TOP PLAYS OF THE DAY FOR SEXY SUNDAY!......TOP 3 UNIT PLAYS 7-3= 70%, so far this week......


Sep 20, 2004

I forgot to address your other comment.....What other people do is there business, just because they want to post a YTD record and I do mine daily and weekly, and occasionally YTD, doesnt mean that I will just do it because you or the three other people want me to do it...

Heres a stat for you....There is over 16,000 members of the RX and many more who are not members....Out of all the members and people here, I only get complaints on this by 4 people, you included.....4 people.....Sorry, but you 4 people will just have to deal with it, because you guys are not important enough for me to do what you want.....

I still find it so hard to believe that out of all the members here, you 4 people cant accept and respect the way I chose to do things....Only you 4 people seem to have a problem with how I do things.....I am sure there are more, but at least they are intelligent enough to keep there opposite opinions to themselves.....Well, I guess its true what they say, that they are always a few who will cause you problems......

From now on, I am just going to ask you to stay out of my threads....Hate me if you wish, I feel this is best for you and I to do.....I dont go into your threads so, their is no need for you to come into mine....If you need help or anything, there is others here that are very helpful, I ask that you seek them out....I think this is for the best....I hope you can respect this....Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2001
seems like a waste to me to alienate people - but I'll respect your wish


Aug 20, 2002
One last thing...

You say its a Ghost town over there...

Then tell me why I have to track 58 people every day?

And why do my threads get an AVG of more than 500 views a day...

MW is full of sharps...

Check out the Mess Hall and see for yourselves. There are no games there.


"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
madcapper - mw sucks. plain and simple. it obviously does or you would not be poking your nose in co-capt's business. stay over there if it so great and stop shilling for that sorry site.

Sep 20, 2004
Not alienating anyone.....If you need to know anything about me and how I am doing, I am sure you will get others to tell you.....As for me, I am just here to post plays for those who need it....Not here to make friends...I already made my friends here, and they still support me win or lose and they are not concerned with how I am doing either....They dont question me how and why I do things, they just support me and them......That is all, and that is all I need from this place.....

There is plenty others who you can associate with.....I am in the red like nysports stated, so I am useless to you, now that you stated you now know where I stand......

Thanks for respecting my wish....This is the best thing for the RX, myself, and you as well....Look now you wont have to worry or concern yourself on how and what I do, and I no longer need to address them.....So you see, this is a positive move for both of us....Aloha CC.

Aug 20, 2002
I will respect your request...

I will no longer be in your threads.

Good luck the rest of your way with your tout business and life.


Sep 20, 2004

You dont have to use this opportunity to promote Major Wager here....All I stated was my own opinion that it is a Ghost Town, because I went there to seek out opinions and see if anyone was sharing any information or advice for others and I didnt....Thus, I made my decision not to post there at this time....

I am a member of other sites where its never slow....I mean I can post something and within 30 mins my thread can be on page two....So many cappers, so many people, so many info, so they fit my needs better.....Plus, no one there ever complains how and what I do....No one ever show their jealousy of me or tried to bash me.....Many there know who I am from this place and that is cool, they respect me....I may solely post there in the future.....getting alittle sick of the shit here, from people who dont even post anything....Yet others here including the Mods allow them to start shit....I really dont need this....I aint trying to hurt or deceive anyone, so its not worth me to have to go through this...I think that makes a lot of sense to me....Funny thing, is sometimes I get more replies and view there than here....

I never seen or been this mess hall of yours, maybe I will check it out sometime.....But still, dont be trying to start shit with me please.....Like I stated I have respected you and your wish to do what you do.....I only ask for the same in return......If you can remember to do this, no matter if you dont agree.....We shouldnt have a problem.....Aloha, CC.

Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002
It seems like this happens every summer. bordem bashing. Last year it was Kody. This year it you. Good luck with it.


New member
Jan 20, 2001
Jaypaw -
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> seems like a waste to me to alienate people - but I'll respect your wish <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You miss the point. Now that you have seen the record, you are not a potential mark.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> nysports
posted April 26, 2004 11:02 AM
1st Week 15-11 +12.28 units
2nd week 19-26 -21.95 units
3rd Week 33-27 +2.28 units

Total 67-64 -7.39 units

34 Dogs
97 Chalk <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well, just a comment as a bystander to this prolonged and tired debate. I do have a problem with the way you intermittently update your records, and when you do so, it can be quite misleading. I've noticed you do one or more of the following in your picks threads, not limited to MLB:

1. Bump up threads on winning days for a daily update and not on losing days (although SOMETIMES you do update losing days, not often).

