UK Supreme Court to hear Phil Ivey's Baccarat Case


Sep 21, 2004
Yeah he didn't bring them in his pocket he told them what cards to go get knowing they were bad cards

so yeah Phil introduced the bad cards into the game

why would he do that

Oct 31, 2004
Problem is once the casino agreed to all his request the casino is then liable for the outcome of the games.
The mistake was the casino agreeing to his demands to begin with.
Once they did everything Ivey asked willingly the casino losses ability to cry wolf after.

Any other scenario is a free roll for the casino.
If PI wins they cry wolf, if PI loses they keep the money.

The mistake is the casino agreeing with his demands.
Nobody forced the casino to do any of this.

So cheating or not makes no difference once they agreed to PIs request
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah he didn't bring them in his pocket he told them what cards to go get knowing they were bad cards

so yeah Phil introduced the bad cards into the game

why would he do that

Casinos have made billions off of people, who do you think built Las Vegas? Who do you think pays the bills in Las Vegas? All the joe schmucks who
go into casinos and play the games, with the built-in casino house edge.

Phil managed to find an edge, and he exploited it, I say kudos to Phil, and pay Phil his money.

Sep 21, 2004
to me the amazing thing is this. ivey makes some very unusual and specific requests,
all of which are legal (at least in new jersey) and ethical. the casino agrees.
now when phil starts arranging the cards (through his associate instructing
the dealer in mandarin); his bets start increasing and varying.

couple of observations at this point. if ivey requested a mandarin speaking
dealer why wasn't a floor person/supervisor who also spoke the language
monitoring those conversations. if they were whispering, then the dealer
should of been instructed to repeat the conversation to the suits and
any more whispering which would create a private conversation not
allowed or the session terminated.

next, once ivey started edge sorting the cards; didn't any one including
surveilance notice that the cards he rearranged were the important
8 or 9?

finally didn't any one notice that when his bets were increased
he consistently (prob not every time but quite beyond expectations)
was dealt (or one of his two cards) was the important 8 or 9?

there are two reasons why this coup succeeded, none of which
was even close to ivey cheating. first the casinos were greedy.
they saw a potential whale ( a smart one though) and knew
he couldn't beat the game. TOTAL GREED BLINDED THEM!!
second, total incompetence. this game would of been under
great scrutiny. how can all of these high paid suits and eye in
sky operators (who record everything and can play it all back
in slow motion) possibly be so unaware and brain dead that
they let this not onlyoccur, but continue for multiple sessions
right under their noses. how could they not interrogate the
dealers once their shift was over to discern the facts or at
least find out what the conversations were between the
player and dealer? how could this happen? GREED,LAZINESS,
and INCOMPETENCE. if this was my casino, i would of terminated
a bunch of employees over this.

evidently the easy part was for ivey to win.
the hard part will be for him to keep the money.

Nov 4, 2009
Problem is once the casino agreed to all his request the casino is then liable for the outcome of the games.
The mistake was the casino agreeing to his demands to begin with.
Once they did everything Ivey asked willingly the casino losses ability to cry wolf after.

Any other scenario is a free roll for the casino.
If PI wins they cry wolf, if PI loses they keep the money.

The mistake is the casino agreeing with his demands.
Nobody forced the casino to do any of this.

So cheating or not makes no difference once they agreed to PIs request

This ^^^^.

Though I wholly understand Slaphot's Take.

Gonna be Interesting to see The Higher Court's ruling here, IVEY: “The original trial judge ruled that I was not dishonest and none of the three Appeal Court judges disagreed, and yet the decision went against me by a majority of 2 to 1. I am so pleased that the Supreme Court has granted me permission to fight for what I genuinely believe is the right thing to do in my circumstances, and for the entire gaming industry. I look forward to the Supreme Court reversing the decision against me.”

Keywords, for me anyway: That Bolded in Danger, above...RED.

Would be an absolute Stunner to me if The High Court delivers a verdict that is against that, and in Favor of a Player who yes....

did Exploit Weaknesses. Olden Days MIT Kids are among my Greatest Heroes, I Revere them on a God-like level though so..

....I ain't Objective, on this. Us, Players...Ivey vs. "The Man." or.....?

Sep 20, 2004
I'm really excited this is going to the Supreme Court. I can't wait for their ruling. I've read a lot of threads about this situation over the years. I'd have to side with Ivey.

But I can see both sides of the argument. It's a close call. That's why it's exciting to me were are going to the supreme court for a resolution. Makes sense on such a grey area case. Those that make cases so strongly for either side seem a little silly to me. If you are unbiased you would see this a really close call.

