Updated season record for the biggest fraud

Jan 11, 2008
Yesterday posted a total after the game was 2-0 in the first. Also fudged a total a full run with no juice for a "winner"
Cheddar shoot me a private message so I can respond back to you.
You know me and I don't know how to send when unless it is a response !! LOL

New member
Sep 20, 2023
All of the above is SOLID info provided by posters who deserve the gratitude of bettors who don't handicap their own games and look for someone to tail. Guys like the posters above perform a valuable service to sports forums, and save people money by exposing frauds.

The scumbag that they're warning sports bettors about is just one of many on the internet, but he's not the biggest loser, the worst cheater, the most pathological liar or the phoniest fraud.
That distinction goes to the guy who has never posted an honest line in his life.
The guy who cheats on his record on a daily basis.
The guy who "cancels" bets after his team is losing.
The guy who gets called out year after year then runs to the mods and whines about posters who have the nerve to point out his cheating, demanding that they be banned.

He's a malignant tumor.
He needs to be eXposEd aNd exOrcised from the forum.
He's gotten away with his BS for too many years now.
It's time for him to walk the plank, just like his buddy PirateAlo(ser.)
Jul 13, 2024
He had Oakland game over 8.5 -120. Now way that was available since the normal line was 9.5 -105.
It’s the same old dog and pony show. He is getting the ever living shit kick out of him with his picks and in the forums, just absolutely destroyed. No support not a single person(besides GMan) is sticking up for him.
He says we don’t post winning picks over here BUT I myself in fact have a WINNING pick thread as do MANY others here?
Also how is the guy on a “family” trip with no time to post sports info but had time to yell at nobody in his threads responding to “trolls” at a completely different site?
what a fuckin loser!

Jan 24, 2021
Those adorned with a star are TOP Plays. Top plays are listed in order of strength.

16 - 15 day and 8-7 top plays loss #1 and 2 many many time stupid pirates say that he play #1 10 time more that #2 how can you be so stupid and retarded 😑 to come and say a ok day went you loss big time according to whats you been say many time.............are you really this dumb 😢 and retarded ..but those who fallout are brain 🧠 dead or something .. means that he's only way to loss is if he going...(2-18) or so..

he really got a little man complexed

Dec 18, 2017
AS Noted Now.
For all you trolls, aliases and your punk-ass comments behind a computer screen - you may want to be be careful of who you side up with.

Your boy basher DocHolliday - "Kind Of Fraud"- is now Banned for a seriously dangerous post.

If he has aliases here he will further jeopardize his situation now at hand, by continuing to post in regards to others.

Mar 19, 2008
AS Noted Now.
For all you trolls, aliases and your punk-ass comments behind a computer screen - you may want to be be careful of who you side up with.

Your boy basher DocHolliday - "Kind Of Fraud"- is now Banned for a seriously dangerous post.
If he has aliases here he will further jeopardize his situation now at hand, by continuing to post in regards to others.
Can anyone get banned for posting a thread with accurate records and then starting over on every new forum they are on or rejoin? Asking for a friend. Did you mention to Pirate about not posting units yet or no balls?

Mar 19, 2008
Speaking of no balls, I thought you packed up your bat and balls and went home? Or is there no other home now? Sucks getting banned like your BroPirate
Jul 13, 2024
AS Noted Now.
For all you trolls, aliases and your punk-ass comments behind a computer screen - you may want to be be careful of who you side up with.

Your boy basher DocHolliday - "Kind Of Fraud"- is now Banned for a seriously dangerous post.
If he has aliases here he will further jeopardize his situation now at hand, by continuing to post in regards to others.
Calm down Sally.
Jul 13, 2024
AS Noted Now.
For all you trolls, aliases and your punk-ass comments behind a computer screen - you may want to be be careful of who you side up with.

Your boy basher DocHolliday - "Kind Of Fraud"- is now Banned for a seriously dangerous post.
If he has aliases here he will further jeopardize his situation now at hand, by continuing to post in regards to others.
Are you going to address the numerous questions about yourself and pirate also or just skip over all that?

Dec 18, 2017
Can anyone get banned for posting a thread with accurate records and then starting over on every new forum they are on or rejoin? Asking for a friend. Did you mention to Pirate about not posting units yet or no balls?
Look. You stalked Pirate yourself at the Capping sites...
His W-L record is not in question as Ive said many times.

He NEVER posted any amount of money he was up in his daily threads.
His won-loss record is always what he posted. Not units and no units are claimed every day.
Doc is the one who claimed units with a non-posted imaginary fake bets post - claiming a 22-8 Sunday with over 50 units won..Not Pirate..

