US Austerity: Reached 30 year low in Government workers as % of the Population


New member
Oct 19, 2007
wrong. less regulations, economy booming, more productive businesses, more productive schools and better teachers resulting in better students who in turn will be better adults and create better jobs. It goes on and on and on.

You're just dreaming. In reality, you would get depression, a plutocracy, and turn this country in to a 3rd world country in no time. But since smart people understand that it would destroy the country they will bend only so far. As long as we are 0-2% growth, they will continue bickering. But if we sink back in to a recession, guarantee you the Republican economists will admit that we need to increase spending and hire people.

It's mathematics man. It's not some dream world that you've created in your head.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Your crackpot theories only work on paper in academia (and Karl Marx mommy's basement) where they are safe from real-world scrutiny.

Unfortunately for you the data is really not on your side. Sorry bud! But maybe if you think it hard enough it will make it true!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You're just dreaming. In reality, you would get depression, a plutocracy, and turn this country in to a 3rd world country in no time. But since smart people understand that it would destroy the country they will bend only so far. As long as we are 0-2% growth, they will continue bickering. But if we sink back in to a recession, guarantee you the Republican economists will admit that we need to increase spending and hire people.

It's mathematics man. It's not some dream world that you've created in your head.

logical fallacy

New member
Oct 19, 2007
The thing that is so strange about Republicans is they are willing to hire millions of people to fight wars and blow shit up... but aren't willing to hire millions of people to build our infrastructure and educate our children.

And the funniest thing is they have convinced themselves that military spending is different than any other spending.

Just hilarious and completely defies mathematics.

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
You're just dreaming. In reality, you would get depression, a plutocracy, and turn this country in to a 3rd world country in no time. But since smart people understand that it would destroy the country they will bend only so far. As long as we are 0-2% growth, they will continue bickering. But if we sink back in to a recession, guarantee you the Republican economists will admit that we need to increase spending and hire people.

It's mathematics man. It's not some dream world that you've created in your head.

how much do you want government in your life? They are supposed to help the needy like the elderly and poor etc. Not the clueless and the lazy. Right? Why do kids need a permit to sell lemon-aid nowadays?

How are government run schools doing the last ohhhhh 30 years? Where did the 800 billion stimulus go? You remember all those shovel ready jobs.

How big does the IRS need to be? What about a flat tax for everyone? They have been talking about it forever. You earn X amount, you take off 15% tax and send in a check. You add a tax on goods and services of 3% on everything lets say. This way the hookers of the world and anyone that works under the table will pay 3% on everything from a can of coke to a car. Pay as you go. Simple. Tons of money will be collected to help people who truly need it.

There are dozens more examples. Bottom line, people like you sell your fellow man short. You want to be controlled and regulated up the ying yang.

More government is insane. It has never worked and will never work.
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah man, can't get enough big government... Look what it's done for California!!! Oh wait, California cities are going bankrupt, never mind.

This List of State of California agencies, departments, and commissions is a partial list of the more than 500[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] California state government agencies, departments, and commissions as of 9-12-12.[SUP][1][/SUP]