Nov 4, 2009
I'm really excited this is going to the Supreme Court. I can't wait for their ruling. I've read a lot of threads about this situation over the years. I'd have to side with Ivey.

But I can see both sides of the argument. It's a close call. That's why it's exciting to me were are going to the supreme court for a resolution. Makes sense on such a grey area case. Those that make cases so strongly for either side seem a little silly to me. If you are unbiased you would see this a really close call.

Excellent Input, very very Sharp. :toast: From following this, as you have plus...a A Superior Ability & Inclination towards "Objectivity".

I really believe that Degenerate Gamblers have that: Superior Objectivity. Due to us being forced by what we are:(Degenerate Fuckin' Gamblers) into an Advanced SkillSet where regards: Seeing Both Sides.

Specifically: As Result of us having to Handicap Tennis Matches that Nick Kyrgios is playing in and/or needing to get a Bet In so as to have Action and all thats available at 3:54 Am is Filipino Fukkin' Handball or some Estonian Soccer match.

I just mean that Society doesn't appreciate Degenerate Gamblers like it should. If it did a Parade through the streets of Vegas would have happened, for Ivey here.

Bcuz We are The Forgotten, The Degenerates. While Vegas, Yes is Built Upon -EV (Gambling-wise) Tourists, We are The Cog In The Wheel.

We've always been The Cog in that Wheel. Without us that Wheel flys off and the whole Ride Crashes & Burns. :(

"UnBiased", Yes, of course I am but in my Mind, and in your's also:

You fully know that No WAY this High Court can issue a Ruling that translates to:

"Come Ye Hither and Fleece these Stupid Fucks. "Auto-Pilots" of making money...who ain't Good Enough, Talented Enough, Attentive Enough or....Special Stop You."

There is only one way the Court can possibly Rule here.

And all that is not even entering into the Equation that = How This Court Must Rule:

"How Much $$$$ Casinos make, Governments?""

Compared to what a Degenerate Gambler gives unto these Modern day Caesers?

You All Know this Court's Verdict Already.....

Full Disclosure: This past year....on multiple occasions the exact opposite of "what should" happen, what was most likely, most expected to take place....

has happened. Can Phil catch a Brexit-like Tailwind here?

Love Mr. Ivey for fighting for the ability to use one's Cunning to Beat & Outwit this MouseTrap though. :toast:

Of Men & Mice:

not all Men are Mice.


Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
^^^barlow girl??????????? saw them and skillet and shawn mcdonald several years ago! nice

and how can everyone here not be pulling for Ivey? After the casino agreed to the ridiculous requests...everything should go.

Nov 4, 2009
"Christian" Message yeah that but don't get hooked up stuck on a Speed Bump, that and most videos I post here address the Struggle of Being Human, that Dynamic that is being tossed into a Cage. To Fight.

Which, this State of Being: Physical, 3rd Dimensional "Reality", this lies at the basis, forms the Foundation of Faith and thus: Organized Religion

a Search to "Understand"

don't get Stuck there though, concluding that I post any Video to Preach some Men's Religion.

"Faith", yeah....near 100% if combined with "Questioning", Genuine Wonder.

Never ever do I post any Video to Preach some specific Religious Ideology though. You conclude that and you're seeing a single withered tree

instead of an Big Ass Forest. I just post Vids & others cuz the Artists involved manage to deliver a Positive message where regards: a Journey to "Understanding."

and Evolution.

Its Physical Life.

This Brutality? with moments of Intense Joy

Unimaginable Joy

what does this "mean"

whats this life for?


"Good and Evil". What The Fuck is this Childish place? This Primitive Fucking Kindergarten Rock spinning in a "Universe"

89.7% of Words all "holy men" have spoken written left us with were to Serve Themselves gain Copper Sex and Worship for themsleves

during that 33.3 years or 900 years they lived, or whatever.

"Words" lmfao, point is: ain't trying to Lure you into some "Room" here with a Delusional Neurotic Guy saying he is a messenger of god


You think I or Him or anyone

would "send" a guy here to


and not just repair the whole fucking problem?


Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
^was really surprised that anyone on this forum had ever heard of them girls. Sisters I think.

Nov 4, 2009
^^^barlow girl??????????? saw them and skillet

Dayum. NICE. "Christian Rock" (and Skillet did some completely Transcendent Upper-Echelon stuff in that genre also so...fantastic Concert Bill) you look at it's History:

There was Stryper (I think they were called.....if not something like Stryper) a few other bands and one in particular out of Washington State: Seattle that came way before Grunge and the impact that made:


if you can find their 11 minute + some seconds Live version of Messiah...that was an amazing song that very very few even know exists.

