[ Hopefully they will rightly rule in Ivey's favor ]
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom has agreed to hear Phil Ivey’s infamous high-stakes baccarat case.
Ivey won 7.8 million British pounds while playing at Crockfords Casino London in August 2012. Ivey and a playing partner were able to spot manufacturing defects, in the form of asymmetries, on the backs of playing cards to gain an edge on the unsuspecting house.
Ivey never touched the cards and though his “edge sorting” isn’t cheating, the casino refused to pay that man his money. Crockfords has so far been successful in keeping it.
Ivey lost a court decision in October 2014. The 10-time World Series of Poker bracelet winner lost an appeal in November of last year.
The New Jersey native issued a statement Tuesday following the Supreme Court’s decision to hear his case.
“Last November’s Court of Appeal ruling made no sense to me,” Ivey said. “The original trial judge ruled that I was not dishonest and none of the three Appeal Court judges disagreed, and yet the decision went against me by a majority of 2 to 1. I am so pleased that the Supreme Court has granted me permission to fight for what I genuinely believe is the right thing to do in my circumstances, and for the entire gaming industry. I look forward to the Supreme Court reversing the decision against me.”
Ivey’s attorney Matt Dowd also issued a statement praising the Supreme Court.
“Phil and his legal team are delighted that the Supreme Court judges have decided that the Court of Appeal’s decision should be reviewed,” Dowd said. “The Court of Appeal’s ruling left the interpretation of Section 42 of the Gambling Act totally unclear and the decision to grant permission to appeal demonstrates that the Supreme Court agrees with that view.”
Crockfords is owned by Genting Casinos, one of the largest casino operators in the world.
Ivey is fighting in a similar case over in Atlantic City. He edge sorted against Borgata, the city’s largest casino, and was recently ordered to repay about $10 million. Unlike Crockfords, Borgata paid Ivey out before realizing that he had outsmarted the game.
[h=1]UK Supreme Court Decides To Hear Phil Ivey's Gambling Case[/h][h=2]Poker Legend Will Ask High Court To Reconsider Previous Rulings[/h] |
by Brian Pempus | Published: Feb 28, 2017 | E-mail Author |
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The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom has agreed to hear Phil Ivey’s infamous high-stakes baccarat case.
Ivey won 7.8 million British pounds while playing at Crockfords Casino London in August 2012. Ivey and a playing partner were able to spot manufacturing defects, in the form of asymmetries, on the backs of playing cards to gain an edge on the unsuspecting house.
Ivey never touched the cards and though his “edge sorting” isn’t cheating, the casino refused to pay that man his money. Crockfords has so far been successful in keeping it.
Ivey lost a court decision in October 2014. The 10-time World Series of Poker bracelet winner lost an appeal in November of last year.
The New Jersey native issued a statement Tuesday following the Supreme Court’s decision to hear his case.
“Last November’s Court of Appeal ruling made no sense to me,” Ivey said. “The original trial judge ruled that I was not dishonest and none of the three Appeal Court judges disagreed, and yet the decision went against me by a majority of 2 to 1. I am so pleased that the Supreme Court has granted me permission to fight for what I genuinely believe is the right thing to do in my circumstances, and for the entire gaming industry. I look forward to the Supreme Court reversing the decision against me.”
Ivey’s attorney Matt Dowd also issued a statement praising the Supreme Court.
“Phil and his legal team are delighted that the Supreme Court judges have decided that the Court of Appeal’s decision should be reviewed,” Dowd said. “The Court of Appeal’s ruling left the interpretation of Section 42 of the Gambling Act totally unclear and the decision to grant permission to appeal demonstrates that the Supreme Court agrees with that view.”
Crockfords is owned by Genting Casinos, one of the largest casino operators in the world.
Ivey is fighting in a similar case over in Atlantic City. He edge sorted against Borgata, the city’s largest casino, and was recently ordered to repay about $10 million. Unlike Crockfords, Borgata paid Ivey out before realizing that he had outsmarted the game.