Tucker Carlson canned from fox


Sep 21, 2004
I don't see all this treason as a political power play - the truth is coming fast and furious at the Deep State from all angles now...both left AND right. Look at RFK Jr., and what he's poised to do to the DNC.

Washington warned us of the perils of political parties, and how the POWER PLAYERS have used them against us.

The truth will unite the country - partisanship at the toxic level we have now will be a thing of the past.

The skies are LIT UP with military aircraft, many travelling back and forth to GITMO.

Celebs/politicians/CEOs/media personalities are disappearing/"resigning" in record numbers.

80% covert / 20% public military operation.

Wanna see?

Once again with this----not sure what gives me a bigger kick, this or vit and his 40k bets on a single game to get him out of hole. haha

Jul 14, 2007
I don't see all this treason as a political power play - the truth is coming fast and furious at the Deep State from all angles now...both left AND right. Look at RFK Jr., and what he's poised to do to the DNC.

Washington warned us of the perils of political parties, and how the POWER PLAYERS have used them against us.

The truth will unite the country - partisanship at the toxic level we have now will be a thing of the past.

The skies are LIT UP with military aircraft, many travelling back and forth to GITMO.

Celebs/politicians/CEOs/media personalities are disappearing/"resigning" in record numbers.

80% covert / 20% public military operation.

Wanna see?


The military is bringing the celebs to GITMO?

Damn who?

Imagine if RFK Jr becomes Prez and banishes Larry David to GITMO. Cheryl Hines real life husband taking out her TV husband. That would be something.

Sep 21, 2004
Can we also talk about political rallies. Why in the hell do you guys go to those? I mean seriously wtf?

Been to 1 in my life because Katy Perry performed after Obama spoke. Well worth it.(it was also like a 20 min walk from my house)

I just don't get it.

edit: if i am going to cheer on another man he better be giving someone a stone cold stunner at the end.
Nov 8, 2012
Can we also talk about political rallies. Why in the hell do you guys go to those? I mean seriously wtf?

Been to 1 in my life because Katy Perry performed after Obama spoke. Well worth it.(it was also like a 20 min walk from my house)

I just don't get it.

edit: if i am going to cheer on another man he better be giving someone a stone cold stunner at the end.
They want to see a free kid rock concert??

Oct 31, 2004
So Bed, Bath , and Beyond went out of business

Is Fox News the Next “Bed, Bath & Beyond?”​

By Wayne Allyn Root

Did you hear about the new Fox News TV series? “Two spoiled brats and a clueless RINO.” It’s the tragic story of Rupert Murdoch’s two spoiled-brat sons from liberal, woke Europe, and the quarterback running their Fox News playbook- hapless, clueless, bitter Paul Ryan.

Fox News in a matter of days ended relationships with the #1 host on cable TV (Tucker Carlson) and the #1 host of weekend cable TV (Dan Bongino).

Great moves, if you want to be the new “Bed Bath & Beyond.”

Let’s start with the Fox News leadership, then we’ll get to the reasons behind these idiotic decisions.

Rupert Murdoch is a very old, out-of-touch, billionaire who is now semi-retired and busy trying to marry gals thirty years younger. He has put the real control of FNC into the hands of his son Lachlan (with ultra-liberal son James always lurking in the shadows). These are kids that were born on third base and think they hit a triple.

The Murdoch boys are European bred and understand zero about how real American conservative patriots think. That might not be a big deal…

Except that’s the whole Fox News audience.

So, Lachlan, the clueless European spoiled-brat, clearly decided to lean on former GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan to tell him how to run Fox News and how to appeal to conservatives. What a disastrous decision.

Paul Ryan is a clueless Deep State RINO (Republican in Name Only) who has no idea how real conservative patriots think. His life is dedicated to destroying President Trump- because Paul Ryan is blind with rage and envy at how conservatives hate him, but love and adore President Trump.

Paul Ryan is “The Grinch” of GOP politics. His heart is filled with rage and envy.

These brain surgeons have now destroyed Fox News. They don’t realize it yet, but their whole audience is running for the exits. The formerly all-powerful “king of cable” Fox News Channel is now The Titanic headed for the iceberg.

Think of what destroyed Bed, Bath & Beyond. The company made one fatal decision: to fire Mike Lindell and stop selling “My Pillow” products. What a terrible miscalculation. Their audience was middle class America. The Silent Majority. That audience is overwhelmingly conservative. From the moment they fired “My Pillow” their sales imploded. Bed, Bath & Beyond committed economic suicide by offending their own base of customers.

That’s exactly what Fox News just did.

Now to the “why” FNC chose to fire Tucker (and also Dan Bongino)…

I just wrote a #1 bestselling book, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.” It’s about the huge divide in America. I believe conservative patriots need to start building a parallel conservative economy. We need to separate from the extreme, radical, madness and destruction of the left. We need to spend our money only with companies led by conservatives. We need to punish and defund the left.