Point Being: Christian Rock was virtually Non-Existent, very few bands and practically NO product that was wholly "Commercially Viable", could stand Toe-to-Toe with Melodic, Great and Phenomenal "mainstream" Rock Music.

and then, out of Nowhere: A Dam Broke. Barlow Girl, Skillet, Thousand Foot Krutch, Flyleaf, Third Eye Blind, Casting Crowns, the writing & melody that Jeremy Camp brought was like what Jesus Himself would have delivered. Some Thing Happened. I have No Clue What,

but to go from so very little to the Bounty that came, fascinating. Utterly Fascinating. And The Words they wrote.....mind-blowing.

Some have explained it with: "That New Generation grew up with Computers that gave them an ability to Make Music from when they were Young."

Which makes sense but when you read the lyrics....the depth of what they wrote as relates to their own experiences and a desire to Share, with others on a road similar to what they've known.....its impossible to stay with: "Technology alone gave birth to this."

Tech or "Whatever", I could post so many examples of Transcendent Brilliance from these young people

with a "Christian Message".

Obvious Question: 'what caused this?'

I still don't know but "D.C. Talk" might have been....

a Bridge?

From there (Hardly Anything) to

Overflowing Divinity?

Its what some do: Fail to figuring out "why"....look for a fuggin Bridge.

ha ha Copped Out with just a Text Link to D.C.T. cuz the words married with musical composition of these Young People that burst out of was, for a time, an Emergence on par with Folk in the 1960's USA

that very few people noticed

or to this day, realized Happened.

I mean: Message + Talent (Skilled Delivery of a Message/Heartfeltdness/Sincerity) + Instrumentation/Arrangement of Songs...that Emergence that Happened with this Flood of Commercial-Rock Level Christian Music was actually more, on the whole, that the 60's Folk Dam Burst.

IMO didn't Eclipse The 70's Rock Dam Break Burst though.

Of Course there are other Historical Music Dam Bursts that can be discussed but point is: whatever that was, with the Christian Rock and how sheerly MUCH Superior Rock Music got made during that time....that Burst, omitted from a Conversation about: Greatest Collection of Artists/Bands of one Musical Style that Grouply flowed won this exclude what came with that Christian Rock Dam Burst would be to have a less than Full Comparison of Musical Dam Bursts, throughout American History.

It did seem to follow in the wake of 9/11. Maybe there are "reasons"......seeds.....only thing I know, for sure is that Burst....what these Young People wrote, and so many of them....coming out of nowhere with "Radio-Friendly", like not just Commercially Viable Rock but really really GREAT songs...only thing I know for sure about why that Burst came, is "why", any answer for sure has been among the most confusing things I've run across, within this life.

and shawn mcdonald

Maybe I heard of him.....seems familiar.

how can everyone here not be pulling for Ivey? After the casino agreed to the ridiculous requests...everything should go.

The Question I wanted to Ask, before. That ^^^^.

My Take on where those who don't support a Player Taking What Advantage (S)he can is...

that getting over on The Man just winds up eventually: Fucking Degenerate Gamblers.

Cuz New Rules get Made. What I think those who don't support Ivey here are saying is:

"Theres always one guy who fucks it up, for Everyone."

I Believe thats where they are coming from, whats at the foundation of their Philosophy.

Which, if so....I can kinda relate to bcuz The "Manager" at the Grocery Store by me here gets all pissed at me when I show up to his Store on Mushrooms and Dropkick a full loaf of New Bread bcuz a previous guy: the Loaf Wrapper broke open so slices spewed everywhere, it was Raining Bread but I know how to Kick a Loaf.....for Distance. Which is all I am going for. Not Drama. Not Exploding 36 Slice Sandwich loaf Fuckin' Women screamin' as fuggin BREAD rains down on their heads from nowhere, directly after an Ominous "Thud" that is the unique sound of a Human Foot Punting a Loaf, a sound that signals some thing is very very wrong and something bad is about to follow... this point in my Journey I'm trying to Land a Loaf in the Meat Bin, where the Beef is. Thats fully 12 Aisles away and at a Right Angle. I could do it (I think), The Lowness of The Roof of the store throws serious Shade: LowDrive but enough Elevation Initially to not just Pound The Loaf straight into the Wall of FuckinBread that is there, Naturally. Real Challenge is getting over that but not Killing it cuz of the ceiling.

Retreat to Vegetables Section to take it straight down that straight long aisle = too often you can't even get a shot off cuz Mgr. and his Minions see a guy plotting angles, raising a wetted finger up to gauge the wind, Loaf of Bread in Hand....Shut Down.

