Was the Ruxygurl thing an Rx publicity stunt ?


Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
dougie J,,,

I am as real as they come.....

I have finalized plans to attend the BASH in AUGUST....you can meet me there...

ROXYGURL: you are a clown....go away...I called you out from DAY 1, thought you were a dude then, still do now....

SHRINK: DOUG STEWART, is clueless here....The only thing you did wrong was not listen to ME...

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
doug stewart said:
So all we have here is Xpanda claims she has evidence that Roxygurl is actually a man, but from what I've read, it is not really rock solid evidence and even Xpanda admits here in this thread that if Roxy calls Shrink and proves that she is indeed a woman, then Xpanda will start a thread apologizing to Roxy. HUH? Think about it, if Roxy is indeed a girl, would anyone expect her to come back to this place after she had been treated so wrongly?

What I have is evidence that Roxy posted on this site as a man. Her story that it was her ex is implausible and has holes in it. As Boltgirl, she buggered up a story about this supposed 'ex' ... anyway ... the whole point of saying call and I will retract (the part about gender, the rest still stands) is to give It an out.

Wouldn't you take me up on the offer? God knows I would.

As for whether or not It would come back after being treated so wrongly ... Roxy HAS come back! Posting away trying to defend Itself when there is officially only one real way It can do so.

Anyway, it's obvious that Roxy is not going to call. That is evidence enough for me that It has been yanking this site's collective chains for some time. Agenda-ridden POS.

That's the last I will comment on the matter. It's taken up far too much of my time already.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
G. Money,
Did anyone? LOL I did read much of it and I kept going back to see if Roxygurl would respond to the charges. Roxygurl did respond twice now, both times denying the allegations. So what do we have here? He/She (Roxygurl) said, versus he/she (Shrink/Xpanda) said, and the evidence Shrink/Xpanda present for Roxygurl being a guy is pretty weak. Now I agree there are 2 issues here, but let's look at them objectively. Issue #1....recruiting Rx posters to another site. You said if I owned the site that I would not allow it either. How the hell could I stop it? Last time I looked this was still a free country. The Rx/Shrink have taken measures to stop it somewhat, for example, they do not allow PM's on this site, which is certainly their perogative. Notice we had a thread last week asking why PM's were not allowed on this site and the company answer provided by Shrink and the mods was that PM's were not allowed to protect us posters from touts. Yeah right, and the tooth fairy will be putting a quarter under my pillow tonight! I'm not saying PM's are not allowed here partly because of touts, but also they are not allowed here to prevent just what you refer to, ie. people like Roxygurl recruiting to another website. And the Rx can prevent people from making recruitment posts in threads, they can warn posters not to do it, they can delete objectionable posts, and finally they can ban anyone who breaks this law. But what Roxygurl did is to privately email posters and ask them to participate at another website....that can not be stopped. Oh sure, if the Shrink/mods find out about it, like they did in this case from Xpanda, who ratted on her friend, Roxygurl, they can ban the poster who is trying to recruit posters. Or they can start a thread like yesterday where they viciously attack the poster, Roxygurl, and make allegations that she is actually a he, when in fact they have little or no factual evidence to support that allegation. Let me ask you this, G. Money, you seem like a reasonable person, (as opposed to someone like PRJ), wouldn't it have been better for Shrink to email Roxygurl and tell him/her that he had heard about him/her recruiting posters from the Rx to another site and ask Roxygurl to refrain from doing this. Also Shrink could have mentioned that several posters had concerns about Roxygurl being a male and could Roxygurl either call Shrink or arrange for a time for Shrink to call Roxygurl to discuss this, before starting an explosive and vicious thread like yesterday? You asked me, if Roxygurl is a girl, what is there to hide?, but I ask you a similar question....If Roxygurl is a girl and has been treated this way, would you call? I wouldn't, except maybe to say FU.

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
G. MONEY said:

Not sure you read all the thread yesterday. There is 2 issues here, and the main one being Roxy trying to buddy buddy with posters and then getting them over to her site. That is just bad, and if you owned this site I truly doubt you would allow it. Please remember this is a businness. Roxy even went as far as trying to get X-Panda to recruit members and tried to hire her to help Mod.

The second issue is the one of he/she posting away as if he/she was a girl. There had been talk for months if she was a he. Roxy has yet to call Ken or X-Panda....My question is this if she is a she, what is there to hide?