  1. Access for Infants & Mothers (AIM)
  2. Accountancy, California Board of (CBA)
  3. Acupuncture Board (ACUPUNCTURE)
  4. Administrative Hearings, Office of (OAH)
  5. Administrative Law, Office of (OAL)
  6. African American Museum, California (CAAM)
  7. Aging, California Commission on (CCOA)
  8. Aging, Department of (AGING)
  9. Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB)
  10. AIDS, Office of (OA)
  11. Air Resources Board (ARB, CARB)
  12. Alcohol & Drug Programs, Department of (ADP)
  13. Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board (ABCAB)
  14. Alcoholic Beverage Control, Department of (ABC)
  15. Apprenticeship Council (CAC)
  16. Apprenticeship Standards, Division of (DAS)
  17. Arbitration Certification Program (ACP)
  18. Architect, Division of the State (DSA)
  19. Architects Board, California (CAB)
  20. Archives, California State (Secretary of State) (ARCHIVES)
  21. Arts Council (CAC)
  22. Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus (API)
  23. Assembly Democratic Caucus (ASMDC)
  24. Assembly Republican Caucus
  25. Assembly, California State
  26. Association of Bay Area Governments, Earthquake & Hazards Program, (ABAG)
  27. Athletic Commission, California (CSAC)
  28. Attorney General (Department of Justice) (AG)
  29. Audits, Bureau of State (State Auditor) (BSA)
  30. Automotive Repair, Bureau of (BAR)
  31. Baldwin Hills Conservancy (BHC)
  32. Bank on California
  33. Bar of California, State (CALBAR)
  34. Barbering and Cosmetology, Board of (BBC)
  35. Behavioral Sciences, Board of (BBS)
  36. Binational Border Health, California Office of (COBBH)
  37. Biodiversity Council, California (CBC)
  38. Blind, Office of Services to the (OSB)
  39. Boating & Waterways, California Department of (DBW)
  40. Boating and Waterways Commission, California
  41. Building Standards Commission (BSC)
  42. Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz)
  43. Business, Transportation, & Housing Agency (BTH)
  44. (Go-Biz)
  45. CA.Gov (
  46. Cal EMA (CAL EMA)
  48. Cal-Atlas (Cal-Atlas)
  49. Cal/EPA (CALEPA)
  50. CalCareNet
  51. CALFED Bay-Delta Program (CALFED)
  52. CalFresh (CalFresh)
  54. California Channel (CalChannel)
  57. CalRecycle
  58. CalSTRS
  59. Caltrans (Headquarters) (DOT,CALTRANS)
  60. Caltrans, District 1 (DOT, CALTRANS)
  61. Caltrans, District 10 (DOT,CALTRANS)
  62. Caltrans, District 11 (DOT,CALTRANS)
  63. Caltrans, District 12 (DOT, CALTRANS)
  64. Caltrans, District 2 (DOT,CALTRANS)
  65. Caltrans, District 3 (DOT,CALTRANS)
  66. Caltrans, District 4 (DOT, CALTRANS)
  67. Caltrans, District 5 (DOT, CALTRANS)
  68. Caltrans, District 6 (DOT, CALTRANS)
  69. Caltrans, District 7 (DOT,CALTRANS)
  70. Caltrans, District 8 (DOT,CALTRANS)
  71. Caltrans, District 9 (DOT, CALTRANS)
  72. CalVet (CALVET)
  74. Career Resource Network (CALCRN)
  75. Cemetery & Funeral Bureau (CFB)
  76. Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB)
  77. Child Abuse Prevention, Office of
  78. Child Support Services, Department of (CDCSS)
  79. Chiropractic Examiners, Board of (BCE)
  80. Citizens Compensation Commission, California
  81. Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC)
  82. Climate Change Portal, California
  83. Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy (CVMC)
  84. Coastal Commission, California
  85. Coastal Conservancy, State (SCC)
  86. Colorado River Board of California (CRB)
  87. Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, California (CCCCO)
  88. Community Services & Development, Department of (CSD)
  89. Compensation Insurance Fund, State (SCIF)
  90. Conservation Corps, California (CCC)
  91. Conservation, Department of (DOC)
  92. Consumer Affairs, Department of (DCA)
  93. Consumer Services Agency, State and (SCSA)
  94. Contractors State License Board (CSLB)
  95. Controller's Office, California State (SCO)
  96. Cool California (CoolCal)
  97. Corporations, Department of (CORP)
  98. Correctional Health Care Services (CHCS)
  99. Corrections & Rehabilitation, Department of (CDCR)
  100. Corrections Standards Authority (CSA)
  101. Counties, California State Association of (CSAC)
  102. Court Reporters Board of California
  103. Courts, California
  104. Cyber Safety for Children
