Tucker Carlson canned from fox


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Is Fox News the Next “Bed, Bath & Beyond?”​

By Wayne Allyn Root

Did you hear about the new Fox News TV series? “Two spoiled brats and a clueless RINO.” It’s the tragic story of Rupert Murdoch’s two spoiled-brat sons from liberal, woke Europe, and the quarterback running their Fox News playbook- hapless, clueless, bitter Paul Ryan.

Fox News in a matter of days ended relationships with the #1 host on cable TV (Tucker Carlson) and the #1 host of weekend cable TV (Dan Bongino).

Great moves, if you want to be the new “Bed Bath & Beyond.”

Let’s start with the Fox News leadership, then we’ll get to the reasons behind these idiotic decisions.

Rupert Murdoch is a very old, out-of-touch, billionaire who is now semi-retired and busy trying to marry gals thirty years younger. He has put the real control of FNC into the hands of his son Lachlan (with ultra-liberal son James always lurking in the shadows). These are kids that were born on third base and think they hit a triple.

The Murdoch boys are European bred and understand zero about how real American conservative patriots think. That might not be a big deal…

Except that’s the whole Fox News audience.

So, Lachlan, the clueless European spoiled-brat, clearly decided to lean on former GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan to tell him how to run Fox News and how to appeal to conservatives. What a disastrous decision.

Paul Ryan is a clueless Deep State RINO (Republican in Name Only) who has no idea how real conservative patriots think. His life is dedicated to destroying President Trump- because Paul Ryan is blind with rage and envy at how conservatives hate him, but love and adore President Trump.

Paul Ryan is “The Grinch” of GOP politics. His heart is filled with rage and envy.

These brain surgeons have now destroyed Fox News. They don’t realize it yet, but their whole audience is running for the exits. The formerly all-powerful “king of cable” Fox News Channel is now The Titanic headed for the iceberg.

Think of what destroyed Bed, Bath & Beyond. The company made one fatal decision: to fire Mike Lindell and stop selling “My Pillow” products. What a terrible miscalculation. Their audience was middle class America. The Silent Majority. That audience is overwhelmingly conservative. From the moment they fired “My Pillow” their sales imploded. Bed, Bath & Beyond committed economic suicide by offending their own base of customers.

That’s exactly what Fox News just did.

Now to the “why” FNC chose to fire Tucker (and also Dan Bongino)…

I just wrote a #1 bestselling book, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.” It’s about the huge divide in America. I believe conservative patriots need to start building a parallel conservative economy. We need to separate from the extreme, radical, madness and destruction of the left. We need to spend our money only with companies led by conservatives. We need to punish and defund the left.

But my book is also about the main issues that the Silent Majority and real conservatives care about:

1. The communist takeover of the USA…and along with it, the weaponization of government.

2. Rigged and stolen elections (the hallmark of communism).

3. The Covid vaccine disaster- the deaths and crippling injuries from this poison vaccine, and the coverup by Big Pharma, government and the mainstream media.

4. The fraud and corruption of the Ukraine war funding and how the Deep State is leading us into World War 3.

Fox News doesn’t want to talk about those issues. Fox News is scared to death of those issues. My book went to #1 bestseller without one FNC interview. FNC has banned me from their network. For many years I was a regular guest on FNC. I was also a popular columnist for FoxNews.com. My columns attracted some of the highest traffic at Fox News. Then they told me even my columns were no longer welcome. A real conservative patriot is no longer allowed on FNC.

Those issues covered in my new book happen to be the issues that Tucker Carlson talked about nonstop. Tucker understands how real conservative patriots think. So does Dan Bongino. That’s why they both had to go.

Here comes the drumroll…

I believe the final decision about firing Tucker was based on his commentary just a few days ago about the dangers and deaths from the Covid vaccine…and how mainstream media is responsible for taking bribes (ie hundreds of millions in advertising sales) from Big Pharma to cover-up the biggest healthcare scandal in human history. Think about how many of their own loyal viewers may have died because Fox News covered up the truth?

Keep in mind James O’Keefe of Project Veritas exposed and humiliated scores of liberals with his undercover videos for many years- and he never faced any repercussions. But as soon as his undercover videos exposed the alleged corruption and deception of Pfizer and the Covid vaccine, his own Board fired him within days.

Just like Tucker. Come out against Big Pharma, expose the vaccine dangers, and suddenly your job (no matter how successful you are) evaporates overnight. That’s the power and hold Big Pharma has on the media.

I believe Fox News is finished. The question is, what’s their next move?

Maybe Fox News is about to sell their network to Pfizer. Maybe Pfizer plans to convert Fox News to a 24/7 vaccine propaganda network.

That would explain everything.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
So if we don’t know who owns state street capital we just make something up to fit the narrative

The CEO of Staple Street Capital Hootan Yaghoobzadeh is a veteran of the Carlyle group, the second largest private-equity firm. The co-founder of Staple Street is ALSO a Carlyle alumni.

