Even if Tomb Raider "bombs", I can't see it going under 21 million... I would be shocked. For the sequel to take in 27 million less than the origional, that would definitely be a first, I'm sure(?) Blair Witch 2 was not nearly as popular as the first, that would be one precedent perhaps to look at. BW1 was one of the most hyped movies of all time, though. I can't come up with any definitive numbers that I'll definitely stick with, but my current guesses would be:
Tomb Raider 35
hold on stop the presses,
Seabiscuit's buzz number is now 33! WHAT THE ****? Tomb Raider's still only got 17.
This would normally mean at least 20 million for S, so much for my 10 million guess. I was going to say 15 million this time, but I give up. I have no idea.
Spy Kids 21 million
So far I don't really like any of those brackets. I might stick with the over/unders. If Seabiscuit takes in over 20, and Spy Kids does 21, It's going to be pretty crowded there for the rest of the pie, maybe Tomb Raider WILL bomb? I seriously doubt it, besides that buzz index, there are some signs that it HAS to do better thn Seabiscuit. BB2 is still hyped, Pirates is on a strong run, maybe all the unders will play out.
Another possibility is Spy Kids could be the odd man out. I figure one of these movies has to be a dissapointment, is there eenough room for3 overs? no way, I'm thinking. And we all know how dodgey the moviefone chart is, but Tomb Raider is number 10, no sign of Seabiscuit or Spy Kids yet. 28 days later is #1, and How to Deal is still number 3, and that movie isn't doing shit. I've also seen signs that Angelina Jolie is generating some strong buzz, and after the Orlando Bloom event in which I was the only sucker not to cash in on, maybe Tmb Raider will do O.K. Jolie buzz isn't going to get a lot of females into the theaters, though, and the guys were going to come anyways.
[This message was edited by Oren1 on July 23, 2003 at 02:39 PM.]
[This message was edited by Oren1 on July 23, 2003 at 02:40 PM.]