Today's Look at Trump


New member
Jan 11, 2008

Nov 11, 2007
One last bit of commentary before I attend to some errands.

Some folks have said that I am and have been on a crusade with Phil Steele and Northcoast for many years.

I actually agree with them as I believe the cause is worthy and enlightening as it applies to them and sports services in general.

Commentary was always welcome before I brought my thread over to this forum as long as it was relevant to the thread and not me personally.

The same exists at this thread, where I have been since last football season.

Thus people are free to make comments, question me about my documentation and anything re: my commentary as long as it is respectful

and doesn't disintegrate into name calling and insults.

Imo the author of the Coronavirus thread is also on a crusade, whether he wants to admit it or not, namely for now( since he has not talked

about the spiritual aspect of his beliefs for a while), to expose what he believes to be "truth, "justice," and "freedom;" this in essence means

bringing a number of democrats to justice because of high crimes, corruptions, etc.

He certainly has he right to say what he believes as many times and as often as he wishes while adding along the way.

However that does not mean that his posts have the right to be unbridled and not challenged when someone else(in this case me and my sources)

see things a bit differently with reasons why and post them.

He has the right to claim that his sources are 100% accurate and that Donald Trump is some kind of a deity.

And he also has a RIGHT to diss my sources and call them "fake news."

Fine-all that above does is corroborate my beliefs that he and his sources live in La la land and are completely out of touch with reality;

this in turn leads to my responses, most of which are directed at Trump in order to "tell the other side of the story."

In short if the author of the Virus thread felt that he would just breeze through his attacks every day on the folks he concentrates

on without anyone standing up to him and questioning him, presenting the other side of the story and exposing his shortcomings

especially with his ""not quite" Nostradamus predictions, then well at the very least now he realizes that there is at least one spokesperson

(and I am sure many more folks) who who isn't simply going to accept and/ignore what he says-its called "accountability."
Jan 11, 2008
He certainly has he right to say what he believes as many times and as often as he wishes while adding along the way.

However that does not mean that his posts have the right to be unbridled and not challenged when someone else(in this case me and my sources)

see things a bit differently with reasons why and post them.

He has the right to claim that his sources are 100% accurate and that Donald Trump is some kind of a deity.

And he also has a RIGHT to diss my sources and call them "fake news."

Fine-all that above does is corroborate my beliefs that he and his sources live in La la land and are completely out of touch with reality;

this in turn leads to my responses, most of which are directed at Trump in order to "tell the other side of the story."

In short if the author of the Virus thread felt that he would just breeze through his attacks every day on the folks he concentrates

on without anyone standing up to him and questioning him, presenting the other side of the story and exposing his shortcomings

I check in here about once every 2-3 days just to see what is going on and I check both SBD and Savage's threads just for laughs.

Savage, I have a question for you. In the above quote by you, you mention that you want to show the "other" side of the story, which is your right to do so, just as SBD as his right to tell his "side of the story".

What struck me as funny and big time hypocritical is that, while you truly believe your "side of the story" is the correct side (which you post the stats from your side) and you acknowledge that SBD has the right to tell his side (which he posts the stats that he has), you say that if anyone believes in the stats that SBD says, they "live in La la land and are completely out of touch with reality".

My question to you, a person who claims to be highly intelligent, is how can you be so arrogant and delusional to believe that "your side" is the only correct side ? I know SBD posted about the "coming" that was going to happen around Easter to people, which, in my opinion made him look very dumb, but, how can you, a supposedly intelligent man, believe that "your side" is the only side that is correct ? In my opinion, that makes you look as delusional as SBD.
EVERY post you have made is trying to refute SBD's Republican side by claiming the Democrats are the only correct side.

I can go look up MANY facts to prove that BOTH sides have manipulated facts and figures to look like whatever benefits them and hurts the other party BUT and neither care if it hurts ALL the public.

I learned a long time ago that there are 3 sides to every story - yours, mine and the truth.

In my opinion, if people can't see that BOTH sides, the Republicans and Democrats, have lied about this virus and that BOTH sides have twisted facts around to make THEIR side look good, then they have blinders on.

I await your answer, which I am sure will come with a blasting of me.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
I check in here about once every 2-3 days just to see what is going on and I check both SBD and Savage's threads just for laughs.

Savage, I have a question for you. In the above quote by you, you mention that you want to show the "other" side of the story, which is your right to do so, just as SBD as his right to tell his "side of the story".

What struck me as funny and big time hypocritical is that, while you truly believe your "side of the story" is the correct side (which you post the stats from your side) and you acknowledge that SBD has the right to tell his side (which he posts the stats that he has), you say that if anyone believes in the stats that SBD says, they "live in La la land and are completely out of touch with reality".

My question to you, a person who claims to be highly intelligent, is how can you be so arrogant and delusional to believe that "your side" is the only correct side ? I know SBD posted about the "coming" that was going to happen around Easter to people, which, in my opinion made him look very dumb, but, how can you, a supposedly intelligent man, believe that "your side" is the only side that is correct ? In my opinion, that makes you look as delusional as SBD.
EVERY post you have made is trying to refute SBD's Republican side by claiming the Democrats are the only correct side.

I can go look up MANY facts to prove that BOTH sides have manipulated facts and figures to look like whatever benefits them and hurts the other party BUT and neither care if it hurts ALL the public.

I learned a long time ago that there are 3 sides to every story - yours, mine and the truth.

In my opinion, if people can't see that BOTH sides, the Republicans and Democrats, have lied about this virus and that BOTH sides have twisted facts around to make THEIR side look good, then they have blinders on.