  105. Deaf Access, Office of
  106. Delta Conservancy
  107. Delta Protection Commission
  108. Delta Stewardship Council
  109. Dental Board of California (DBC)
  110. Dental Hygiene Committee of California (DHCC)
  111. Denti-Cal (DENTI-CAL)
  112. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
  113. Developmental Disabilities, State Council on (SCDD)
  114. Developmental Services, Department of (DDS)
  115. Disability Insurance, State (EDD)
  116. Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Advisory Council (DVBE)
  117. Earthquake Authority, California
  118. Education, California State Board of
  119. Education, Department of (CDE)
  120. eHealth Initiative, California
  121. Elections (Secretary of State) (SOS)
  122. Electronic & Appliance Repair, Bureau of (BEAR)
  123. Emergency Communications Office (911), California
  124. Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP)
  125. Emergency Management Agency, California (Cal EMA)
  126. Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA)
  127. Employment Development Department (EDD)
  128. Employment of People with Disabilities, California Committee on (CCEPD)
  129. Employment Training Panel (ETP)
  130. Energy Commission, California (ENERGY)
  131. Environment Resources Evaluation System, California (CERES)
  132. Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office of (OEHHA)
  133. Environmental Protection Agency (CALEPA)
  134. Equalization, Board of (BOE)
  135. eServices Office (ESERVICES)
  136. Experience Unlimited (EDD)
  137. Exposition & State Fair, California (CAL EXPO)
  138. Fair Employment & Housing Commission (FEHC)
  139. Fair Employment & Housing, Department of (DFEH)
  140. Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)
  141. Fair, California State (BIG FUN)
  142. Film Commission, California (CFC)
  143. Finance, Department of (DOF)
  144. Financial Institutions, Department of (DFI)
  145. Fire Marshal, Office of the State (OSFM)
  146. Firearms, Bureau of (DOJ)
  147. First 5 California (First 5)
  148. Fish & Game Commission (FGC)
  149. Fish & Game, Department of (DFG)
  150. Fleet & Asset Management, Office of (OFAM)
  151. Flex Alerts
  152. Food & Agriculture, Department of (CDFA)
  153. Forestry & Fire Protection, Board of (BOF)
  154. Forestry & Fire Protection, California Department of (CAL FIRE)
  155. Franchise Tax Board (FTB)
  156. Gambling Control Commission (CGCC)
  157. Gang & Youth Violence Policy, Governor's Office of (OGYVP)
  158. General Services, Department of (DGS)
  159. Geospatial Clearinghouse (CALATLAS)
  160. GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Council, California (CGC)
  161. Governor's Mentoring Partnership (GMP)
  162. Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GoED)
  163. Governor's Office of Planning & Research (OPR)
  164. Governor, Office of the (GO)
  165. Guide Dogs for the Blind, Board of (BGDB)
  166. Habeas Corpus Resource Center (HCRC)
  167. Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS)
  168. Health and Safety & Workers' Compensation, Commission on (CHSWC)
  169. Health Benefit Exchange, California (HBEX)
  170. Health Care Reform, California
  171. Health Care Services, Department of (DHCS)
  172. Health Information Integrity, California Office of (CALOHI)
  173. Health Planning and Development, Office of Statewide (OSHPD)
  174. Healthy Families Program
  175. Hearing Aid Dispensers Bureau
  176. High-Speed Rail Authority (CAHSRA)
  177. Highway Patrol, California (CHP)
  178. Historic Preservation, Office of (OHP)
  179. Historical and Cultural Endowment, California
  180. Historical Resources Commission, State (SHRC)
  181. Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, Bureau of (BEARHFTI)
  182. Homeless Youth Authority, California (HYP)
  183. Horse Racing Board, California (CHRB)
  184. Housing & Community Development, Department of (HCD)
  185. Housing Finance Agency (CALHFA)
  186. Human Resources, Department of (CalHR)
  187. I Can Afford College
  188. Independent Living Council, California State (CALSILC)
  189. Industrial Relations, Department of (DIR)
  190. Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC)
  191. Information Security, Office of (OIS)
  192. Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (I-Bank) (IBANK)
