Rx Farm Historian presents, with a Valid Ask via PM that I am going to Address Here, before and in front of the public, bcuz I have nothing to hide: "How tf did you manage to Collapse & Lose Outright That Rx College Bowl Game Contest? If You have figured out Value of "Connection", giving it all up crushing Ego effacement?"
Great Fucking Question. I know I was up 2 games with only 4 games to go...leading by TWO and just FOUR GAMES left to be played and I remember there was 42 fucking bowl games and I had 'Capped 38 of them like really really GOOD so I recall thinking:
Bcuz I had come out, within those 38 games Siding with, like, 27 Dogs or maybe more.....that I wasn't gonna even be in it, I could barely keep my eyes open
I relented, saying to myself I would 'Cap those last 4 Games...
that Final Bowl Game Day......
End of College Football.
The Last Day. 4 Games.
I never 'Capped those games.Got Distracted by "Life" plus....like I said....never ever did I Imagine I would be In It. For $2670 or whatever.
Actual Answer is though:
To answer that question from the Longtime & sharp as a razr Member.....of RX Farm:
"The Guy who won that deserved it more than I did."
Which is the whole point of this Post: "Connection" with what your people have had connection with Forever:
Your Grandfather, his Grandad, his Grandad all the way back to "82112 B.C". as long as we've Hoped.....
...that some thing would come "easy", it hardly ever did and Faith, "Connecting" with Pure Love, what You came from
doesn't automatically equal you just Win, from that Moment that you Connect with what those who gave birth to You Here, have Believed.
And Trusted more than you will ever be able to Know.......
What was it like for that girl, in such pain with Baby.....to have summoned the strength to try again, after that child was Stillborn?
What does it mean that the Daughter she then gave birth to was your Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandmother
the one and only path to you being Born?
What does it mean that a Bear tried to Attack Her, when she was 9
but she was fast as fuck and knew the forest better than that fucking Bear?
If Only You Knew
You came like that Camel thru an eye of the Needle to get here. For you to even be alive today:
If Only You Knew.
The "turn on a dime" Chance that Preceded
Your Birth.
"never ever about Man's Religions" with ML Dog.
This is about You Conquering. What You were meant to do but "The World life women blah" may be knocked you Off Course from...
Devoid of Ego.
Imagine That.
The FUCK is that SHIT anyways? "Ego"
what the fuck? Sincerely?!!? You are Here and make your FOCUS on a Shell that will slough off like a Moth die decay pass away be
Have You "Dreamed" where you've Flown Across The Sky?
Like: HIGH
Weightless Really Fuckin HIGH and looked down upon a World Below?
sailing Above.....
If So, if you've "Dreamed" and Flown, Free Above like a Bird
and felt True Beauty, what it is to be free'd of "this weight"
then you should know: Not Yet an Instant Improvement to your Winning Percentage, just because you have managed to comprehend how Defeat of The ID
could maybe turn out to be Beneficial......
Eventually, +EV or Minus at Sports Betting some of you will see that The Ego of Men
"who" guys thought they were here, has caused 73% of the suffering on this planet.
In My Dying Days.........
perhaps not what you would have expected.....
but this guy is "famous", cuz he was a drummer in a Band. His first solo album.....if you can find
if you have
within you
a desire to adventure
and get Free of this Place
"this mortal coil"
READ the Lyrics the WORDS this guy wrote then find the First Solo Albums of his Bandmates
in that "famous" band
Path been Carved Here. Pomegranates have tiny seeds in them to illustrate Glory, that those were good for Blood Flow, Humongous Hard PIT in the middle of an Avocado to show you Pregnant Females should eat that. Exalt. Eye of a fucking Carrot? Cut a Carrot open, sit it a place where you can Stare Down that Fucking Carrot.
any fucking Carrot.
You'll never ever Be Strong Enough to Win a Stare Down with a Carrot.
No one is demanding you do that though. Just if you feel like traveling into that Centre of the picture up there, hurtling thru Space of The Human Mind with No Direction landing somewhere AMAZING like you are in a Douglass Adams book...
Do This:
Listen to each of these guy's Initial Solo Albums.
Just listen to them, totally don't even try to learn words of these albums.
Just Listen. What do you Hear?
Soul, I said: Equipped You Came with Path.
Your Angels Speak to You. Hear....there will be
Oh Fuck Look At This: Flowery Language yet ya'll just wind up in the same place.
Ya Wanna Expand Your Mind?
Morrison said:
"lets start a new religion."
ALL of the Artists that were in that Famous Band, with this amazing Artist:
1. Find Complete Albums that Play Through all 54 minutes or whatever
2. Listen to each one of those, Individually then locate the Full Lyrics to that Album
3. Read what The Artist wrote, what He felt most important to Impart....on his very first Solo (Alone, By Himself) effort
4. Listen Again.....to that Album. Without reading along....the Words
5. But You Know them, cuz if you did Step 3......you "know them" but you Advance along this path via "knowing" The Artist's words, to some degree but more at this Step 5: Appreciating how exactly The Artist expresses what (s)he felt most "sacred".......their Best
that they had when they were Young.
When they were ablaze with Vision. Hope......whatever....some of these guys might have been Crashing & Burning cuz like again: Morrison Described: "A Burning Blazing Star
Shooting across the sky."
Now: Path: Remember Grasshopper:
Solo Albums of ALL who came from whatever band it was this guy came from: Read The Lyrics. Really Read Them.
If "You" want Sincerely to Advance
Two Bands, Fucking Enmeshment.
Step 6: Indeed to Listen Again to The Artist, their Solo (First Album) Effort......
while reading along with the words. They Wrote.
Do this out of Order and you've Voluntarily tossed your dumb log Body off of The Ship.
Do This, for both bands members First Solo Albums.....
really make an effort to Grasp what they wrote
then groove, along with them: Marriage. Words and Music.
Take this Journey.......
its one way I made that Eye of that Needle bigger lol
as big, this path.....as me presenting an option to that squeezing thru an "Eye of a Needle" shit Disaster
alternative for Your Soul to BOUNCE within a Bouncy House, straight up.
kind of long