I've seen your ability and your lack of ability to network with people (winners).
I won more in MLB alone than all your sports combined, loser. - GUARANTEED.
Any trusted third party with the login info could have verified our balances, graded tickets...whatever the fuck they wanted. DUH!
But you just did what you always do - chicken out, obfuscate lie your ass off and cause more drama than a teenage girl...
"Joe posted fake tickets!"
"Joe made some humongous deposit just so he could kick me off the forum!"
What a fucking loser you are, vtard.
You are socially inept. Your only contact with people is here and other websites where you spout bullshit that make people laugh and get scared at the same time.
You are a scammer ....that's what your life is. I would ever make a bet with you that allowed not posting up money. Not only that, a bet you can manipulate.
Its obvious they were not heritage tickets and then you changed it to something else. You are a con man