  193. Inspector General, Office of the (OIG)
  194. Insurance, Department of (CDI)
  195. Judicial Council of California
  196. Judicial Performance, Commission on (CJP)
  197. Justice, Department of (Attorney General) (DOJ)
  198. Juvenile Justice, Division of
  199. Juvenile Parole Board (JPB)
  200. Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA)
  201. Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF)
  202. Labor Market Information Division (LMID)
  203. Labor Standards Enforcement, Division of (DLSE)
  204. Labor Statistics and Research, Division of (DLSR)
  205. Lands Commission, California State (SLC)
  206. Landscape Architects Technical Committee (LATC)
  207. Latino Legislative Caucus (LLC)
  208. Law Enforcement Agencies
  209. Law Revision Committee (CLRC)
  210. Learn California
  211. Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO)
  212. Legislative Black Caucus (ASM)
  213. Legislative Environmental Caucus
  214. Legislative Information (LEGINFO)
  215. Legislative Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Caucus (LGBT)
  216. Legislative Outdoor Sporting Caucus
  217. Legislative Rural Caucus
  218. Legislative Women's Caucus
  219. Legislature, California State (LEGISLATURE)
  220. Library, California State (CSL)
  221. Lieutenant Governor, Office of (LTG)
  222. Little Hoover Commission (LHC)
  223. Lottery Commission (Lotto)
  224. Lottery, State (LOTTERY)
  225. Managed Health Care, Department of (DMHC)
  226. Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (MRMIB)
  227. Medi-Cal (MEDI-CAL)
  228. Mediation & Conciliation Service, State (CMCS)
  229. Medical Assistance Commission (CMAC)
  230. Medical Board of California (MBC)
  231. Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC)
  232. Mental Health, Department of (DMH)
  233. Mentally Ill Offenders, Council on (COMIO)
  234. Military Museum, California State (CSMM)
  235. Mine Reclamation, Office of
  236. Mining & Geology Board (SMGB)
  237. Missing & Unidentified Persons Unit (DOJ)
  238. Motor Vehicles, Department of (DMV)
  239. Museum for History, Women and the Arts, California
  240. Museum, the California (Museum)
  241. MyCali Youth Portal (MYCALI)
  242. Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC)
  243. Natural Resources Agency
  244. Naturopathic Medicine Committee
  245. New Motor Vehicle Board (NMVB)
  246. Occupational Safety & Health, California Office of (DOSH)
  247. Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board (DIR, OSHAB)
  248. Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (OSHSB)
  249. Occupational Therapy, California Board of (BOT)
  250. Ocean & Coastal Environmental Access Network, California (Cal OCEAN)
  251. Ocean Protection Council (OPC)
  252. Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR)
  253. Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development (OSHPD)
  254. Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources
  255. Optometry, Board of
  256. Osteopathic Medical Board of California (OMBC)
  257. Paid Family Leave Insurance Program (PFL)
  258. Parks and Recreation Commission
  259. Parks, California State (PARKS)
  260. Parole Hearings, Board of (CDCR, BOPH)
  261. Patient Advocate, Office of the (OPA)
  262. Peace Officer Standards & Training, Commission on (POST)
  263. Personnel Board, State (SPB)
  264. Pesticide Regulation, Department of (CDPR)
  265. Pharmacy, Board of
  266. Physical Fitness and Sports, California Governor's Council on
  267. Physical Therapy Board of California (PTBC)
  268. Physician Assistant Committee (PAC)
  269. Pilot Commissioners, Board of (BOPC)
  270. Podiatric Medicine, Board of (BPM)
  271. Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP)
  272. Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA)
  273. Privacy Protection, Office of (OPP)
  274. Private Postsecondary Education, Bureau for (BPPE)
  275. Procurement Division (PD)
  276. Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, & Geologists, Board for
  277. Professional Fiduciaries Bureau
  278. Psychology, Board of
  279. Public Employees Retirement System, California (CalPERS)
  280. Public Employment Relations Board, California (PERB)
  281. Public Health, California Department of (CDPH)
