According to some in here Guru actually made a "square" bet, he bet the number at -130, while the coattailers ALL got better odds than him.
So I am confused, are the coattailers smarter than Guru, or were they playing anti steam? That is if Haas actually wins this game.
It is so funny seeinf the guys that blow the hardest about getting THE BEST line and claiming betting AGAINST line moves is the quickest way to the poor house, the biggest cherleaders in this thread.
Not that I care, as I have no clue about tennis, but it would be thesame as aguy saying I love the Yankess, bet the Yankees, I got them at -150, and by first pitch everyone has bet the Sox, and the Yankees are now -105, what do you do/ Do you bet the Yankees, at better odds than he got, because the guy knows his shit? Or are you scared off by the money and betthe other side, or do you lay off the game. I would venture that not many guys would be betting the Yankess, even with the better odds, because I have read enough posts in here to know most are scared shitless when a line moves against them.