All cuz One Giy messed it up. Just BLASTED it with his damn foot :(

Just my theory, on why Slapshot and others might say: Such Behavior, Exploiting Weakness of Casinos just results in Pain to others, via Restrictions? The Loss of Freedoms? That might otherwise have not have been removed?


New member
Mar 2, 2017
Dayum. NICE. "Christian Rock" (and Skillet did some completely Transcendent Upper-Echelon stuff in that genre also so...fantastic Concert Bill) you look at it's History:

There was Stryper (I think they were called.....if not something like Stryper) a few other bands and one in particular out of Washington State: Seattle that came way before Grunge and the impact that made:


if you can find their 11 minute + some seconds Live version of Messiah...that was an amazing song that very very few even know exists.

Point Being: Christian Rock was virtually Non-Existent, very few bands and practically NO product that was wholly "Commercially Viable", could stand Toe-to-Toe with Melodic, Great and Phenomenal "mainstream" Rock Music.

and then, out of Nowhere: A Dam Broke. Barlow Girl, Skillet, Thousand Foot Krutch, Flyleaf, Third Eye Blind, Casting Crowns, the writing & melody that Jeremy Camp brought was like what Jesus Himself would have delivered. Some Thing Happened. I have No Clue What,

but to go from so very little to the Bounty that came, fascinating. Utterly Fascinating. And The Words they wrote.....mind-blowing.

Some have explained it with: "That New Generation grew up with Computers that gave them an ability to Make Music from when they were Young."

Which makes sense but when you read the lyrics....the depth of what they wrote as relates to their own experiences and a desire to Share, with others on a road similar to what they've known.....its impossible to stay with: "Technology alone gave birth to this."

Tech or "Whatever", I could post so many examples of Transcendent Brilliance from these young people

with a "Christian Message".

Obvious Question: 'what caused this?'

I still don't know but "D.C. Talk" might have been....

a Bridge?

From there (Hardly Anything) to

Overflowing Divinity?

Its what some do: Fail to figuring out "why"....look for a fuggin Bridge.

ha ha Copped Out with just a Text Link to D.C.T. cuz the words married with musical composition of these Young People that burst out of was, for a time, an Emergence on par with Folk in the 1960's USA

that very few people noticed

or to this day, realized Happened.

I mean: Message + Talent (Skilled Delivery of a Message/Heartfeltdness/Sincerity) + Instrumentation/Arrangement of Songs...that Emergence that Happened with this Flood of Commercial-Rock Level Christian Music was actually more, on the whole, that the 60's Folk Dam Burst.

IMO didn't Eclipse The 70's Rock Dam Break Burst though.

Of Course there are other Historical Music Dam Bursts that can be discussed but point is: whatever that was, with the Christian Rock and how sheerly MUCH Superior Rock Music got made during that time....that Burst, omitted from a Conversation about: Greatest Collection of Artists/Bands of one Musical Style that Grouply flowed won this exclude what came with that Christian Rock Dam Burst would be to have a less than Full Comparison of Musical Dam Bursts, throughout American History.

It did seem to follow in the wake of 9/11. Maybe there are "reasons"......seeds.....only thing I know, for sure is that Burst....what these Young People wrote, and so many of them....coming out of nowhere with "Radio-Friendly", like not just Commercially Viable Rock but really really GREAT songs...only thing I know for sure about why that Burst came, is "why", any answer for sure has been among the most confusing things I've run across, within this life.

Maybe I heard of him.....seems familiar.

The Question I wanted to Ask, before. That ^^^^.

My Take on where those who don't support a Player Taking What Advantage (S)he can is...

that getting over on The Man just winds up eventually: Fucking Degenerate Gamblers.

Cuz New Rules get Made. What I think those who don't support Ivey here are saying is:

"Theres always one guy who fucks it up, for Everyone."

I Believe thats where they are coming from, whats at the foundation of their Philosophy.

Which, if so....I can kinda relate to bcuz The "Manager" at the Grocery Store by me here gets all pissed at me when I show up to his Store on Mushrooms and Dropkick a full loaf of New Bread bcuz a previous guy: the Loaf Wrapper broke open so slices spewed everywhere, it was Raining Bread but I know how to Kick a Loaf.....for Distance. Which is all I am going for. Not Drama. Not Exploding 36 Slice Sandwich loaf Fuckin' Women screamin' as fuggin BREAD rains down on their heads from nowhere, directly after an Ominous "Thud" that is the unique sound of a Human Foot Punting a Loaf, a sound that signals some thing is very very wrong and something bad is about to follow... this point in my Journey I'm trying to Land a Loaf in the Meat Bin, where the Beef is. Thats fully 12 Aisles away and at a Right Angle. I could do it (I think), The Lowness of The Roof of the store throws serious Shade: LowDrive but enough Elevation Initially to not just Pound The Loaf straight into the Wall of FuckinBread that is there, Naturally. Real Challenge is getting over that but not Killing it cuz of the ceiling.

