
" Thanks for tip Bricktop "
Jun 28, 2005
I did not stiff BowlMeOne. We talk daily and I have been paying him.

I thought it was only $500 ? I assume you are not gambling in the interim ?

Aug 20, 2002
joeyfitzclick said:
I did not stiff BowlMeOne. We talk daily and I have been paying him.

I thought it was only $500 ? I assume you are not gambling in the interim ?

Original debt was 1000. It took me a very long time to start paying him. Over the last 2 days I gave him over 200 dollars. And I will continue to pay him until it reaches zero. Hopefully real soon.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
MadCapper said:
Original debt was 1000. It took me a very long time to start paying him. Over the last 2 days I gave him over 200 dollars. And I will continue to pay him until it reaches zero. Hopefully real soon.

no matter how often I bust your balls

congrats on the baby:toast::toast:

Sep 20, 2004
Madcapper did stick around and is paying, not that he deserves credit for paying what he owes but , he did stand up and didn't run off.

BTW , Madcapper congrats on the new addition hope things continue to look up for you.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
MadCapper congrats on the baby!

Do you happen to know where the Sage is? His website is down and he did pretty good in the NFL last year.

Good Luck!

:dancefool :toast: :pope:

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Hey Madstiff,
Explain to me why you cant post at MW, Lost your mod job at MW, Why it says "known stiff" under your name here..... you are a fuckin internet liar. you make shit up to seem cool. While you are at it, can you explain how why you did a transfer to bowlmeone from a sportsbook instead of paying him in cash? you are a lying fuckin degenerate loser.
Maval tov!

Aug 20, 2002
joeybagadonuts said:
Hey Madstiff,
Explain to me why you cant post at MW, Lost your mod job at MW, Why it says "known stiff" under your name here..... you are a fuckin internet liar. you make shit up to seem cool. While you are at it, can you explain how why you did a transfer to bowlmeone from a sportsbook instead of paying him in cash? you are a lying fuckin degenerate loser.
Maval tov!

A. As far as I know I can post at MW.
B. I don't see where it says "known stiff"
C. I won a contest at EOG. Transfered that money to BMO

Be well.


Rx Local
Sep 20, 2004
Also Madcapper went by Fillibuster at EOG when it first open until other posters figure out it was him at the time he stilled owed Stevo and Bowlmeone money.

Shrink paid off the Stevo debt for him.

Alan Palmer was he the one who faked his own death?

Rx Local
Sep 20, 2004
MadCapper said:
A. As far as I know I can post at MW.
B. I don't see where it says "known stiff"
C. I won a contest at EOG. Transfered that money to BMO

Be well.


The known stiff tag was lifted after Shrink paid the stevo debt off,
why you get fired as a mod at MW? And after Shrink paid the stevo debt off you probably were unbanned at MW.
Sep 21, 2004
MadCapper said:
B. I don't see where it says "known stiff"

Right where it now says "Still a stiff-2 yrs later" and where it has said "known stiff" for a quite a while.

Go ahead-keep changing it....I'm right behind you. So you've paid off what, 20%? after 2 yrs or is it longer than that?
Last edited:
Sep 21, 2004
If anyone is wondering why I'm so hard on MC, it's because I've attempted to help a 'victim' or two of his recover their funds, and MC has lied, and lied, and lied to me repeatedly.

When everyone is paid off in full, I'll reconsider. Until then, you're nothing but a scamming manipulating STIFF.

Let me know where I'm wrong, MC
Sep 21, 2004
After being contacted by IM, I am cautiously optimistic that MC is going to finally take care of this entire debt in the very near future. He paid a chunk yesterday, and is paying a smaller one tomorrow. More/the rest coming within the next 7 days.

I'll confirm with BMO and cut MC a little slack for finally doing the right thing.

This is the last confirmed outstanding debt that I'm aware of.
Jan 19, 2006
husker said:
how about nyreb asking a poster to tally his losers this past week but he posted sunday how much he won sat. i haven't checked today but he still hasn't tallied his losers from tue-thur! maby he thinks they will go away if he waits long enough.

