Was the Ruxygurl thing an Rx publicity stunt ?



RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
kermit - what's weird? I agree people can say anything, I have seen plenty of scammmers both ways over the internet

about going to vegas, the same holds true for a phone call, anyone could call and supply the person with info to make it seem they are the person who posted. But people are gonna see and hear what they want to see and hear, I don't think a phone call would help at this point. I think it would be funnier if roxy hired some huge guy to show up and announce hey I'm roxy, who wants a piece of me now?

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Whether it is a male or female makes me no difference. I look about for troublesome posters and rule violaters. TheRx does not allow for the solicitation of other posters and that was my concern in this ordeal. It has been dealt with now and for that I am very pleased. One thing for sure is that some of us Men are as much into drama and soaps than any females. Not that this is all bad.

It's all good.


J-Man Rx NFL Pick 4 Champion for 2005
Apr 20, 2001
t3a said:
kermit - what's weird? I agree people can say anything, I have seen plenty of scammmers both ways over the internet

about going to vegas, the same holds true for a phone call, anyone could call and supply the person with info to make it seem they are the person who posted. But people are gonna see and hear what they want to see and hear, I don't think a phone call would help at this point. I think it would be funnier if roxy hired some huge guy to show up and announce hey I'm roxy, who wants a piece of me now?
What's weird is that you said you believe her !

Simply the best
Sep 20, 2001
There is a rumor floating around that Roxy is coming to the bash this year dressed in drag with her date, sick gambler.

I think the Shrink talked them both into being replacements for the yearly fish speech.


New member
Oct 15, 2004
"TheRx does not allow for the solicitation of other posters and that was my concern in this ordeal"

Why bother having a rule that you can not enforce?(see my earlier post in this thread from today at 1:09 PM)

If I know other Rx posters' email addresses, how could you stop me from emailing them and asking them to post at another site? This is all that Roxygurl did. What is the BFD? Many, many Rx posters also post at MW, Covers, MadJack's, etc. It would be different if Roxygurl posted threads about joining/posting at other websites, but to email her/his friends about it is something you have no control over.

New member
Jan 1, 2001
shit......man all this has happened so quick...

soon were gonna be told...

Dantes name is not really dante
Journeyman hasnt left his own state
Blue edwards is not really blue
fishhead does not look like a fish
PR JR isnt really Pete Roses son

what is the world coming to....

FTR, you can trust my nick....Im not exactly heavy......

and yes, I am a "boy"

No, Im not gonna call u panther.....

New member
Jan 30, 2005
Pete Rose JR said:

Well according to you Pete among other things I am a retarded square. I think I am mature in the sense that I don't resort to meaningless name calling. Point being I will pull your card and see if you can cash the checks your mouth has written.

I will say its not real good timing, I just got new teeth after the incident I was involved in a couple weeks ago. Oh well.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
Yes 3ta, I believe this is the pertinent part, if not please post what part you were referring to...

"Here's where ROXY crossed the line. Roxy approched XPANDA to not only leave RX, but to take as many posters away from RX as she could in order to enhance Roxy's other forum. Roxy also stated ThRrx hated women and made fun of all of us who are planning to attend this year's Rx bash in Vegas. She was even more disrespectful that the two facts I just listed but I do not want to repeat anything else..."

...now, I'm sure you will agree that this is the Shrink's perception solely from talking to Xpanda.
Did you read Roxygurl's reply to that post? If not, you should.


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
doug i was just pointing out what the deal was from his point, it sounds like a he said, she said situation

I was trying to only comment on the gender stuff , since so many were gloating that they knew she was a guy the whole time and all that crap, all the other stuff I don't know the details of.

As wilheim said though she isn't banned so maybe it's all a moot point

New member
Oct 15, 2004
You didn't say if you read Roxygurl's reply, so here it is...
"ken i HAVE to defend myself on this one. i dont have my own website. im a member at a couple but im certainly not the owner. i didnt approach xpanda in some covert secret operation to steal your people away. it was never like that. i asked xpanda is she would check it out and perhaps help create a political type forum but it was only an idea and not a grand plan to take the rx down. everyone here checks out other sites so this went way off track."

...I think this has been blown all out of proportion by the Shrink to somehow justify his shameful treatment of the poster, Roxygurl. Like I said before, if I was Roxygurl and had been treated this way, I would not call the Shrink now either.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
t3a said:
doug.s - you know how people pose in chat rooms and other places with their fake e-mails....there are certain profiles that people fall into...obviously you can't be 100% certain from just a few messages it is not like I was conducting an investigation, I am just saying I got e-mails from a female who said she was roxy and I believe her.

Anyone can make up a name in hotmail. And there is no one with the name she uses in California, never mind San Diego. I checked that, too. You can find plenty of online background search engines.