  282. Public Infrastructure Advisory Commission (PIAC)
  283. Public Safety Communications, Office of (PSCO)
  284. Public School Construction, Office of (OPSC)
  285. Public Utilities Commission, California (CPUC)
  286. Publishing, Office of State (OSP)
  287. Railroad Museum, California State (CSRMF)
  288. Real Estate Appraisers, Office of (OREA)
  289. Real Estate, Department of (DRE)
  290. Regenerative Medicine, California Institute for (CIRM)
  291. Registered Nursing, Board of (RN)
  292. Registrar of Charitable Trusts (AG)
  293. Rehabilitation, Department of (DOR)
  294. Research Bureau, California (CRB)
  295. Respiratory Care Board of California (RCB)
  296. Risk and Insurance Management, Office of (ORIM)
  297. Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy
  298. Safe at Home Program (Secretary of State)
  299. San Diego River Conservancy (SDRC)
  300. San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission (BCDC)
  301. San Gabriel & Lower Los Angeles Rivers & Mountains Conservancy (RMC)
  302. San Joaquin River Conservancy (SJRC)
  303. Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC)
  304. Save Our Water (SOW)
  305. Science Center, California
  306. Secretary of State (SOS)
  307. Security and Investigative Services, Bureau of (BSIS)
  308. Seismic Safety Commission (SSC)
  309. Self Insurance Plans (DIR, SIP)
  310. Senate Majority Caucus
  311. Senate Office of Research (SOR)
  312. Senate Republican Caucus
  313. Senate, California State
  314. Sierra Nevada Conservancy
  315. Small Business & Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Certification Program
  316. Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)
  317. Social Services, Department of (CDSS)
  318. Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board
  319. State Mandates, Commission on (CSM)
  320. Status of Women, Commission on (CCW)
  321. Structural Pest Control Board
  322. Student Aid Commission (CSAC)
  323. Summer School for the Arts, California State (CSSSA)
  324. Superintendent of Public Instruction, State (CDE)
  325. Superior Courts, California (COURTS)
  326. Supreme Court of California (COURTS)
  327. Systems Integration, Office of (OSI)
  328. Tahoe Conservancy, California
  329. Tax Service Center (TAXES)
  330. Teach California
  331. Teacher Credentialing, Commission on (CTC)
  332. Teachers' Retirement System, California (CalSTRS)
  333. Technology, Department of
  334. Technology Services, Office of (OTECH)
  335. Telephone Medical Advice Services Bureau (DCA, TMAS)
  336. Tourism Industry, California (for Industry Professionals)
  337. Toxic Substances Control, Department of (DTSC)
  338. Traffic Safety, Office of (OTS)
  339. Transportation Commission (CATC)
  340. Transportation, Department of (DOT,CALTRANS)
  341. Travel and Tourism Commission, California (VisitCalifornia)
  342. Treasurer's Office, State (STO)
  343. Trustees, Board of (California State University)
  344. Unclaimed Property (SCO)
  345. Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB)
  346. Unemployment Insurance Program (EDD, UI)
  347. Uniform Custom Cost Accounting Commission (SCO)
  348. University of California
  349. University, California State (CALSTATE, CSU)
  350. Veterans Affairs, Department of (CalVet)
  351. Veterans Board, The California
  352. Veterinary Medical Board, California (VMB)
  353. Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board (VCGCB)
  354. Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians, Board of (BVNPT)
  355. Volunteers, California
  356. Voter Registration - Secretary of State (SOS)
  357. Water Quality Monitoring Council, California (Monitoring Council)
  358. Water Resources Control Board (WRCB)
  359. Water Resources, Department of (DWR)
  360. Welcome Centers, California (CWC)
  361. Welfare to Work Division (CDSS)
  362. West Nile Virus
  363. Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB)
  364. Women's Health, Office of (OWH)
  365. Women, Infants, & Children Program (WIC)
  366. Worker's Compensation Appeals Board (DIR, WCAB)
  367. Worker's Occupational Safety & Health Training & Education Program (WOSHTEP)
  368. Workers' Compensation, Division of (DIR, DWC)
  369. Workforce Investment Board, California (CWIB)