I noticed that as well. I lost all respect for NY REB when he threw his winnings in alot of peoples faces last week, alot of us had a rough week getting backdoored and were upset. His gloating ass came in and started bragging about how great he did, and said where was everybody.. CLASSLESS MOVE IMO real amateurish move as well.. I ain't messing him no more.. I can't believe the guy asked someone else to grade his losing plays while at the same time grading and bragging about his winning plays..

Rx. Senior
Sep 21, 2004
gynecologist said:
I noticed that as well. I lost all respect for NY REB when he threw his winnings in alot of peoples faces last week, alot of us had a rough week getting backdoored and were upset. His gloating ass came in and started bragging about how great he did, and said where was everybody.. CLASSLESS MOVE IMO real amateurish move as well.. I ain't messing him no more.. I can't believe the guy asked someone else to grade his losing plays while at the same time grading and bragging about his winning plays..

Well Gyn get used to it, thats this Forum, doesnt seem to happen on other Forums but then they dont have Umpteen Jokers posting nonsense. I must compliment you on your impeccable posting, which win or lose is a true reflection of persons character. That is why I rag some people about their YTDs, because their actions only demean people like yourself. :103631605
Jan 19, 2006
Winbet I must say I'm impressed with your writing skills in the above post. Whats up no drinking tonight bud? HAHA... Well thanks for the compliments coming from you they actually mean something considering you don't give them so easily.. Very nice post btw well written...

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
TTinCO said:
If anyone is wondering why I'm so hard on MC, it's because I've attempted to help a 'victim' or two of his recover their funds, and MC has lied, and lied, and lied to me repeatedly.

When everyone is paid off in full, I'll reconsider. Until then, you're nothing but a scamming manipulating STIFF.

Let me know where I'm wrong, MC

Thanks for clarifying that TT. You are one of the good ones.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
kidslick said:

Can anyone copy and paste that that thread jjgold wrote about his trip to the meadowlands. One of the funniest things THAT I have ever read in my life

Boys it was such a weird experience meeting these 3 clowns last night at the track. I mean it was like I was on Earth and the other three were on fukkin Mars or in their own worlds. It starts out like real normal and we all are shaking hands, ect. I call the guys whatever name comes to my head like hey Danny, hey Rod, ect. So it goes all well there and then we proceed to our seats.

Now this guy Raisencain must be a bigshot there because he gets us the best seats in the house in a reserved box and has food already paid before we even it. What a class act and a generous guy. More later on this guy and the Nut he really turned out to be. I thought we were there to bet some races and talk a little but mainly gamble. I have fukkin roll of a sharks cash in my pocket ready to bet big numbers at Penn National but little did I know it was like the twilight zone instead.

We start with Total Square and this guy has 2 cell phones, 1 pager and get this a mini pocket fukkin web browser!!!! I thought he would want to get away for a night without all the tecno ****, ect. I would try and ask this guy “who do you like in the 2nd at Penn National and I had to ask him 4 fukiin times until he heard me and get this his reply was” It is all business JJ”” I had no fukkin clue if this guy was smoking weed or drinking. He did not hear a fukkin word I said. All he did was go on the pocket browser and stare at his sportspager all night and made a few calls in between. I waited like 20 minutes and this guy did not say word to any of us so I say to him “hey TS how is Bowmans”? I swear again he goes “JJ it is all business” I am just looking at this guy in bewilderment. I do of know what to make of him and he talks to me like he never hears a word I say(common theme developing boys) . This happens 7 times throughout the night when I tried to ask him a question and I kept getting the same answer. I say *** this clown and let me move on to Mjulian.

This Julian character always looks really concerned and is a deep thinker. When I would ask him something the look I would get is one of cloudiness and concern. He just starred at me kind of and then get this boys carries his fukkin bank books in his shirt pocket!!! He says to me” JJ I got 42 dimes in the bank.” It came out of the blue and had nothing to do what I was asking him. I do not give a *** how much this clown has in the bank, ect. I came here to talk to these guys about gambling and stuff and it appears they are in another fukkin world!! I then ask him “hey Julian what books do you use?” He then proceeds to tell me in 7 years he will be worth 450 Dimes. I am saying under my breathe “who gives a ***, this guy is nuts and out there”. He had to look at his bank books 20 times during the course of the night and kept shaking his head when he looked at it. He also sometimes would just yell out to the crowd “ All Rise” in a real deep voice like an opera singer and it was embarassing because everyone would stare at us. Again what the *** was on his mind??? I was starting to think I better get the *** out of here these guys are nuts and appeared to have snapped or something.!!!