Retreat to Vegetables Section to take it straight down that straight long aisle = too often you can't even get a shot off cuz Mgr. and his Minions see a guy plotting angles, raising a wetted finger up to gauge the wind, Loaf of Bread in Hand....Shut Down.

All cuz One Giy messed it up. Just BLASTED it with his damn foot :(

Just my theory, on why Slapshot and others might say: Such Behavior, Exploiting Weakness of Casinos just results in Pain to others, via Restrictions? The Loss of Freedoms? That might otherwise have not have been removed?

Mr. ML Dog, I am having a hard time understanding some of your posts but they seem pretty smart. I will try to read them again

I do wish you well on your bets and wondered if you tell what plays you play.

Thanks you

Nov 4, 2009
Mr. ML Dog, I am having a hard time understanding some of your posts but they seem pretty smart. I will try to read them again

I do wish you well on your bets and wondered if you tell what plays you play.

Thanks you

Excellent User Name :toast: I can't believe that was still available. Big Ups to Mr. Mojo Risin' cheersgif

"Who Are You?"

is all my long ass posts ever come down to,

Who Are You?

My Wheelhouse is Football, College First then NFL so, at this time of the year I am just Tailing.

Thanks To The Masters......

I can't post Plays cuz much of what I do is triggered by Late Line Consensus

its kind of a Mental hell umm: Heaven. You really wouldn't want any Invite in.

"Words", yeah one might study and come to "Understand" but I type what I do, and Videos I post, for the benefit of those who Grasp Immediately.

Always and Forever its been about Speaking in a manner that only some Souls will Relate to

that cuz of the Nature of this Journey, and Bloodlines.

We were Grace-Filled, above all else. "Holy"......

as in: whatever we tried to do however selfish we tried to be however hard we tried

to learn to hate

we never managed to escape: "who are you?"

wound up we were Bound Here, Cast Down here, to Fucking Save them. Mistake be: Though...."Physical Life" imparts a moment to moment Urgency

to do

"some thing."

Question for you....that if you really know this.....and don't fucking Google

Be Real.

Just You.

Whats "27 Club"?

if you answer that well enough I will ask you a 2nd question

your answers to that question and the next

will uncover if you're Sincerely wanting to "Understand", Evolve or if you're just a Nicer shade of Ghost

Sincerity or Sarcastic 3rd Grade Child?

who are you?


New member
Mar 2, 2017
Excellent User Name :toast: I can't believe that was still available. Big Ups to Mr. Mojo Risin' cheersgif

"Who Are You?"

is all my long ass posts ever come down to,

Who Are You?

My Wheelhouse is Football, College First then NFL so, at this time of the year I am just Tailing.

Thanks To The Masters......

I can't post Plays cuz much of what I do is triggered by Late Line Consensus

its kind of a Mental hell umm: Heaven. You really wouldn't want any Invite in.

"Words", yeah one might study and come to "Understand" but I type what I do, and Videos I post, for the benefit of those who Grasp Immediately.

Always and Forever its been about Speaking in a manner that only some Souls will Relate to

that cuz of the Nature of this Journey, and Bloodlines.

We were Grace-Filled, above all else. "Holy"......

as in: whatever we tried to do however selfish we tried to be however hard we tried

to learn to hate

we never managed to escape: "who are you?"

wound up we were Bound Here, Cast Down here, to Fucking Save them. Mistake be: Though...."Physical Life" imparts a moment to moment Urgency

to do

"some thing."

Question for you....that if you really know this.....and don't fucking Google

Be Real.

Just You.

Whats "27 Club"?

if you answer that well enough I will ask you a 2nd question

your answers to that question and the next

will uncover if you're Sincerely wanting to "Understand", Evolve or if you're just a Nicer shade of Ghost

Sincerity or Sarcastic 3rd Grade Child?

who are you?

I really don't know the answer but thanks you for answering my question, I didn't mean any harm, I just don't understand most of them but that is not your problem, it is mine.

I will keep trying but it will have to be tomorrow

Nov 4, 2009
I really don't know the answer but thanks you for answering my question, I didn't mean any harm, I just don't understand most of them but that is not your problem, it is mine.

I will keep trying but it will have to be tomorrow

Awrite, You don't have familiarity with The 27 Club so go ahead and Google, to find out what that is

consider what that means, what "signal", Truth, the existence of that 27 Club translates to

where being alive, as you are, is concerned. Along with trying to "Understand".....whatever.