GMoney - Actually the only issue here is your first paragraph. Thats what got her/him banned. The second one doesn't matter.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Doug you make no sense. They asked her to call long before sunday.

This has got RR potential now.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

As rob has said above, I'am pretty sure Shrink did ask Roxy to call over a week ago. I believe Roxy posted that at the other site. I believe as well X-Panda and one of the mods from the other site asked Roxy to call, and roxy did not.

I would think if Roxy did not have anything to hide, he/she would have called when asked. I believe these requests were asked long before, this came to a head. It does not all make a lot of sense to me. Because if it was me I would have tried to clear my name way before this.............G.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
G. Money,
Yes, I realize that Roxy was asked to call the Shrink some time ago, and like Roxy says in her post yesterday, which was posted in the offshore forum, (the same forum where the Roxy is a Fraud thread was gathering 6000 views), for a short time before being buried in the Rubber room, why should anyone have to call the Shrink? And now after Roxygurl has been treated like this, would you call if you were her? Notice I used the female personal pronoun there, obviously if Roxygurl is a fraud/man, then he is not going to call. My point is that Xpanda and the Shrink moved on this without having concrete evidence, only their suspicions that Roxygurl was a man, as evidenced by Xpanda's post today in this thread, saying to Roxy, "You call the Shrink and prove you're a girl, and I'll post an apology thread." Yeah, that's real fair, I'd sure as hell take up that offer if I was Roxy! In case you missed Roxygurl's initial denial before it was buried in the Rubber Room, here it is....

so how was YOUR day?
where to begin here? 1st i had no idea the popularity i seemed to have. im more stunned that an entire website could become so viscious and turn on someone as fast as you all did. ive never claimed to be anything,or anyone,that im not. but no one here cares an innocent poster got lynched. and why did this happen? i never attacked anyone and i thought i was a damn good contributor.isnt that all that matters here? obviously not. many of you killed me who ive NEVER had any interaction with.the friends i DID have turned so fast its troubling.posters ive always respected hurt me time and again in the RR and no one EVER came to my defense. im impressed with the power the shrink has and more so with the power of the rx. regardless of a phonecall to who ever one needs to be placed to i can never come back after today. would you? i was asked to call shrink and because my life didnt revolve around the rx and dropping everything to do that i get this?why should any one here have to call shrink or any mod? i was here to have fun and to learn. well im a great student because i learned alot about the type of people who call the rx home. look in the mirror all those who killed me today.the person looking back is unfair and not very forgiving. up to this point my only crime was silence and not making a call. xpanda has alot of info i gave her regarding my arrival over 2.5 years ago.i was boltgirl back then. and i had a roomate who was already a member here who used my pc to log on. he turned me onto the rx and thats how i got started.he moved on and i left the rx for 1 year. when i came back i returned as roxygurl.since that time what have i done to deserve this? i dont want more flaming in this thread theres more than enough in xpandas thread. i wont see it anyway,i made it thru 20 replys and couldnt read any more so i doubt i'll be checking back here.everyone should know your all next.for what ever reason its a sport to destroy others here and thats frightening.i will be lurking again because theres great cappers here and that i could never give up. c-lo has a website and i know some of you found your way there just to attack me there and i ask you to please treat him and his website with respect. im no longer a part of it so dont waste your time.to the mods here you are 1st rate and untill recently treated me decently.but your good peeps for the most part. im too nice to express my feelings regarding xpanda. put yourselves in my shoes and draw your own conclusions about whats going on in my mind after all this. my last word is about respecting everyone here regardless of gender. why does it matter who someone is if they share quality info with everyone else? how many women are men so they can blend in and go about thier business? please dont bash me in this one i really want everyone to see this rather than moving it to the rr. if you had any respect for me please only bump it up so all can read this.a call to shrink undoes none of the destruction done here today.thank you for reading this,its been fun and i cant come back as you all wouldnt accept me now no matter what.i dont wish this on anyone.i wish the rx well.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
G. Money,
Oh, and this from Roxy's post in this thread...

" ken you only asked that i call. i get that alot from my own friends. you never said call me or i will destroy you.youd have gotten a very angry call but it would have done the trick"

New member
Jan 30, 2005
Pete Rose JR said:
I have finalized plans to attend the BASH in AUGUST....you can meet me there

This is the greatest news I have seen in a while. I can't wait.