As for profiles, find me a woman who will talk about how she 'squirts' who isn't a paid hooker! No other woman on this site, or any other woman I have ever met in my life, talks like that. Certainly not the kind of woman who would become offended that posters might call her on the gender thing. And certainly not the kind of woman who would build excuses to not attend the Bash after so much attention whoring. This isn't evidence, of course, but your 'profile' thing doesn't wash.

Look, this wasn't the end result of 24hrs of sifting through stuff. I have been receiving emails from her for a couple of months. Did the background search weeks ago. And now duplicate IPs with identical posting styles and an ex who just happened to never tell her his posting handle and vice versa?

Lots of evidence to support that she's a man and only her word to contradict it.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
doug stewart said:
...now, I'm sure you will agree that this is the Shrink's perception solely from talking to Xpanda.

Shrink has read the emails. I don't expect anyone to 'take my word for it.'

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Seems that 1 or 2 rules were violated:

1. A poster soliciting here for another site.
2. Ghost posting (and maybe this is not actually against the rules)

Perhaps it would have been sufficient to ban (and annouce it if desired) Roxy from the site for violating rule #1. I don't think it was necessary to go beyond this and get into the gender issue as, best that I can tell, posing as the opposite sex doesn't violate any rules here.

In fact, the Rx may have crossed the line by disclosing personal info (gender in his/her case). Both parties are at fault to some extent.

Ironically, she isn't banned (according to Wil) for violating the rules and what continues (gender) to get discussed is info that should never have been disclosed in the first place by an Rx employee.


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
xpanda said:
No other woman on this site, or any other woman I have ever met in my life, talks like that.

I hope you aren't really using that as a barometer - that you don't know anyone who would say a certain thing - I have learned a long time ago to never be suprised by what people will say on line

I think my profile does wash - look I can only go by e-mails I received just like you - but I get to spend a lot of time figuring out who people really are in cyberspace for other reasons.

background checks on the internet are weak, there are plenty of 'real' people I know who are invisible in those.

anyway, I am only talking about the gender question, it sounds like you have other issues with her based on the things she said to you so I'll leave it at that

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
T3A: fwiw, though the super-skanky comments were a while ago, as late as last week I still defended that Roxy might be a girl. I just didn't know. Then I saw the IPs, read the posts, and clued in.

I'm not one of those people who 'knew it all along.'

Picasso, we exposed user names with matching IPs titled Roxygurl and CFBguy. Just calling the poster on the poster's claims is all as we believe the gender-switch was agenda-driven.

That is officially it for me on this issue. I have nothing else I can possibly say.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004

Put the site promotions forum back up. Nobody goes in there much anyway. I've been lurking on this site for almost 3 years and I never went in there once.

In terms of Roxy...

This thread is really a non-issue if everyone didnt have these fantasies of Roxy being a young sexy model gambler. If Roxy is a guy, the guy is sick, and if he gets off by acting like a girl, fine. Don't click on it's threads.

Even if it is telling the truth and it is a female...

How many HOT YOUNG SEXY GAMBLER FEMALES have you ever seen that gamble on sports EVERY SINGLE DAY?

I've been at craps tables, sportsbooks, etc and the females that are really into it on this kind of dedicated level are typically a deuce and a half and very unattractive. Thats WHY they gamble on sports. If she looked anything remotely close to her avatar she wouldnt be on the internet chatting with gamblers. She wouldnt need to gamble because shed be hot enough to do what every other hot girl does... Find a rich dude and trade sex for money and marriage. It would only make sense that she lives her alternate lifestyle over a computer acting like some 28 year old blonde in a bikini with the greatest body ever and ridiculously addicted to sports gambling and feeling 1,000's of guys drooling all over her. Sorry, but get the fantasies out of your heads.

If she is a male, and female, or a crossdresser, who cares? STOP getting involved on a personal level with people over the internet. A lot more bad than good comes out from it.

Bottom line, this thread doesnt exist if you all act logical and stop thinking that Jenna Jameson is addicted to betting the WNBA on a daily basis and the site promotions forum is put back up.

This "community" was created to help others and maximize knowledge on sports picks so we can get some extra money in our pockets. Now we have cross-gender posters, people posting phantom plays they dont even have a dollar on so they can build up a stud reputation so that they can meet the WNBA guru Jenna Jameson at a Las Vegas bash, have wild sex with a 300+ pound lady and live happily ever after.

Sorry if Im hurting your feelings Roxy. I'm not here to make friends with you, I'm not here to bash others picks when they lose, I'm not here to laugh at someone at 1am after the game when their pick of the month loses miserably, and I'm not here to debate the sex of a poster.

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