"The government shouldn't be a run like a business" - fratfraud
In other words, governments shouldn't have to abide by the laws of economics whatsoever. So it's the job of these hippy, pony-tailed new-age Keynesians to come up with stupid unworkable gimmicks which allow the political class to keep spending recklessly while escaping the grim financial repercussions as long as humanly possible. As Keynes said, "in the long run, we're all dead"
That's modern liberalism for ya, folks. This why people keep voting Democrat - Big Government is free! If people actually had to pay for all these insane political promises, EVERYONE WOULD BE A CONSERVATIVE.
"I listen to really, REALLY smart people in the educated world!" - fratfraud :missingte
You have no understanding of economics whatsoever. It's really embarrassing.