiliated with any of the four branches of the military.

The DEFCON levels of the US Military are kept classified and whose revelation could compromise the country’s security.

We good now . . can we get back to betting?

BINGO. Exactly what i was saying. I love that people spread shit daily that is completely false and fabricated and pass it off as real. The sad thing is like 30-40% of the public believes shit because its on facebook or twitter.

Nov 4, 2009
From that same author...

Billion people on Earth 'have alien blood', scientists claim

And Yeah, so what?

Prior cultures on this planet managed to Construct things that to this day cannot be explained how they did that just...."whatever", its too deep a question for your brain to seriously ponder?

Previous Cultures possessed an Understanding and a Relationship To, what we now call Astronomy....to the degree that they built StoneHenge. Among many other things that show an utterly Un-explainable thus far Understanding of "The Heavens".

Pyramids were Created concurrently, like, at near the same times in various sections of the Earth that could not possibly have had communications with one another.

Entire Tribes vanished, with no explanation to this day for what caysed them to disappear, let alone what became of them.....then artifacts were found in what they left behind that were from other cultures on other parts of Earth that there is no way they could have had contact with.

Certain Races behave in a vastly less Primitive & War-like fashion than....Certain Other Racial Groups.

The Only possibilities that your own Personal Brain can comprehend and thus consider are these :




Those may not be the only possible "paths", to winding up on this place.


Jan 15, 2005
c'mon 919, it's beyond bias at this point, everything is reported to Clinton's advantage and Trump's disadvantage. Every little minutia of detail is spun

I read an article on line by a writer for Newsday? He went to a Trump rally, he said the people were orderly, respectful and optimistic, although Trump overstated the size. He said almost the entire event was about policy and specifics. He then spends 5 minutes throwing out accusations about lying and campaign corruption and false accusations.

What does the national media cover? the few minutes spent on lying and campaign corruption and false accusations!!!!

And then they have the audacity to say "trump needs to talk about policy" (my words, not the author). At best, they spin everything in a negative fashion for Trump. At worst, they're committing treason with campaign collusion trying to influence an election.

Journalistic integrity simply doesn't exist.
You have to admit that Trump and his supporters are to a large degree to blame based on their behavior. Trump tries to insite violence against Clinton stating she may be taken out, voters falsely claiming the election process is rigged, and on and on...and the lowest common denominator among his supporters are the kind of people that buy that crap. Some of them have already stated that they will act.



“Trump said to watch your precincts. I’m going to go, for sure,” Steve Webb told reporters Matt Viser and Tracy Jan. “I’ll look for . . . well, it’s called racial profiling. Mexicans. Syrians. People who can’t speak American.... I’m going to go right up behind them. I’ll do everything legally. I want to see if they are accountable. I’m not going to do anything illegal. I’m going to make them a little bit nervous.”
The problem is that pretty much everything Webb describes there is completely illegal.
“If they show up to do this, his folks are going to be very upset and very disappointed, and frankly I think maybe that’s what he wants,” said attorney Chris Ashby, who has made a career out of representing Republican candidates in election disputes.

Sep 21, 2004
The Idiot Drumpf has been claiming things that don't go his way are "rigged" for years. Sadly, this time he has a larger audience that buys his BS. The guy is a sociopath that can not EVER admit he's a pathetic loser, so he has to blame everyone and everything, rather than the guy in the mirror.

[h=1]Donald Trump Whined the Emmys Were Rigged Too – Three Years in a Row[/h] By Hrafnkell Haraldsson on <time class="published updated" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="Mon, Oct 17th, 2016T7:56 am">Mon, Oct 17th, 2016 at 7:56 am</time>
"The Emmys are all politics, that's why, despite nominations, The Apprentice never won--even though it should have many times over"

Donald Trump’s recent twitter meltdown over rigged elections and Saturday Night Live brings to mind other occasions when Donald Trump cried like a baby over something he wanted but didn’t get, including a Romney win in 2012, and Emmy awards in 2012, 2013, and 2014.
The New Yorker‘s Ryan Lizza treated us to a history lesson this weekend as he reminded us of Trump’s attacks on our election process back in 2012, when Mitt Romney lost to Barack Obama. Trump’s reaction sounds more like a dress rehearsal for this 2016. Here are his series of 2012 Election tweets courtesy of Lizza:
What most people may not realize is that this is far from the first time Donald Trump has whined that things are rigged against him, a rich guy who pays fewer taxes than you do.
AmericaBlog took us down memory lane Sunday to the Emmys. Here is how Trump reacted to the 2012 Emmys. See anything familiar?

If that is not enough, how about his reaction to the 2013 and 2014 Emmys?

You can bet if Trump had been able to buy the Emmys, he would have never lost again.
Trump, who portrays himself as a man’s man, has never looked more childish and insecure as when he’s not getting something he’s sure he deserves. The lesson is not lost, of course, that the country did not devolve into revolution when his fellow 1 Percenter Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
Business Insider tells us Trump deleted about half his Romney tweets shortly after putting them up, but the spirit of the tweets remained and have been carried over into another election.
Trump is not waiting till after the election this time, to call for revolution. He’s been careful to lay that groundwork going in, undermining the democratic process with unprecedented zeal. The lesson is that the only time things aren’t rigged is when Trump gets what he wants.
It is difficult to believe there is still any sympathy left at all for Donald Trump, let alone that anyone would launch a revolution on behalf of the big cry-baby, but crazier – and more pointless – things have happened in history. After all, it’s not like they’re not already threatening death to anyone and everyone who questions their whiny hero.

Sep 3, 2006
any classified information will be available on leaked Hillary Clinton emails.......Wikileaks will have it in about a week.......by the way, I wonder who was behind blocking Julian Assange's internet access......who would care anything about it ?

Sep 21, 2004
any classified information will be available on leaked Hillary Clinton emails.......Wikileaks will have it in about a week.......by the way, I wonder who was behind blocking Julian Assange's internet access......who would care anything about it ?

Yes one has to wonder why they would do such a thing :think2:

Feb 2, 2010
You have to admit that Trump and his supporters are to a large degree to blame based on their behavior. Trump tries to insite violence against Clinton stating she may be taken out, voters falsely claiming the election process is rigged, and on and on...and the lowest common denominator among his supporters are the kind of people that buy that crap. Some of them have already stated that they will act.



“Trump said to watch your precincts. I’m going to go, for sure,” Steve Webb told reporters Matt Viser and Tracy Jan. “I’ll look for . . . well, it’s called racial profiling. Mexicans. Syrians. People who can’t speak American.... I’m going to go right up behind them. I’ll do everything legally. I want to see if they are accountable. I’m not going to do anything illegal. I’m going to make them a little bit nervous.”
The problem is that pretty much everything Webb describes there is completely illegal.
“If they show up to do this, his folks are going to be very upset and very disappointed, and frankly I think maybe that’s what he wants,” said attorney Chris Ashby, who has made a career out of representing Republican candidates in election disputes.

How can illegal Mexicans and Syrians vote?

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