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
I gotta agree with both Dougs on this - how does anyone know what is real on here? I see people posting how many dimes they supposedly put on their games of the year all the time, I would rather see that BS verified than someone's picture.

On roxy, xpanda's so-called proof is lame. If anything she has proven that roxy is a girl, but the thread that started all this crap was about proof that roxy was a man. I have seen almost all the mods post with roxy in the past and not once did I see any of them question anything even when the boltgirl identity was raised. Now suddenly everyone knew it or was suspicious. Even Shrink started a thread praising roxy and xpanda - the two star female posters. (If that was some kind of trick though, Shrink is pretty clever)

Is roxy (or anyone here) really who she claims to be? who knows, maybe she is cute, maybe she is a sumo wrestler. From the reaction on here though, who really cares since it has turned into a tranny joke fest. To me, that makes no sense, just expose her for undermining the rx if that is the case, but all this 'it' talk makes the people here look like the freaks. If you have proof she is a guy, 'proof' doesn't change, so what is the phone call gonna do? At this point wouldn't she need to show up in Vegas with her driver's license to shut everyone up? I have had some contact outside the rx with her, and I couldn't care less what she looks like, but I have 'proof' the person who e-mailed me was a woman. It doesn't really matter, I never posted here as if this was a dating site.

Ok, now this post is so long, people might think I'm a girl so I will get back to betting

Its Venus, B.I.T.C.H!
Apr 4, 2005

Rox I am not attacking you in any manner. All I said was call me, panda, shrink, whomever... and prove you are right, because you are making your friends feel betrayed.
I always thought you were one of the coolest people in this site. I couldn´t care less about your gender, that´s not an issue at all. But I am bothered by the lies.
I wanted you to prove they were wrong, asked you to, but you didn´t want to.
What should we think then??

New member
Jun 8, 2005
Being new here I don't get it. Who cares if she a girl or a man? Secondly so what if she wanted someone to post elsewhere with her?

Is there a blood loyalty oath? If so why wasn't I asked to sign?

Just seems like a bunch of nothing.


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
**VeNuS** said:

since people here like to brag on themselves, I'm gonna take a shot - I have a lot of experience with scammers, spammers, internet fraud etc. And I am very confident that the roxy that e-mailed me was a girl.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
t3a said:
**VeNuS** said:

since people here like to brag on themselves, I'm gonna take a shot - I have a lot of experience with scammers, spammers, internet fraud etc. And I am very confident that the roxy that e-mailed me was a girl.

I'm curious what kind of proof you could have that Roxygurl is a girl?


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
doug.s - you know how people pose in chat rooms and other places with their fake e-mails....there are certain profiles that people fall into...obviously you can't be 100% certain from just a few messages it is not like I was conducting an investigation, I am just saying I got e-mails from a female who said she was roxy and I believe her.

If she said other things to Shrink or Xp , maybe they have reason to ban her for that, but I am saying I think the gender thing is a red herring

Now if roxy shows up in Vegas looking like Kevin McBride and kicks everyone's ass, I will be the first to apologize for my stupidity :monsters-

J-Man Rx NFL Pick 4 Champion for 2005
Apr 20, 2001
t3a said:
doug.s - you know how people pose in chat rooms and other places with their fake e-mails....there are certain profiles that people fall into...obviously you can't be 100% certain from just a few messages it is not like I was conducting an investigation, I am just saying I got e-mails from a female who said she was roxy and I believe her.

If she said other things to Shrink or Xp , maybe they have reason to ban her for that, but I am saying I think the gender thing is a red herring

Now if roxy shows up in Vegas looking like Kevin McBride and kicks everyone's ass, I will be the first to apologize for my stupidity :monsters-
You are saying you got e-mail from a female ? That statement by itself sounds weird to me ! Anyone can hide behind their keyboard and say whatever they want to.. especially if they have agendas. The fact that Roxy refuses to even call anyone seems to sway most posters to believe that She is a fraud. If Roxy is a guy, He could still have some nice looking lady friend show up at the Bash and say " Hi, I'm Roxy ! How would We know it wasn't Roxy ? Well, I believe that Roxy has said too many things in all her/his posts that Shrink would quickly pick up a stand in. I believe that is why He won't even call.

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