This pussified PC culture's definition of 'racism' is truly a fascinating study.
If I said, "most short men tend to have a chip on their shoulder"...the majority would acknowledge it as a truthful observation.
However, if I said "most *insert race* tend to have a chip on their shoulder" my observation would be 'racist'
Whether it's true or not is irrelevant.
That's because in this modern pussified PC culture, truth is the first casualty and personal feeeewings trump everything. To wit, if someone is 'offended', you WILL be accused of being 'racist', 'sexist' or 'homophobic' -- at least one.
What Cliven Bundy said wasn't racist - Bundy openly wondered if blacks were better off under the southern plantations than they are under the Democrat plantation, nothing venomous or racist about that quote. But I'm not surprised the PC pussified culture would get their panties in a wad. How dare he!
The inconvenient truth is that, yes, many black leaders (the non-race baiters) have been saying the same for years:
The "war on poverty" completely destroyed the black family!
So if you believe in LBJ's "Great Society" as a "good thing", you SHOULD be offended because it is a scathing indictment on your fucked up, tyrannical left wing ideology.
But racist? Not a chance. Bundy's bodyguard is black, defended his friend's statements and even went out of his way to tell the world he'd take a bullet for him.
Surprise - the only people 'offended' are the ones who don't want to face the truth...left wing ideologues who want everyone to embrace their screwed up worldview.
Oh yeah, and for the record, there most definitely are certain races who DO tend to walk around with a chip on their shoulder - like the world owes them something. Some even post in this forum. puff_>>