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
AK, people who understand are Bees. People who don't are Wasps ......

New member
Oct 19, 2007
how much do you want government in your life?
It's not how much government I want in my life... it's how much government I want to make the economy more efficient. A good economy makes me have more chances of making money. So even if I'm not getting paid by the government, their actions do affect a lot of people indirectly. And I believe that is the best thing for the country. Do I like tons of degenerates who have no skills that are lazy getting paid food stamps or welfare when they can work? Personally, absolutely not, but economically, yes... it provides for a more productive economy than having them starve or be slave laborers.

They are supposed to help the needy like the elderly and poor etc. Not the clueless and the lazy. Right?
My economics beliefs are not about my opinions on who they should help out. It's about economic efficiency. And mathematically, supported by data and empirical evidence, the economy works best when more people are participating. And by participating I mean those poor lazy fucks are purchasing goods and services and providing income and profit to real workers like ourselves.

Why do kids need a permit to sell lemon-aid nowadays?
Have never heard of that and not sure how that applies to the convo.

How are government run schools doing the last ohhhhh 30 years?
On average not good. But doesn't mean taking government schools away we would become smarter, lol. We have a lot of dumb people in this country. There is no denying that. But government run schools have done perfectly fine for millions of students.

Where did the 800 billion stimulus go? You remember all those shovel ready jobs.
Only a 1/3rd of the stimulus went to shovel ready jobs. And the money is still in the economy. Doesn't disappear. And majority of ivy league economists agree that the stimulus worked to make unemployment lower. We are talking about a $3 trillion hole being fixed with $300 billion for jobs? Not really mathematically efficient.

How big does the IRS need to be? What about a flat tax for everyone? They have been talking about it forever. You earn X amount, you take off 15% tax and send in a check. You add a tax on goods and services of 3% on everything lets say. This way the hookers of the world and anyone that works under the table will pay 3% on everything from a can of coke to a car. Pay as you go. Simple.
Will never happen. And a solution that would not fix anything. The tax code is not our problem. Taxes are no different then an expense. The only difference is it's an expense that you do not like. You can make the tax rate 0% and we would run in to the same mathematical problems of how to make the economy grow sustainably.

There are dozens more examples. Bottom line, people like you sell your fellow man short. You want to be controlled and regulated up the ying yang. More government is insane.
We do not at all. Our theories are based on an effective and productive economy which helps the majority of people out. You might not rely on the government for money directly, but we are all indirectly effected by government spending. Money doesn't just disappear. Mathematically, the private sectors savings is the governments debt. The less government debt you have, the less savings the private sector has. It's not as easy as you think. There are some very complex factors that you are not acknowledging in your theory.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Do I like tons of degenerates who have no skills that are lazy getting paid food stamps or welfare when they can work? Personally, absolutely not, but economically, yes... it provides for a more productive economy than having them starve or be slave laborers.

"Unemployment checks fastest way to create jobs" - Nancy Pelosi


New member
Oct 19, 2007
You're hopeless.

Demand creates jobs, not supply. I mean in an ideal economy you don't want to be dependent on unemployment checks, but when you suffer a significant economic loss, they do help create jobs.

Which is why they do it and people who are against it post on conservative blogs.

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
It's not how much government I want in my life... it's how much government I want to make the economy more efficient. A good economy makes me have more chances of making money. So even if I'm not getting paid by the government, their actions do affect a lot of people indirectly. And I believe that is the best thing for the country. Do I like tons of degenerates who have no skills that are lazy getting paid food stamps or welfare when they can work? Personally, absolutely not, but economically, yes... it provides for a more productive economy than having them starve or be slave laborers.

My economics beliefs are not about my opinions on who they should help out. It's about economic efficiency. And mathematically, supported by data and empirical evidence, the economy works best when more people are participating. And by participating I mean those poor lazy fucks are purchasing goods and services and providing income and profit to real workers like ourselves.

Have never heard of that and not sure how that applies to the convo.

On average not good. But doesn't mean taking government schools away we would become smarter, lol. We have a lot of dumb people in this country. There is no denying that. But government run schools have done perfectly fine for millions of students.

Only a 1/3rd of the stimulus went to shovel ready jobs. And the money is still in the economy. Doesn't disappear. And majority of ivy league economists agree that the stimulus worked to make unemployment lower. We are talking about a $3 trillion hole being fixed with $300 billion for jobs? Not really mathematically efficient.

Will never happen. And a solution that would not fix anything. The tax code is not our problem. Taxes are no different then an expense. The only difference is it's an expense that you do not like. You can make the tax rate 0% and we would run in to the same mathematical problems of how to make the economy grow sustainably.

We do not at all. Our theories are based on an effective and productive economy which helps the majority of people out. You might not rely on the government for money directly, but we are all indirectly effected by government spending. Money doesn't just disappear. Mathematically, the private sectors savings is the governments debt. The less government debt you have, the less savings the private sector has. It's not as easy as you think. There are some very complex factors that you are not acknowledging in your theory.

maybe it is easy. easier than you guys think. why complicate shit so much? Its the government's job to grow the economy. Its their duty and the people's employee to create a place when people can do business.

Teachers in government unions are almost impossible to fired but are allowed to "teach". Private schools are blowing them away. Look it up.

Kids need permits now to sell lemon aid. Look it up. I mean WTF??? Ya why the hell would government care? Government is a disease.