But my book is also about the main issues that the Silent Majority and real conservatives care about:

1. The communist takeover of the USA…and along with it, the weaponization of government.

2. Rigged and stolen elections (the hallmark of communism).

3. The Covid vaccine disaster- the deaths and crippling injuries from this poison vaccine, and the coverup by Big Pharma, government and the mainstream media.

4. The fraud and corruption of the Ukraine war funding and how the Deep State is leading us into World War 3.

Fox News doesn’t want to talk about those issues. Fox News is scared to death of those issues. My book went to #1 bestseller without one FNC interview. FNC has banned me from their network. For many years I was a regular guest on FNC. I was also a popular columnist for FoxNews.com. My columns attracted some of the highest traffic at Fox News. Then they told me even my columns were no longer welcome. A real conservative patriot is no longer allowed on FNC.

Those issues covered in my new book happen to be the issues that Tucker Carlson talked about nonstop. Tucker understands how real conservative patriots think. So does Dan Bongino. That’s why they both had to go.

Here comes the drumroll…

I believe the final decision about firing Tucker was based on his commentary just a few days ago about the dangers and deaths from the Covid vaccine…and how mainstream media is responsible for taking bribes (ie hundreds of millions in advertising sales) from Big Pharma to cover-up the biggest healthcare scandal in human history. Think about how many of their own loyal viewers may have died because Fox News covered up the truth?

Keep in mind James O’Keefe of Project Veritas exposed and humiliated scores of liberals with his undercover videos for many years- and he never faced any repercussions. But as soon as his undercover videos exposed the alleged corruption and deception of Pfizer and the Covid vaccine, his own Board fired him within days.

Just like Tucker. Come out against Big Pharma, expose the vaccine dangers, and suddenly your job (no matter how successful you are) evaporates overnight. That’s the power and hold Big Pharma has on the media.

I believe Fox News is finished. The question is, what’s their next move?

Maybe Fox News is about to sell their network to Pfizer. Maybe Pfizer plans to convert Fox News to a 24/7 vaccine propaganda network.

That would explain everything.


Just in case you did not know . Wayne Allan Root use to be a Las Vegas scamdicapper with a 1-900 number

With that out the way .
He thinks bed bath and beyond went under because they got rid of pillow guys pillows? Lol

Well I guess that means Walmart and Costco is about to go out of business as well

Jul 14, 2007
Can we also talk about political rallies. Why in the hell do you guys go to those? I mean seriously wtf?

Been to 1 in my life because Katy Perry performed after Obama spoke. Well worth it.(it was also like a 20 min walk from my house)

I just don't get it.

edit: if i am going to cheer on another man he better be giving someone a stone cold stunner at the end.

What always got me is 1. signs on lawn and 2. bumper stickers

the risk/reward on this seems wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy off

upside: someone gives you a honk

downside: some fool throws a fucking brick through your window, or worse

And for what? Because you really think Hillary Clinton or Mitt Romney is the guy for the job? I'm good.

Sep 21, 2004
Nov 8, 2012
did he actually get kid rock? I know he is a fan of Trump.

Decent enough.
Dem MAGAS gonna go crazy when kid rock introduces Trump by singing “American bad ass”.

JoJo probably wouldn’t need to pop a viagra that nite to get some wood (TMI, I know)
Nov 8, 2012
So Bed, Bath , and Beyond went out of business

Just in case you did not know . Wayne Allan Root use to be a Las Vegas scamdicapper with a 1-900 number

With that out the way .
He thinks bed bath and beyond went under because they got rid of pillow guys pillows? Lol

Well I guess that means Walmart and Costco is about to go out of business as well
I think he’s still a scamdicapper who does this ok the side

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
There's a world military operation and alliance in place, and it's ohhhhhhhh soooooo beautiful!

Canada ? ? ?


Hungary ???




Belgium ???


Australia ???


Panama ???


Too many countries to mention...

So many beautiful aircraft in the sky...thousands and thousands of flights.

Not to mention, the multiple daily flights in and out of GITMO (Trump EO 13828)

Oh lemme guess....food deliveries for bad Muslims...right? LOL

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Can we also talk about political rallies. Why in the hell do you guys go to those? I mean seriously wtf?

Been to 1 in my life because Katy Perry performed after Obama spoke. Well worth it.(it was also like a 20 min walk from my house)

I just don't get it.

edit: if i am going to cheer on another man he better be giving someone a stone cold stunner at the end.
Who is going to these rallies ? You've been to 1 more than me

Jul 14, 2007
Who goes to GITMO?

They're just rounding libs up?

Enfuego was just ITT, maybe he'll drop the Clay Travis-isms and confirm this for us. Inside scoop.