Ok Raisencain seemed to be cool with the initial handshake and a little small talk about gambling so I figured I would pal around with this guy as we have more in common. Well boys this guy turned out to be the biggest nut and strangest character I know other than our own Peep. I would be looking at the tote board and I would hear whispers behind me in the next level of seats and it was Cain talking to some guys and he was whispering with his hand covering his mouth. I would then look back at him and he would stop suddenly and pretend to read the paper. What did this guy think?? I was born fukkin yesterday. He did not realize I was a street guy I guess . He did this all fukkin night and it was so annoying and every time I looked up at him he would stop and pretend to read the paper and like smile. This guys now I am thinking has fukkin snapped or is just nuts!!!! Boys it gets worse. Another strange thing about this guy is he always has a deck of cards in his hands and is doing tricks with them. I am shaking my head in disbelief going “what a fukkin jerkoff this guy is” and saying to my myself “what the *** am I doing here with these losers? I bet Cain always has card games going on the street and during the night when he was not whispering I asked him what was up his right sleeve because I saw something there. He pulls out a 4 of clubs and starts laughing so loud!! I swear I do not know if I should just run out of the fukkin track right then. I quietly backed away from this guy.

Ok boys time to leave and we all shake hands and **** and Mjulian puts some type of robe on (I had to turn my fukkin head and laugh because the thing was sooo ugly and outdated), Johhny (TS) get a load of this wears a fukkin tank top only in the pouring rain. I did not know what to make of it but just shake my head and praying to get the *** out. I shake hands with the two and they went their way in another direction and Cain parked in the same areas as me and he whispers to me “JJ I want to show you my car?? I am going what the ***???? Does this guy want to bang me on the side of the car??? I said what the *** if he tries something I can run and scream. He is wearing a long trench coat and a suite underneath. I thought he looked like an undertaker or something. During the walk to the car he keeps playing with this deck of cards and smiling to himself. Does this guy tell himself jokes or what?? What the ***?? Maybe he snapped???

Get to his car and boys he opens his trunk up and get a load of this….. The trunk is full of guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear I almost came in my pants!!!!! I love weapons and **** but I am discreet when I carry. I am going to Cain are you nuts??? This is a public parking lot and he is showing me all the guns he has and ****. He pulls out a brand new shotgun and shows me how to load it and cock it. He does this and starts laughing real loud and his eyes light up so much I thought he was coming. He starts pointing it at the sky and then starts yelling “Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow. That was the last fukkin straw and ran to my car and went home!!!! Sorry Cain but you have lost it.

Boys after last night I really do believe we are all sick fuks in one way or another and I mean everyone of us!!!

No more meeting posters for me, they are just tooooooooooooo far out there. I wonder why we all post day and night and live in glass houses. We are misfits and I am really starting to believe I just might be the top 5 “normal” posters here.

*** this ****


Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
gynecologist said:
I noticed that as well. I lost all respect for NY REB when he threw his winnings in alot of peoples faces last week, alot of us had a rough week getting backdoored and were upset. His gloating ass came in and started bragging about how great he did, and said where was everybody.. CLASSLESS MOVE IMO real amateurish move as well.. I ain't messing him no more.. I can't believe the guy asked someone else to grade his losing plays while at the same time grading and bragging about his winning plays..

he never updated his coll *'s record last week. he posts the same plays across the street and tried to say he lost 5*(he didn't count his teasers 2-5). he wined to wil about me questioning his record here so i can't post in his thread. he is a fraud and shouldn't be protected. he is at least associated with goodhearts service. his ip should be checked for matches. i offered to have wil check both our ip's for matches after he accused me of ghosting as others. he never responded.

he lost bad again in coll football. will he ask someone to tally his plays again???

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