The stimulus was a waste of everyone's money. It did nothing except pay off bankers and political favors for Obama like solyndra and many more. What joke. They should go to jail for that money they stole from the people.

AK, when you grow up were you always told what you can do? I mean when you weren't a boy anymore.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
amazing. I ain't going to call you dumb but I am struggling to come up with another word that fits.

I would not take offense if you called me dumb. Your belief system is backed by no math, no data, no empirical research... you literally just believe what you want to believe. So I would be afraid if you didn't think I was dumb, because I would never want to be associated with people who think like you and Sheriff Joe.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Demand creates jobs, not supply. I mean in an ideal economy you don't want to be dependent on unemployment checks, but when you suffer a significant economic loss, they do help create jobs.

Which is why they do it and people who are against it post on conservative blogs.


In the real world, production must precede consumption. It is necessary to produce useful goods that can be exchanged for other goods. Sprinkling your Keynesian fairy dust all over the economy and expecting an increase in productivity is laughable.

When a baker produces bread, he doesn't produce everything for his own consumption. Most of the bread he produces is exchanged for other products, meaning he uses his 'excess' bread to exercise his own demand for other goods. In other words, his own demand is fully covered by the bread he produces.

Demand is not an independent 'thing' is merely part of the economic process of securing other goods and services.

Human productivity, ingenuity and entrepreneurship creates wealth...not your stupid half-baked left wing theories.

If you understood economics (starting with barter) you'd understand all this.

But because you're a slave to unproven academics who don't know any better, AND because you collect a paycheck rather than assume any real risk in your daily life, ie. running a business, meeting payroll etc., you continue to believe in this Big Government Keynesian nonsense.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
maybe it is easy. easier than you guys think. why complicate shit so much? Its the government's job to grow the economy. Its their duty and the people's employee to create a place when people can do business.
Because it is complicated. You guys aren't very intelligent in regards to economics which makes you think it is so easy. Even though your solutions would destroy the country you still believe they would work, lol. That's why no developed country in the entire world uses your theories.

Teachers in government unions are almost impossible to fired but are allowed to "teach". Private schools are blowing them away. Look it up.
Govt is not there to compete with private schools, it's to give public education to ensure every child has access to education. Of course private schools are better than public schools. There is no logical reason why they wouldn't be.

Kids need permits now to sell lemon aid. Look it up. I mean WTF??? Ya why the hell would government care? Government is a disease.
Something I really do not care about

The stimulus was a waste of everyone's money. It did nothing except pay off bankers and political favors for Obama like solyndra and many more. What joke. They should go to jail for that money they stole from the people.
If I had a choice to select ivy league economists opinions or yours, I would go with the ivy leaguers. No offense.

AK, when you grow up were you always told what you can do? I mean when you weren't a boy anymore.
I'm not asking the government to tell me what to do. I'm asking the government to make actions that make our economy more efficient.

Your goal is not economic efficiency. It's purely a philosophical goal. Which is why no one takes it seriously in the developed world.

New member
Oct 19, 2007

In the real world, production must precede consumption. It is necessary to produce useful goods that can be exchanged for other goods. Sprinkling your Keynesian fairy dust all over the economy and expecting an increase in productivity is laughable.
Lol, so companies just randomly produce quantities of goods and services and has nothing to do with demand for those goods and services? Sounds very logical. You should go build

When a baker produces bread, he doesn't produce everything for his own consumption. Most of the bread he produces is exchanged for other products, meaning he uses his 'excess' bread to exercise his own demand for other goods. In other words, his own demand is fully covered by the bread he produces.
How much bread should the baker produce?

Demand is not an independent 'thing' is merely part of the economic process of securing other goods and services.
Yes, it is apart of the economic process.

Human productivity, ingenuity and entrepreneurship creates wealth...not your stupid half-baked left wing theories.

If you understood economics (starting with barter) you'd understand all this.
My theories enhance human productivity, ingenuity, and entrepreneurship. Which is why every developed country uses them.

But because you're a slave to unproven academics who don't know any better, AND because you collect a paycheck rather than assume any real risk in your daily life, ie. running a business, meeting payroll etc., you continue to believe in this Big Government Keynesian nonsense.

Lol, so owning a business is the only meaningful role in America? Got it.

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