you have 3,080 posts. Not one of them has you supporting/defending center-right views. You can stop pretending now.
Look, fratfraud just doesn't understand economics.
He's a radical ideologue like Obama, "spread the wealth around" - as if giving other people's money to stupid and poor people like him will create prosperity. lol
I already spelled it out on the first page:
If the government gives me money to go buy toys, diapers, stuff etc., where does the government get the money from?
1) Taxes (loss of productivity)
2) Borrowing (against future productivity)
3) Printing (inflation - borrowing against future productivity)
None of these create a cent wealth.
There is no such thing as a "creating wealth out of thin air"...there is no such thing as a free lunch.
As MANY people have noted on numerous occasions, you are a troll and beyond hope because you're a Keynesian and Keynesians are DROWNING in fallacies!
It's true, Mister Educated simply doesn't understand economics.