I await your answer, which I am sure will come with a blasting of me.

now you done it!

Here comes a six page essay! Lol

Nov 11, 2007

Re: this:

What struck me as funny and big time hypocritical is that, while you truly believe your "side of the story" is the correct side (which you post the stats from your side) and you acknowledge that SBD has the right to tell his side (which he posts the stats that he has), you say that if anyone believes in the stats that SBD says, they "live in La la land and are completely out of touch with reality".

First of all, why should I blast you-you have asked legitimate questions rather than attack, which you have done to me at least a few times

in the past in several threads.
To the point-first of all keep in mind that it was/is HE/NOT I who made the far out predictions as to what was going to occur on specific dates and also more vague

dates which said "imminent," which means VERY, VERY soon.

Did anyone of these events occur and especially the New Order Stuff?

Do you believe that the majority of folks who see predictions like that see them as distinct possibilities or lets see closer to delusional or based

on fantasy or perhaps just wishful thinking?

I happen to believe that the majority of folks would choose the second option.

Thus, the La la land comment is based on what he has stated would happen by SPECIFIC DATES.

If he hadn't been so arrogant so as to specify dates, then I would not have said what I did.

In fact if you go back and read some posts during the first week or so when the thread started, you will see that I actually

agree with a lot of the New Order stuff and that it will come to pass SOME DAY, but unlike I don't claim to have the

ability to predict when this will occur.

Last I read, the Bible says that only God knows EXACTLY WHEN important events like above will come to pass, and that doesn't include posters on

message boards.

Go back and google, if you don't know already, how Harold Camping did with his prediction of the End of the World or for that matter, Jehovas Witnesses,

who have been predicting the end of the world for 144 years.

Also, to clarify, I am not 100% sure for example that folks like the Clintons are lily pure, but unlike SBD I don't make one post after another

24/7/365 claiming that the folks are innocent as opposed to his claims that the folks he claims are 100% guilty and that they

will be convicted and brought to justice within days-big difference!

Also keep in mind that when I have presented something which counters something he has said, it is ALWAYS dismissed weakly as "fake news without

saying why-just to dismiss it because it comes from of the MSM sources doesn't do it.

My "other side of the story" is simply that, namely to state that which he hasn't revealed in his opinions

so that folks reading this are getting something else to consider.

Imo what he does for whatever reason is "pile on" every day with around 7-8 new posts each day, as if these new posts are going to get someone

to change their minds to his way of thinking.

For me it is overkill, and if anything indicates worry on his part that his message is not getting through because no one is coming forth to agree with him.

And yes you can say the same thing about what I write in response.

The only thing I assure you of is that if he didn't keep posting the same stuff over and over again, the only differences that a few new "culprits'

are mentioned along with some wording of his daily mantra, I wouldn't do what I do in response.

That's about it for now.

Hopefully by now as I suggested last time I spoke to you, you have checked out my closing post 1152 in his thread or will do so for a

fuller understanding from point of view.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Wait, what?

Dave called him a HYPOCRITE?

NOOOOO WAAAAAAY!!!!! :pointer:

Fuckin guy is a scumbag HYPOCRITE and I have said it 100 times in CAPS because it is soooooo true

When the fuckin scumbag stops acting like a HYPOCRITE I will stop calling him one

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I will be shocked if 1 person reads that gibberish

This is the 3rd forum now where everyone says they don't read his posts. This dumb fuck has no concept of what a paragraph is. He does one run on sentence after another with a blank line in between every one of them. It is pretty much not readable

He also cannot reply without writing a novel in response and he loses people and their attention every time with the gibberish. The dumb fuck has been told this for years but he is literally too stupid to understand any of it.

He really needs to google paragraph and figure out what it is

Nov 11, 2007
Fortunately there are people in here like baseballdave with whom I can carry on a civil conversation, and where we can be objective

and question each other without the childish/immature modus operandi of the usual culprit who sadly doesn't know any better.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
And this guy has noooooo fuckin idea what a real christian is. He doesn’t qualify and neither does his whore. Real Christians do not tell others to suck cock and they do not constantly talk about HATING people. And if they really had a Christian wife, she would agree with what I just said. If she justified that stuff, she is a whore, not a Christian.

There are religious hypocrites and real people of faith. savage is a religious hypocrite. He is that piece of shit that thinks he can say he is Christian and that alone gives him free will to say and act any way he wants. No that makes you a religious hypocrite

Those that talk the talk and walk the walk. Those are true people of faith

You hate people every day and post it, and tell others to suck cock? You are nothing but an embarrassment to real Christians. You are also a scumbag and a piece of shit HYPOCRITE.

May 24, 2012
Hi savage1. Do you every get the NFL Madden Sims scores from bookmaker. If you do could you please post them on the service page please. It's money to be made doing the shut down, lock down, or what every you want to call it.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Hi savage1. Do you every get the NFL Madden Sims scores from bookmaker. If you do could you please post them on the service page please. It's money to be made doing the shut down, lock down, or what every you want to call it.

Savage buys whores and he blows Phil Steele. That is it

Nov 11, 2007
What psychic/WAYNE does NOT say and which he repeats over and over again is that yes it is true that one time and one time only I told StevieRay

to suck Trump's dick.

What he DOESN'T tell you that Stevie insulted me right before that and countless times before and after that especially with insults directed toward my wife.

Also it appears that the psychic/WAYNE he is getting frustrated in that his Trump postings are not working and is going back to his personal insults for

"better" results.




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