Avoidance, Complete Disregard of the Question:

"Who Are You?" that was many times up there

shows you have an Agenda to Burn Me.

Burn Me Down.

Make a Fool



Because one who was Sincere.

and genuinely asking for Clarity

would have answered that question:

"who are you?"

It wasn't that Hard.

Impossible for a Troll though.

Ghostly Game this Dancing Around Pretending that what is left of your "life" is still worth Holding On To.

You Never


Your Eyes


Or maybe I am Wrunnnnngfffff (to quote Fonzie)


Nov 4, 2009
What The Holy Entire FUCK does any of this ^^^^^ have to do with......

Phil Ivey?

Answer is: "Maneuver Odds in Your Favor by Connecting"

Cast a Line up towards the sky....

make a friend past this dimension

someone on your side who no one

but you knows

You were Born Here, with this Lifeline pre-installed

yes even the brain damaged

this is about Soul.

This was within You.

a Connection.

Discover what this failed telemarketer thats now Showing OUT has......


Same Exact Avenue Lies within you.....there in Your Soul part and parcel of you being here, you would not be Alive without this...

connect with a Higher Power.

So There.

Waiting on you.

to become King of This Fucking World.

Sep 21, 2004
The casino granted Phil request and expected a regular game

Phil intent was to manipulate and cheat the game

Also the private playing area would probably as it did get less scrutiny as to what was occurring

Phil didn't just sit down and notice this he set it up

Phil defense is funny I didn't touch the cards just ask them to do it so i could know what cards were next

Nov 4, 2009
Rx Farm Historian presents, with a Valid Ask via PM that I am going to Address Here, before and in front of the public, bcuz I have nothing to hide: "How tf did you manage to Collapse & Lose Outright That Rx College Bowl Game Contest? If You have figured out Value of "Connection", giving it all up crushing Ego effacement?"

Great Fucking Question. I know I was up 2 games with only 4 games to go...leading by TWO and just FOUR GAMES left to be played and I remember there was 42 fucking bowl games and I had 'Capped 38 of them like really really GOOD so I recall thinking:

Bcuz I had come out, within those 38 games Siding with, like, 27 Dogs or maybe more.....that I wasn't gonna even be in it, I could barely keep my eyes open

I relented, saying to myself I would 'Cap those last 4 Games...

that Final Bowl Game Day......


End of College Football.

The Last Day. 4 Games.

I never 'Capped those games. :( Got Distracted by "Life" I said....never ever did I Imagine I would be In It. For $2670 or whatever.

Actual Answer is though:

To answer that question from the Longtime & sharp as a razr Member.....of RX Farm:

"The Guy who won that deserved it more than I did."

Which is the whole point of this Post: "Connection" with what your people have had connection with Forever:

Your Grandfather, his Grandad, his Grandad all the way back to "82112 B.C". as long as we've Hoped.....

...that some thing would come "easy", it hardly ever did and Faith, "Connecting" with Pure Love, what You came from

doesn't automatically equal you just Win, from that Moment that you Connect with what those who gave birth to You Here, have Believed.

And Trusted more than you will ever be able to Know.......

What was it like for that girl, in such pain with have summoned the strength to try again, after that child was Stillborn?

What does it mean that the Daughter she then gave birth to was your Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandmother

the one and only path to you being Born?

What does it mean that a Bear tried to Attack Her, when she was 9

but she was fast as fuck and knew the forest better than that fucking Bear?

If Only You Knew

You came like that Camel thru an eye of the Needle to get here. For you to even be alive today:


If Only You Knew.

The "turn on a dime" Chance that Preceded

Your Birth.


"never ever about Man's Religions" with ML Dog.

This is about You Conquering. What You were meant to do but "The World life women blah" may be knocked you Off Course from...


Devoid of Ego.

Imagine That.





The FUCK is that SHIT anyways? "Ego"


what the fuck? Sincerely?!!? You are Here and make your FOCUS on a Shell that will slough off like a Moth die decay pass away be


Have You "Dreamed" where you've Flown Across The Sky?

Like: HIGH

Weightless Really Fuckin HIGH and looked down upon a World Below?

sailing Above.....

If So, if you've "Dreamed" and Flown, Free Above like a Bird

and felt True Beauty, what it is to be free'd of "this weight"

then you should know: Not Yet an Instant Improvement to your Winning Percentage, just because you have managed to comprehend how Defeat of The ID

could maybe turn out to be Beneficial......