Then Doc got in over his head with lies and no links anywhere to validate posted wins he claimed.
Then he went deeper into fraud mode and said he has the links and made excuses that he couldnt post the link here as it was on another site. LOL. He was given the no-risk chance to PM it to me here and I would post it at BMR and show his plays.

He refused because the link and plays NEVER existed. Y ou know it and everyone else knows it. ...Other wise - one of you troll buddies would have showed the plays in you own posts here... But it didnt happen because there aren't any! He won NOTHING!

I posted hsi fraud in his MLB play threads because he kept insisting he did post the plays and the whole membeshipr forum wasn't able to find them.

What you moronic stalkers do, is gratify yourselves when someone loses.
There are 5k viewers here and its always - You, The three stooges and L2 and a few others.
The other 4,990 dont do that and hundreds of his folders all asked where he went. No one here or any other site is doing this to interact with a small amount of trolls. who are as immature as 3 year olds.

Get your shit right. talk all you want about his won-loss games. But try being accurate to what HE posts - not what you guys think are your lines and ML's.

Any bettor knows what their games are and if their lines dont match his, then fade the play or use it.
You ass-wipes are also nit-picking about prices. So foolish.
How many sites do you bet on with early lines before game day? He does it often when available.

Bashing his personal life is out of bounds. Its his -Not yours.

Everyone of you guys here rarely post plays in all sports. he does.

If you are all so good and better than him go ahead and post YOUR plays and get rich.
Ive been on forums for 18 years and I have never bashed another players games unless he was bashing mine.
Big Lou-ser Returns did this for years here with members who left. He was bashing MistaFlavas' thread while Flava went a full season winning 74% inNFL with 10K viewers every week.
Big Lou-ser would chime in and disrupt the threads , many of you do this a lot.

Funny thing is - its always the guys who consistently bash, who start and instigate threads.
BUT they dont post plays or win overall in a season.

Bets thing to do is play your own games and you'll be happy...IF YOU WIN!
Jul 13, 2024
Look. You stalked Pirate yourself at the Capping sites...
His W-L record is not in question as Ive said many times.

He NEVER posted any amount of money he was up in his daily threads.
His won-loss record is always what he posted. Not units and no units are claimed every day.
Doc is the one who claimed units with a non-posted imaginary fake bets post - claiming a 22-8 Sunday with over 50 units won..Not Pirate..

Then Doc got in over his head with lies and no links anywhere to validate posted wins he claimed.
Then he went deeper into fraud mode and said he has the links and made excuses that he couldnt post the link here as it was on another site. LOL. He was given the no-risk chance to PM it to me here and I would post it at BMR and show his plays.

He refused because the link and plays NEVER existed. Y ou know it and everyone else knows it. ...Other wise - one of you troll buddies would have showed the plays in you own posts here... But it didnt happen because there aren't any! He won NOTHING!

I posted hsi fraud in his MLB play threads because he kept insisting he did post the plays and the whole membeshipr forum wasn't able to find them.

What you moronic stalkers do, is gratify yourselves when someone loses.
There are 5k viewers here and its always - You, The three stooges and L2 and a few others.
The other 4,990 dont do that and hundreds of his folders all asked where he went. No one here or any other site is doing this to interact with a small amount of trolls. who are as immature as 3 year olds.

Get your shit right. talk all you want about his won-loss games. But try being accurate to what HE posts - not what you guys think are your lines and ML's.

Any bettor knows what their games are and if their lines dont match his, then fade the play or use it.
You ass-wipes are also nit-picking about prices. So foolish.
How many sites do you bet on with early lines before game day? He does it often when available.

Bashing his personal life is out of bounds. Its his -Not yours.

Everyone of you guys here rarely post plays in all sports. he does.

If you are all so good and better than him go ahead and post YOUR plays and get rich.
Ive been on forums for 18 years and I have never bashed another players games unless he was bashing mine.
Big Lou-ser Returns did this for years here with members who left. He was bashing MistaFlavas' thread while Flava went a full season winning 74% inNFL with 10K viewers every week.
Big Lou-ser would chime in and disrupt the threads , many of you do this a lot.

Funny thing is - its always the guys who consistently bash, who start and instigate threads.
BUT they dont post plays or win overall in a season.

Bets thing to do is play your own games and you'll be happy...IF YOU WIN!
I just reported this post because I truly believe you are a threat to this forum, yourself, and possibly others. You have some sort of disconnection with reality that’s disturbing. Not really sure what a person like you is capable of but will be reporting every rambling post you make such as this. For everyone’s safety involved.
Mar 1, 2010
He goes 11-0 in top plays and says it was a great day. Last week he went 0-11 top plays and had an ok day. Funny how top plays are graded differently depending if you win or lose them

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