2. Buy points in NBA, etc. (thereby increasing vig) and then don't account for such vig in subsequent updates (often stating something like "Record 4-2 +x.x units (not including vig)").

3. Taking favorites and reflecting a winning record but not the actual units gained or lost (case in point: you said your top 3 unit plays this week went 7-6 but didn't mention that you still lost money on those due to the vig).

4. Emphasizing the positives and failing to disclose the negatives. This is mostly done in your 'highlight of the day' posts, where you mention things like "top play of the day went 3-1," etc. But sometimes, just sometimes you wouldn't mention how your other plays did not fare so well and the day actually ended up in the negative. Another case in point is how you stated that you had 2 of 3 winning weeks in MLB but failed to mention that the one week in which you lost was more than enough to nullify your 2 winning weeks.

All of these practices have the smell and taste of someone who wants to blow his horns as much as possible when doing well and wants to muck it under the carpet when on a downhill swing. Yes, if anyone truly cared and followed every pick you post then that person could do his own calculations and come up with accurate results as to where you stand. But as you realize, most (not all, apparently) people just don't care THAT much to put in the time to update someone else's record for him.

There are a lot of newbies/lurkers here who drop by other people's threads, pick and choose their games and go along their merry way. Of course nobody can fault anybody for posting their picks, win or lose. But one thing that I believe everyone who posts picks here needs to practice is COMPLETE TRANSPARENCY of all records. Some people start new threads every day with a daily recap and updated YTD. Others prefer to keep an entire season in a single thread so that it's easier to track. Either way, without such clear-cut transparency, your credibility suffers.

Your justification of doing things this way - i.e. that it's better to post daily and weekly records without a YTD because it helps people see the peaks and valleys of your current streak - sounds spurious to me. What is it that you want people to do - to follow picks after you've experienced a good day or a good week, and for them to stay away after you've experienced a losing week, or vice versa? Well, that reasoning is absurd because as you must realize things are equally, if not more, likely to turn around than they are to stay the same (regression to the mean) and your current peaks and valleys mean very little in the grand scheme of things. What matters is whether you are, fundamentally, a winning capper or a losing capper, and the only way to properly gauge that is through a long-term YTD, not a daily or weekly record.

I have withheld my comments up to now because I frankly didn't care much at all and thought this debate would go away eventually, but was motivated to write since you incorrectly assumed that only four people (according to you) expressed concerns with your way of doing things, and this must mean the other 23095283420375234 people must necessarily be on your side, or are "intelligent enough" to keep their opposite opinions to themselves. More likely, the other 23095283420375234 people, much like myself until today, just don't care enough to engage themselves in the fray. Failing to point out red flags in your recordkeeping methodology is in no way an indicator of intelligence as you contest.

Just my two cents. I do hope you have a good season.

Sep 20, 2004

Like I mentioned to the others, how you interpret what I do is simply that, your own interpretation, or your own opinion....Which is find with me....I am not going to fight with you or try to convince you otherwise.....It really doesnt bother me that you and 4 others seem to have a problem with me......I am not here to win or change you or your opinion of me....I here to just post my plays.....but I will again mention to you, like I mentioned to others, and like how the Mods have stated to some here....If you believe that I am doing things that you dont agree with, then simply stay out of my threads.....Plain and Simple....Don't even come in to view what I post.....I think that will bring you more happiness in life, dont you think?....I wonder if you will be able to do that.....Well if you do come in and not say anything, we wont know, right, well thats ok, because you will know, and thats enough for me.....Just my two cents....Aloha CC.

btw, those that do not post their own plays for all to see, do not really matter to me at all what they think....Just thought you should know.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
"btw, those that do not post their own plays for all to see, do not really matter to me at all what they think....Just thought you should know."

Just a passing point. In the slightest chance the above quote was directed at me, I do post my MLB plays here, combined in a single thread for the remainder of the season. Obviously my records are updated every day in complete transparency.
[edited for minor spelling]

[This message was edited by nepenthe on April 26, 2004 at 05:44 PM.]

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nepenthe:
Obviously my records are updated every day in complete transparency.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Good for you.....You now know that I dont see any value for me to go into your threads at

New member
Aug 21, 2003
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jaypaw:
I get frustrated day in and day out when I cant see how you are doing overall - thats it.

Then when someone ELSE has to tell me that you are in the red I get even more frustrated.

Here I go along day in and day out popping into your thread here and there seeing that you had awesome day after awesome day - only to find out you are in the red on the year?