Eventually, +EV or Minus at Sports Betting some of you will see that The Ego of Men

"who" guys thought they were here, has caused 73% of the suffering on this planet.

In My Dying Days.........

perhaps not what you would have expected.....

but this guy is "famous", cuz he was a drummer in a Band. His first solo album.....if you can find

if you have

within you

a desire to adventure

and get Free of this Place

"this mortal coil"

READ the Lyrics the WORDS this guy wrote then find the First Solo Albums of his Bandmates

in that "famous" band

Path been Carved Here. Pomegranates have tiny seeds in them to illustrate Glory, that those were good for Blood Flow, Humongous Hard PIT in the middle of an Avocado to show you Pregnant Females should eat that. Exalt. Eye of a fucking Carrot? Cut a Carrot open, sit it a place where you can Stare Down that Fucking Carrot.

any fucking Carrot.


You'll never ever Be Strong Enough to Win a Stare Down with a Carrot.

No one is demanding you do that though. Just if you feel like traveling into that Centre of the picture up there, hurtling thru Space of The Human Mind with No Direction landing somewhere AMAZING like you are in a Douglass Adams book...

Do This:

Listen to each of these guy's Initial Solo Albums.

Just listen to them, totally don't even try to learn words of these albums.

Just Listen. What do you Hear?

Soul, I said: Equipped You Came with Path.

Your Angels Speak to You. Hear....there will be

Oh Fuck Look At This: Flowery Language yet ya'll just wind up in the same place.

Ya Wanna Expand Your Mind?

Morrison said:

"lets start a new religion."

ALL of the Artists that were in that Famous Band, with this amazing Artist:

1. Find Complete Albums that Play Through all 54 minutes or whatever

2. Listen to each one of those, Individually then locate the Full Lyrics to that Album

3. Read what The Artist wrote, what He felt most important to Impart....on his very first Solo (Alone, By Himself) effort

4. Listen that Album. Without reading along....the Words

5. But You Know them, cuz if you did Step "know them" but you Advance along this path via "knowing" The Artist's words, to some degree but more at this Step 5: Appreciating how exactly The Artist expresses what (s)he felt most "sacred".......their Best

that they had when they were Young.

When they were ablaze with Vision. Hope......whatever....some of these guys might have been Crashing & Burning cuz like again: Morrison Described: "A Burning Blazing Star

Shooting across the sky."

Now: Path: Remember Grasshopper:

Solo Albums of ALL who came from whatever band it was this guy came from: Read The Lyrics. Really Read Them.

If "You" want Sincerely to Advance

Two Bands, Fucking Enmeshment.

Step 6: Indeed to Listen Again to The Artist, their Solo (First Album) Effort......

while reading along with the words. They Wrote.

Do this out of Order and you've Voluntarily tossed your dumb log Body off of The Ship.

Do This, for both bands members First Solo Albums.....

really make an effort to Grasp what they wrote

then groove, along with them: Marriage. Words and Music.

Take this Journey.......

its one way I made that Eye of that Needle bigger lol

as big, this me presenting an option to that squeezing thru an "Eye of a Needle" shit Disaster

alternative for Your Soul to BOUNCE within a Bouncy House, straight up.


May 16, 2007
Rx Farm Historian presents, with a Valid Ask via PM that I am going to Address Here, before and in front of the public, bcuz I have nothing to hide: "How tf did you manage to Collapse & Lose Outright That Rx College Bowl Game Contest? If You have figured out Value of "Connection", giving it all up crushing Ego effacement?"

Great Fucking Question. I know I was up 2 games with only 4 games to go...leading by TWO and just FOUR GAMES left to be played and I remember there was 42 fucking bowl games and I had 'Capped 38 of them like really really GOOD so I recall thinking:

Bcuz I had come out, within those 38 games Siding with, like, 27 Dogs or maybe more.....that I wasn't gonna even be in it, I could barely keep my eyes open

I relented, saying to myself I would 'Cap those last 4 Games...

that Final Bowl Game Day......


End of College Football.

The Last Day. 4 Games.

I never 'Capped those games. :( Got Distracted by "Life" I said....never ever did I Imagine I would be In It. For $2670 or whatever.

Actual Answer is though:

To answer that question from the Longtime & sharp as a razr Member.....of RX Farm:

"The Guy who won that deserved it more than I did."

Which is the whole point of this Post: "Connection" with what your people have had connection with Forever:

Your Grandfather, his Grandad, his Grandad all the way back to "82112 B.C". as long as we've Hoped.....

...that some thing would come "easy", it hardly ever did and Faith, "Connecting" with Pure Love, what You came from

doesn't automatically equal you just Win, from that Moment that you Connect with what those who gave birth to You Here, have Believed.

