Polls were off in 2016. However can someone tell me another time they have been off? With Obama both terms were exact. With W the 2nd term they were almost exact. I don't remember with W and Gore. With Clinton in the 2nd term they were almost exact. I believe the 1st term they also had Clinton beating H.W.
I wouldn't be discounting polls. Joe Biden isn't even in the ball park of bringing out the negative reaction as Hilary as an overall person. Many women also won't vote for a woman to be president as still many view that as a "man's" job. Though that thought process continues to get more and more ancient.
Can ask the same thing about has their ever been a president lose the popular vote by so much and win the election?
Biden may win the popular vote this time by 5-7 Million votes. Hillary won by 3-4 million I believe.