When conservatives examine spending records that's what they use. When normal people examine Government expenditures they simply use increases and decreases to Government expenditures. Basic math says during a recession Spending to GDP will go up. You can either reduce spending to try to drive spending down and spending to GDP up or you can increase spending (what Reagan did) to drive GDP up which can also result in lowering the spending to GDP.
It's really basic math that you are not understanding, lol.
Is this guy serious? Lmao!!
Let me ask you a question...
Year 1:
Spending 100
GDP 1000
Spending to GDP 10%
Year 2:
Spending 90
GDP 800
Spending to GDP 11.25%
Get out your Conservative Calculator. Did Govt spending go up or down? Lol
The only other years since 1946 in which federal spending exceeded 23 percent of GDP came in 1982 and 1983, with 23.1 percent and 23.5 percent, respectively. That was during and immediately after the 1981-82 recession -
Do you want to guess why that is?
Prove me wrong.
As you can see, generally speaking, the problem really isn't what one president does to the next (well, except for the Kenyan who's spending is out of control). The problem is the massive welfare state imposed on Americans when Democrats enjoyed large majorities, and the interest on that monster which will haunt the country for generations to come. Ultimately, it will be the economy's undoing.
Those are the no-spin facts.
The rest is political bullshit...especially the garbage you're spewing.
Just a basic understanding of GDP is all you need to know you are wrong, lol.
Nope. I'm not. You are.
And I can sum up your own thread that you are getting crushed in with one sentence:
"All too often when liberals cite statistics, they forget the statisticians' warning that correlation is not causation."
You're a hardline Big Government spenda-holic Keynesian, so you believe there is some fictitious correlation between spending and GDP.
You're just wrong.
Nothing you have posted proves otherwise.
End of story.