And Trusted more than you will ever be able to Know.......

What was it like for that girl, in such pain with have summoned the strength to try again, after that child was Stillborn?

What does it mean that the Daughter she then gave birth to was your Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandmother

the one and only path to you being Born?

What does it mean that a Bear tried to Attack Her, when she was 9

but she was fast as fuck and knew the forest better than that fucking Bear?

If Only You Knew

You came like that Camel thru an eye of the Needle to get here. For you to even be alive today:


If Only You Knew.

The "turn on a dime" Chance that Preceded

Your Birth.


"never ever about Man's Religions" with ML Dog.

This is about You Conquering. What You were meant to do but "The World life women blah" may be knocked you Off Course from...


Devoid of Ego.

Imagine That.





The FUCK is that SHIT anyways? "Ego"


what the fuck? Sincerely?!!? You are Here and make your FOCUS on a Shell that will slough off like a Moth die decay pass away be


Have You "Dreamed" where you've Flown Across The Sky?

Like: HIGH

Weightless Really Fuckin HIGH and looked down upon a World Below?

sailing Above.....

If So, if you've "Dreamed" and Flown, Free Above like a Bird

and felt True Beauty, what it is to be free'd of "this weight"

then you should know: Not Yet an Instant Improvement to your Winning Percentage, just because you have managed to comprehend how Defeat of The ID

could maybe turn out to be Beneficial......

Eventually, +EV or Minus at Sports Betting some of you will see that The Ego of Men

"who" guys thought they were here, has caused 73% of the suffering on this planet.

In My Dying Days.........

perhaps not what you would have expected.....

but this guy is "famous", cuz he was a drummer in a Band. His first solo album.....if you can find

if you have

within you

a desire to adventure

and get Free of this Place

"this mortal coil"

READ the Lyrics the WORDS this guy wrote then find the First Solo Albums of his Bandmates

in that "famous" band

Path been Carved Here. Pomegranates have tiny seeds in them to illustrate Glory, that those were good for Blood Flow, Humongous Hard PIT in the middle of an Avocado to show you Pregnant Females should eat that. Exalt. Eye of a fucking Carrot? Cut a Carrot open, sit it a place where you can Stare Down that Fucking Carrot.

any fucking Carrot.


You'll never ever Be Strong Enough to Win a Stare Down with a Carrot.

No one is demanding you do that though. Just if you feel like traveling into that Centre of the picture up there, hurtling thru Space of The Human Mind with No Direction landing somewhere AMAZING like you are in a Douglass Adams book...

Do This:

Listen to each of these guy's Initial Solo Albums.

Just listen to them, totally don't even try to learn words of these albums.

Just Listen. What do you Hear?

Soul, I said: Equipped You Came with Path.

Your Angels Speak to You. Hear....there will be

Oh Fuck Look At This: Flowery Language yet ya'll just wind up in the same place.

Ya Wanna Expand Your Mind?

Morrison said:

"lets start a new religion."

ALL of the Artists that were in that Famous Band, with this amazing Artist:

1. Find Complete Albums that Play Through all 54 minutes or whatever

2. Listen to each one of those, Individually then locate the Full Lyrics to that Album

3. Read what The Artist wrote, what He felt most important to Impart....on his very first Solo (Alone, By Himself) effort

4. Listen that Album. Without reading along....the Words

5. But You Know them, cuz if you did Step "know them" but you Advance along this path via "knowing" The Artist's words, to some degree but more at this Step 5: Appreciating how exactly The Artist expresses what (s)he felt most "sacred".......their Best

that they had when they were Young.

When they were ablaze with Vision. Hope......whatever....some of these guys might have been Crashing & Burning cuz like again: Morrison Described: "A Burning Blazing Star

Shooting across the sky."

Now: Path: Remember Grasshopper:

Solo Albums of ALL who came from whatever band it was this guy came from: Read The Lyrics. Really Read Them.

If "You" want Sincerely to Advance

Two Bands, Fucking Enmeshment.

Step 6: Indeed to Listen Again to The Artist, their Solo (First Album) Effort......

while reading along with the words. They Wrote.

Do this out of Order and you've Voluntarily tossed your dumb log Body off of The Ship.

Do This, for both bands members First Solo Albums.....

really make an effort to Grasp what they wrote

then groove, along with them: Marriage. Words and Music.

Take this Journey.......

its one way I made that Eye of that Needle bigger lol

as big, this me presenting an option to that squeezing thru an "Eye of a Needle" shit Disaster

alternative for Your Soul to BOUNCE within a Bouncy House, straight up.

yeah sometimes his posts are..

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