Best of luck - I hope you pull out of it.

Jaypaw<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> i think this reflects exactly how some feel here, SEEMS like the CC is doing well, when in fact , OVERALL, he doesnt show a profit. I think thats why many people get irked by all the SELECTIVE hornblowing. This is ALL about LONG TERM success, not daily, weekly, or monthly.............consistency over the long haul is what defines a good capper.........that, and the bottom line. Anyone can tout a good day or week , but show people long term success and thats the true measure of a persons ability........just my .02....nothing personal , just one man's observation

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nepenthe:
Well, just a comment as a bystander to this prolonged and tired debate. I do have a problem with the way you intermittently update your records, and when you do so, it can be quite misleading. I've noticed you do one or more of the following in your picks threads, not limited to MLB:

1. Bump up threads on winning days for a daily update and not on losing days (although SOMETIMES you do update losing days, not often).

2. Buy points in NBA, etc. (thereby increasing vig) and then don't account for such vig in subsequent updates (often stating something like "Record 4-2 +x.x units (not including vig)").

3. Taking favorites and reflecting a winning record but not the actual units gained or lost (case in point: you said your top 3 unit plays this week went 7-6 but didn't mention that you still lost money on those due to the vig).

4. Emphasizing the positives and failing to disclose the negatives. This is mostly done in your 'highlight of the day' posts, where you mention things like "top play of the day went 3-1," etc. But sometimes, just sometimes you wouldn't mention how your other plays did not fare so well and the day actually ended up in the negative. Another case in point is how you stated that you had 2 of 3 winning weeks in MLB but failed to mention that the one week in which you lost was more than enough to nullify your 2 winning weeks.

All of these practices have the smell and taste of someone who wants to blow his horns as much as possible when doing well and wants to muck it under the carpet when on a downhill swing. Yes, if anyone truly cared and followed every pick you post then that person could do his own calculations and come up with accurate results as to where you stand. But as you realize, most (not all, apparently) people just don't care THAT much to put in the time to update someone else's record for him.

There are a lot of newbies/lurkers here who drop by other people's threads, pick and choose their games and go along their merry way. Of course nobody can fault anybody for posting their picks, win or lose. But one thing that I believe everyone who posts picks here needs to practice is COMPLETE TRANSPARENCY of all records. Some people start new threads every day with a daily recap and updated YTD. Others prefer to keep an entire season in a single thread so that it's easier to track. Either way, without such clear-cut transparency, your credibility suffers.

Your justification of doing things this way - i.e. that it's better to post daily and weekly records without a YTD because it helps people see the peaks and valleys of your current streak - sounds spurious to me. What is it that you want people to do - to follow picks after you've experienced a good day or a good week, and for them to stay away after you've experienced a losing week, or vice versa? Well, that reasoning is absurd because as you must realize things are equally, if not more, likely to turn around than they are to stay the same (regression to the mean) and your current peaks and valleys mean very little in the grand scheme of things. What matters is whether you are, fundamentally, a winning capper or a losing capper, and the only way to properly gauge that is through a long-term YTD, not a daily or weekly record.

I have withheld my comments up to now because I frankly didn't care much at all and thought this debate would go away eventually, but was motivated to write since you incorrectly assumed that only four people (according to you) expressed concerns with your way of doing things, and this must mean the other 23095283420375234 people must necessarily be on your side, or are "intelligent enough" to keep their opposite opinions to themselves. More likely, the other 23095283420375234 people, much like myself until today, just don't care enough to engage themselves in the fray. Failing to point out red flags in your recordkeeping methodology is in no way an indicator of intelligence as you contest.

Just my two cents. I do hope you have a good season.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Very well written and sums up alot of the issue. Co-Cap, you should really seek to understand what he is saying here.

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Agreed General, that post sums things up perfectly. I look forward to you keeping CoCaps record. It should make CoCap see what all of us see.

Sep 20, 2004
General, I see you have something against me to huh.....I think that is pathetic and weak, especially from a person who promotes himself as a General....Whatevers, even the so called strong and brave gets weak at times....Try not to let me get to you, or allow yourself to get pulled into this game that the bashers like to play with me....I know you are much bigger than that....I dont need to seek to understand anything someone else wants to speculate or assume about me....Hey, I know what I do...anything else or anyother persons opinion of what they think I am doing is just that their opinin and it aint worth the forum it is posted in....Aloha CC.

New member
Feb 4, 2003
glad to see this is still going on.

I enjoy popping in here every once in a while and getting a good laugh


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