The Carlyle group is owned by ? Blackrock & Vanguard ?and is known for recruiting ex-politicians such as George Bush and James Baker. Glenn Younkin also has ties.

Stop defending cabal criminals who don't want you as part of their little club - looks REALLY BAD on you.


Jul 14, 2007
blackrock and vanguard as the sinister financier cabal just sounds so lame man

even modern conspiracy theorists have gone PC

was atleast kinda funny when y’all just said it’s the jews

Dec 15, 2017


Did you see the texts from Tucker? He explicits says that Trump is dangerous and that the rigged election claims are dangerous

Indisputable facts, unfortunately for you

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
blackrock and vanguard as the sinister financier cabal just sounds so lame man

even modern conspiracy theorists have gone PC

was atleast kinda funny when y’all just said it’s the jews
You should do your homework on the Carlyle Group, especially David Rubenstein and the role he played in not only the election interference/fraud of 2020 but the chaos leading up to it, i.e., BLM "race" riots that summer.

I remember Michael Moore documenting the Carlyle Group back in Fahrenheit 911 and their ties to that event and American FP in general.

Ditto for the Brookings Institute, also funded by George Soros. Names like Norm Eisen - legal hatchet man and central operative in the "color revolution" against President Trump, including the Russia hoax, impeachment hoaxes and the J6 hoax - pop up again and again...

Always the same names and people. Just follow the money and read their own papers.

Pure evil globalist scum.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Did you see the texts from Tucker? He explicits says that Trump is dangerous and that the rigged election claims are dangerous

Indisputable facts, unfortunately for you
Ohhhhh, you mean like during the election coup when everything was chaotic and Tucker didn't have any facts and evidence?

Just like with Covid, Pizzagate pedos, DS/CIA treason.. he eventually came around...

Surprise, surprise..


Dec 15, 2017
Ohhhhh, you mean like during the election coup when everything was chaotic and Tucker didn't have any facts and evidence?

Just like with Covid, Pizzagate pedos, DS/CIA treason.. he eventually came around...

Surprise, surprise..

Look at texts above? You dispute he said that stuff?

Jul 14, 2007
You should do your homework on the Carlyle Group, especially David Rubenstein and the role he played in not only the election interference/fraud of 2020 but the chaos leading up to it, i.e., BLM "race" riots that summer.

I remember Michael Moore documenting the Carlyle Group back in Fahrenheit 911 and their ties to that event and American FP in general.

Ditto for the Brookings Institute, also funded by George Soros. Names like Norm Eisen - legal hatchet man and central operative in the "color revolution" against President Trump, including the Russia hoax, impeachment hoaxes and the J6 hoax - pop up again and again...

Always the same names and people. Just follow the money and read their own papers.

Pure evil globalist scum.

Putting aside the legitimacy of your claims for a second (and my pushback on them) but rather trying to gauge overall sentiment....Do you really think there is a place on the right for this stuff? I think when Trump is able to say institutions are against him it has legs or to say the media/gov't relationship is corrupt or some of his other critiques of his critics. But it kinda stops there.

Republican voters don't really care much for hating corporations or rich people. It's just not really a natural fit. It feels so upside down to me.

Most of the people that used to read the poli forum (and avg FOX news viewer) wanna hear some version of fuck Biden/Pelosi/this woke shit/that woke shit. They wanna think their antagonists are idiots and inferior, not evil and cunning. They don't really care to hear DeSantis called Ron "DeSoros" or that the vax is part of a global depopulation plan or that FOX News is run by the deep state and thus Tucker must be silenced or that Blackrock/Vanguard (or many of the other financial institutions they keep 90% of their money at and has helped them become financially independent) are evil and demonic trying to reshape the world in their own image.

I'm not saying it is gonna circle back to Glenn Youngkin 2024 in 15 months, but I do think a lot of this stuff has fallen flat. None of it is really resonating.

I dunno, it works when Trump is going hard about grievances towards him. Otherwise, I'm not seeing it. Probably why most of the mainstream conservative types like Shapiro, Kirk, Crowder, Owens, etc don't really touch it. They try to pay it lip service when they can loosely tie it in but overall it is a little fad with limited money to be made off of it.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Look at texts above? You dispute he said that stuff?
I do not dispute any of that stuff.

Reasonable people change their minds when presented with incontrovertible facts and evidence. Tucker is one such person.

I should know because I was once the biggest cheerleader for the same Carlyle/Brookings interventionist FP. I wanted blood after 9/11. I wanted Saddam's head on a platter.

Until I saw documents, whistleblowers, money trails...and of course President Trump, who had access to things YOU and your corrupt media mouthpieces have never seen.

Now I know it was all a scam. Now I've seen the playbook and recognize it from a mile away. Like Covid..

Money and power by criminals who want to keep it.

That's all this is.

And notice how I haven't even mentioned "Biden", Obama, Crooked Hillary.... puppets on a string.

The point is, whereas Tucker evolved, YOU are still stuck on the same debunked beliefs and talking points we heard in 2016.