Sep 21, 2004
Who is going to these rallies ? You've been to 1 more than me
The right always screams---"omg trump couldn't lose look at his rallies."

Who goes to a political rally. Like seriously, why?

I guess every once and awhile Trump breaks out those white man dance moves. No offense to Trump there i am no better....

Sep 21, 2004
I just don't get the appeal of any politician.

Like bill burr said in an old joke..."did obama ever call you in those 8 years? NO!, You still had to put food on your table and you still will under Trump."

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Who goes to GITMO?

They're just rounding libs up?

Enfuego was just ITT, maybe he'll drop the Clay Travis-isms and confirm this for us. Inside scoop.
Oh yeah, he'll confirm it... he'd be court-martialed for doing so.

Tough to prove a covert operation... You'll know when you know.

There's also that FAA No-Fly zone over Mar-a-Lago. I suppose the Deep State set that up to be nice to their nemesis? LOL

Didn't "Biden" promise to shut down GITMO? Instead, it's EXPANDING...more court rooms to accommodate more cases. Even the NYTs confirmed military tribunals are coming "this spring"

For what? More bad Muslims? :ROFLMAO:

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
The right always screams---"omg trump couldn't lose look at his rallies."

Who goes to a political rally. Like seriously, why?

I guess every once and awhile Trump breaks out those white man dance moves. No offense to Trump there i am no better....
You might go to a rally if you had another legit performer that you wanted to see..
Alot of these rallies seem to be confined to swing states anyway.
I'd say the same thing about these fools standing around for hours for Gameday.. Seems like a waste of time.

Sep 21, 2004
Oh yeah, he'll confirm it... he'd be court-martialed for doing so.

Tough to prove a covert operation... You'll know when you know.

There's also that FAA No-Fly zone over Mar-a-Lago. I suppose the Deep State set that up to be nice to their nemesis? LOL

Didn't "Biden" promise to shut down GITMO? Instead, it's EXPANDING...more court rooms to accommodate more cases. Even the NYTs confirmed military tribunals are coming "this spring"

For what? More bad Muslims? :ROFLMAO:
Out of curiosity who do you think is running the country right now Biden admin or Trump Admin.

No tricks just a question Joe.

Jul 14, 2007
Oh yeah, he'll confirm it... he'd be court-martialed for doing so.

Tough to prove a covert operation... You'll know when you know.

There's also that FAA No-Fly zone over Mar-a-Lago. I suppose the Deep State set that up to be nice to their nemesis? LOL

Didn't "Biden" promise to shut down GITMO? Instead, it's EXPANDING...more court rooms to accommodate more cases. Even the NYTs confirmed military tribunals are coming "this spring"

For what? More bad Muslims? :ROFLMAO:

No one is reading this, he could tell us. Secret among friends.

I got a feeling those tribunals this spring for the cabal are probably coming sometime around when META was supposed to go out of business. Wasn't that supposed to be last year? I can't keep up with it all. Even MAGAKing head is so dizzy he decided following the NBA was just better entertainment.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Out of curiosity who do you think is running the country right now Biden admin or Trump Admin.

No tricks just a question Joe.

There's a "continuity of govt" plan in place to prevent this regime from dragging us head on into war...as well as other very destructive things.

So, it's complicated... there are some things they can do, some things they can't.

I use the valet key analogy - "Biden" can only drive the Ferrari 20 miles an hour, not 200 miles an hour.

COG plans ? ? ? ?

Directive 1

Directive 2

IRS confirming COG ???

10.6.2 Continuity Plan Requirements | Internal Revenue Service

  1. Readiness and Preparedness ensures the organization’s ability to respond effectively to a continuity activation;
  2. Continuity Plan Activation involves initial response activities focused on continuation of an organization’s essential functions. Tasks include assessing the situation, alerting and notifying emergency personnel of the incident, and relocating people and/or work to an alternate site if the primary worksite is not available;
  3. Continuity Operations involves recovery activities following a disruptive event. Tasks include accounting for personnel, resuming essential functions, communicating with supporting organizations, customers and stakeholders, and planning the restoration of impacted operations;
  4. Reconstitution involves restoration and resumption of normal operations. Tasks include effecting the orderly resumption of normal operations at a repaired or newly-established permanent facility.

"Biden" ain’t nothin’ but a puppet.

Who do YOU think is running the country? Surely not "Biden" LOL

So, from the "valet" side of things, Obama/Alexander Soros in the basement.
Nov 8, 2012
You might go to a rally if you had another legit performer that you wanted to see..
Alot of these rallies seem to be confined to swing states anyway.
I'd say the same thing about these fools standing around for hours for Gameday.. Seems like a waste of time.
U talking about college gameday?

I hear it’s actually pretty cool

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