He goes 11-0 in top plays and says it was a great day. Last week he went 0-11 top plays and had an ok day. Funny how top plays are graded differently depending if you win or lose them
You've ben here since 2010 and are joining up with all these aliases who were all banned - some, permanently. (Im not even addressing the others. They mean nothing)
Doc has aliases, Patriot is either Big Lou-Ser Returns or Bout My Money or just another alias of one of the others posting.
The only people who complain here are those who are spending hours on a day bashing. They should spend the time capping or learn hoe to cap sports.
I dont see any of the bashers posting better records. Especially Doc - who posted 3 plays in 5 years.
You Boys are sick with Hate and dont even bet! If you do bet, no one see's your plays...
The guys who tail Pirate arent the complainers. They obviously play the games they like and they must understand that his Top plays are his better plays to bet.
When he's saying they are rated in order ofd strength -thats what they are!
You decide what the value if them are with your own Bankrool and what you want ratio risk.
He has said many times he makes alternate bet sizes based on what he feels are the best ones . Staring with the FIRST play at the top. He never said his Top plays are all the same in bet sizes.
The remaining comments here from all - are just a sickness of lacking their own ability to cap games.
Its the same guys who point out lies off losses - and then vanish when someone posts a full season of a great winning record.
This isnt a teenage forum - this is a forum that focuses on capping games and sharing stats or data that helps other decide what they want to play.
The main issue here is when Doc CLAIMED a 22-8 day with 50 units won!!
Why didnt YOU bring that top? How many times in14 years here have you said you won and not posted the plays?
Next time you post try that and see how it gets received.
His major downfall was claiming he made the plays some where else which was fraud! He had the chance to provide links and NOT! He couldn't produce them. Just like his frau=d claim that he won 300 units in three spostrt the last 3 years. Where are the posts!!!???
He made bragging remarks like people here CALLED him for the plays! LOL
Talk about a wanna be?
Its Just another drastic way to get recognition - when the guy has NEVER won shit or posted plays. All he does is bash others.
All the bashers need - is to put up plays with records rorrknock it off. You all talk the talk but have NEVER Walked the Walk!
Big Lou-Ser Returns was adamant of an NFL contest - but he couldnt produce plays and he was also banned for lying shit and troolling.
All you guys have shit to say and want forum attention. Why dont all of you post plays and we'll see who ends up on top?
My bet is - that wont happen.
Lastly- The only people here who checked "Likes" on these bashing threads are the ones doing the bashing.
In hundreds of reads by others - its just the same group of non-producers.
That tells it all.