"I will totally obliterate the Deep State" - Trump

The most investigated man in WORLD HISTORY...and you haven't even paused to ask yourself, WHY?

Unlike Tucker, you're just not awake yet.

Wait till you see him and Bongino with the SHACKLES OFF!


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Look at texts above? You dispute he said that stuff?
Do you dispute Biden said this ?

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of U.S. politics.” Joe Biden

Sep 21, 2004
Is that Buffalo Bills player(sorry i forget his name) still dead?

It was funny listening to Tucker walk back those texts as not to alienate his audience on his true beliefs.

Tucker isn't a dumb guy(not by a long shot) but he knows his audience.

Sep 21, 2004
Do you dispute Biden said this ?

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of U.S. politics.” Joe Biden
Trump was going to claim he was cheated even in 2016. But he got blinded sided by winning.

Even then he had to claim cheating on not winning the popular vote until his handlers finally reeled him in a bit. The dems really screwed up that cheating---haha

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Trump was going to claim he was cheated even in 2016. But he got blinded sided by winning.

Even then he had to claim cheating on not winning the popular vote until his handlers finally reeled him in a bit. The dems really screwed up that cheating---haha
That wasn't the way he worded it , but fine.

Apr 24, 2023
maybe how Blinken gets 51 ex people with the highest security clearence to sign a lie, how come nothing is done about shit like that? they always are doing what they accuse others of, has to be one of the biggest stories ever about screwing wth an elesction, and Biden even uses it in a National debate, and it was all made up and they knew it, then Blinken gets a call after the debate and Biden tells him GOOD JOB, we just fooled half of America, say what you want, its amazing that you never hear them get asked a ? about it, but then Biden does not take ?'s i would really like to hear someone ask him now about all the money, if i got flagged by the banks for a wire transfer from another country 150 times, you could bet your ass the FBI and the IRS would be coming to my home, and then they use every friggin person with the last name BIDEN to get money sent to them, it's true they are a crime syndicate , but not a word about it, 5 years they have been supposedly investigating that punk, and they have came at trump 10 times in that time with diff charges, and they have all the evidence they need and still crickets....thats what is wrong with this shit, if they had on trump what they have on the bidens ??? oh my god, they impeached him twice for bullshit, this guy should be arrested, i mean JOE ya wonder whay china gets away with everything, he takes office and shuts down every investigation there was into what china has been doing, and ya wonder what they got paid for???? they have been selling out the U.S. for years, i think the wrd is TREASON

Sep 21, 2004
Trump tends to jump the gun. Remember when he tweeted the electoral college is terrible for democracy when for whatever reason he thought Romey was going to win pop.

Then of course when Trump loses pop and wins electoral college---than the electoral college is brilliance.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
what do you mean Red?
I don't think it came out like that. He was suspicious , probably a right to be.. Wasn't it more like he wanted to see how the election turned out before questioning the results.

Hilary still is giving excuses though.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Putting aside the legitimacy of your claims for a second (and my pushback on them) but rather trying to gauge overall sentiment....Do you really think there is a place on the right for this stuff? I think when Trump is able to say institutions are against him it has legs or to say the media/gov't relationship is corrupt or some of his other critiques of his critics. But it kinda stops there.

Republican voters don't really care much for hating corporations or rich people. It's just not really a natural fit. It feels so upside down to me.

Most of the people that used to read the poli forum (and avg FOX news viewer) wanna hear some version of fuck Biden/Pelosi/this woke shit/that woke shit. They wanna think their antagonists are idiots and inferior, not evil and cunning. They don't really care to hear DeSantis called Ron "DeSoros" or that the vax is part of a global depopulation plan or that FOX News is run by the deep state and thus Tucker must be silenced or that Blackrock/Vanguard (or many of the other financial institutions they keep 90% of their money at and has helped them become financially independent) are evil and demonic trying to reshape the world in their own image.

I'm not saying it is gonna circle back to Glenn Youngkin 2024 in 15 months, but I do think a lot of this stuff has fallen flat. None of it is really resonating.

I dunno, it works when Trump is going hard about grievances towards him. Otherwise, I'm not seeing it. Probably why most of the mainstream conservative types like Shapiro, Kirk, Crowder, Owens, etc don't really touch it. They try to pay it lip service when they can loosely tie it in but overall it is a little fad with limited money to be made off of it.
I don't see exposing all this treason as a political power play - the truth is coming fast and furious at the Deep State from all angles now...both left AND right. Look at RFK Jr., and what he's poised to do to the DNC.

Washington warned us of the perils of political parties, and how the corrupt POWER PLAYERS have used them against us.

The truth will unite the country - partisanship at the toxic level we have now will be a thing of the past.

The skies are LIT UP with military aircraft, many travelling back and forth to GITMO.

Celebs/politicians/CEOs/media personalities are disappearing/"resigning" in record numbers.

80% covert / 20% public military operation.

Wanna see?


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