Ron Paul has said many quotes through the decades. A broken clock. That's how you guys work, lol.
You're just making stuff up. You literally have no clue what you are talking about, lol. Just an anti-government loon.
Like the Kenyan, you pride yourself on living in complete denial.
Keynesians expanded the money supply 1920s (something you are actually proud of lol) which destabilized the markets ...and the economy crashed.
Keynesians believe in something in for nothing and that's why they are wrong each and every time - that's your history lesson for today folks!
You focus on the few years of recession/depression and ignore the decades and decades of economic growth. There can be 9 years of growth and 1 year of recession and you will claim everything is a failure. It's funny how you guys work. The data is not on your side.
100 Years Later, The Federal Reserve Has Failed at Everything It's Tried
- Bank failures at a alarming rate
- USD losing 98% of it's purchasing power
- failure to lesson the jarring ups and downs of the business cycle
- record debt - US credit downgrade
- long periods of stagflation
On and on...
You're focusing on some useless information. The fact is our standard of living and real productivity has increased. All these ridiculous credit downgrades, periods of stagflation, and the rest of this mumbo jumbo is just political talking points to try to convince retards that the government is bad. Like I've said from the beginning, the data is overwhelmingly against you.
Credit downgrades and shitty unemployment and massive unsustainable debt, is..."useless information"
"The data that is overwhelmingly against you"'re a radical who just makes shit up!
The Correlation between the Gold Standard and Stupendous Growth is Clear
"Between 1870 and 1912, a period of forty-two years, industrial production in the United States rose by 682%"
And then along came the Fed and this new dark era of 'progressivism'... :neenee:
We've actually done better since the Fed came and this "dark era" of yours, lol.
No, we haven't, lol.
You're just demagoguing and desperately pulling useless data out of your ass, lol.
Are families working longer or shorter hours than they were 60 years ago?
Can families afford to have more or less children?
Remember, 60 years ago the avg family only needed a single income to survive. Today they need double incomes, PLUS massive personal debt, PLUS government benefits just to survive and maintain the same standard of living...because your insane phony money system PUNISHES savers and destroys purchasing power.
Even credit agencies think you're completely nuts...though I do acknowledge your Keynesian cult is strong!
Real GDP per capita is useless data? Lmao!!! Anyone with a single income can live how a family lived 60 years ago. It's expensive to live the 21st century lifestyle.
Why is it so expensive? lol
Oops - wait for it - it just is! lol
No real wealth creation (appreciable assets) and massive consumed unsustainable government AND personal debt - this is the legacy of your phony Keynesian system!
Lol it's expensive because there is more shit people want. If you want to live a lifestyle like they did 60 years ago it is very inexpensive. We produced over $17 trillion worth of goods and services last year. Plenty of wealth out there that people own, lol.