To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran


Aug 6, 2006
Sorry, but I'll quote you whenever the fuck I want. The taunting on twitter is meaningless BS, just as is your empty reply. If we bomb Iran's Sovereign land, they will have every right to retaliate, and they most certainly will, here and unfortunately in Israel. Hopefully saner heads will prevail, we'll reach an agreement, and no attack will be necessary. Thank G-d people like you and your mindset are nowhere near the highest decision making capacity in the US.

I know you're trying to turn up the boiler because it's what you do. I did not demand you not post. Post whatever you want, just not to me. I understand that I cannot communicate with you in a positive manner and would rather no longer try. To keep doing so would be insane, which is an accusation you hurl liberally at other posters, yet never toward Iran. Funny that.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The Coldweather doctrine always works best.

Hopefully Bibi does just that shortly after the Muslim Kenyan announces his phony toothless 'agreement'


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Valerie Jarrett is Iranian so you KNOW she's a HUGE Jew hater just like Hussein, and giving the Islamo-Nazis everything they want.

Better we will wake up one morning very soon to learn Israeli and Saudi jets are bombing Iran's nuke sites into oblivion rather than live through another holocaust.

Are you listening, you contemptible, deceitful, treasonous illegal alien Muslim? Your phony modern "Peace For Our Time" will NOT stand.



Sep 21, 2004
I know you're trying to turn up the boiler because it's what you do. I did not demand you not post. Post whatever you want, just not to me. I understand that I cannot communicate with you in a positive manner and would rather no longer try. To keep doing so would be insane, which is an accusation you hurl liberally at other posters, yet never toward Iran. Funny that.

You reply to me, then whine and cry when I reply back. Tough shit Tout. I'll quote, post and reply to your inane nonsense whenever the fuck I want. If you want pretend to ignore me again, be my guest. Maybe you'll actually do it this time, but I doubt it.

Sep 21, 2004
Valerie Jarrett is Iranian so you KNOW she's a HUGE Jew hater just like Hussein, and giving the Islamo-Nazis everything they want.

Better we will wake up one morning very soon to learn Israeli and Saudi jets are bombing Iran's nuke sites into oblivion rather than live through another holocaust.

Are you listening, you contemptible, deceitful, treasonous illegal alien Muslim? Your phony modern "Peace For Our Time" will NOT stand.



Your irrational hate knows no bounds. That's why agents of hate like you spread FALSE information about who might be Islamic, like that suicide German Pilot. When your lies are proven to be lies, you just move on to the next one, and here it is. Trying to spread more Islam hate on someone who is not Muslim. Valerie Jarrett in fact Has Judaism in her background. You are a sick, sick Canadian Casper, very sick.,7340,L-4039768,00.html

Aug 6, 2006
You reply to me, then whine and cry when I reply back. Tough shit Tout. I'll quote, post and reply to your inane nonsense whenever the fuck I want. If you want pretend to ignore me again, be my guest. Maybe you'll actually do it this time, but I doubt it.

Do you have a need to read me telling you to drop dead or something?
Post whatever you want. Post opposite of what I post.
Your words speak for themselves and define you and the way you reason.
You will not change my views, nor mine yours. It is pointless to continue attacking each other. No one is crying.
Feel free to attack my ideas as vociferously as you like. Just don't quote me or talk to me. I don't think it's an outrageous request. You're the guy who says you make peace with your enemies. Let's see you take your feet out of the cement.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
C'mon SB. I'd expect such a naive, simplistic, detached from reality, answer from others in this thread and on this board. We couldn't defaet a much easier foe, Iraq, in years, not days, and eventually had to retreat in defeat while helping to create and strengthening the Terrorist organizations we now see over there. That Iran is helping to fight against.
Iran wouldn't retaliate because they don't want to see their military obliterated???? So they're just going to take it, no retaliation??? Make no mistake, retaliation will be swift, hard, and destructive. Here and In Israel. The start of a long, destructive, war. For all concerned. That's what sick people like Bolton want. Continuous war. Pray to whaever G-d you believe in that fools like him are marginalized, and ridiculed, and never get into a position of power again.

The Iraq military machine was destroyed within months of Gulf war 2. Began 19 March 2003. 9th April 2003 .Baghdad fell and Sadam's regime was dead after 24 years of rule. No more Iraq military might, no longer a force in the Middle East.

This time there would be no boots on the ground. The Iranian dream of Middle East superpower would be destroyed, their military machine in tatters.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Iran is getting its ass kicked in Yemen. A ground invasion by the Saudi coalition will be a big statement to Iran and two fingers to Obama, the Gulf states and Egypt are sick of Obama's appeasement of Iran.

As Arabs are saying everywhere Iran keep out of Arab . Get out of Yemen, get out of Iraq, get out of Yemen, get out of Syrian. Stop meddling in Arab affairs. You are not Arabs.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Iranian Defector: 'U.S. Negotiating Team Mainly There to Speak on Iran’s Behalf'

5:01 PM, MAR 28, 2015 • BY DANIEL HALPER

An Iranian journalist writing about the nuclear negotiations between the United States and Iran has defected. In an interview Amir Hossein Motaghi, has some harsh words for his native Iran. He also has a damning indictment of America's role in the nuclear negotiations.

“The U.S. negotiating team are mainly there to speak on Iran’s behalf with other members of the 5+1 countries and convince them of a deal," Motaghi told a TV station after just defecting from the Iranian delegation while abroad for the nuclear talks. The P 5 + 1 is made up of United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China, France, plus Germany.



New member
Nov 10, 2010
The only deal that is acceptable to me is. The lifting of sanctions for the complete termination of Iranian capabilities to enrich uranium . No compromise on this, no halfway measures or freezing of nuclear programme. the end of all capabilities.

They don't want this and that is why the talks have dragged on for so long.

If they don't give it up by these peaceful means with the reward of lifting of sanctions, then those facilities are removed by military means that is the ultimatum. Stop this charade that is empowering Iran on the world stage.

The message is simple.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Iran Backs Away From Key Detail in Nuclear Deal[/h]
MARCH 29, 2015 New York Times.

AUSANNE, Switzerland — With a negotiating deadline just two days away, Iranian officials on Sunday backed away from a critical element of a proposed nuclear agreement, saying they are no longer willing to ship their atomic fuel out of the country.
For months, Iran tentatively agreed that it would send a large portion of its stockpile of uranium to Russia, where it would not be accessible for use in any future weapons program. But on Sunday Iran’s deputy foreign minister made a surprise comment to Iranian reporters, ruling out an agreement that involved giving up a stockpile that Iran has spent years and billions of dollars to amass.
“The export of stocks of enriched uranium is not in our program, and we do not intend sending them abroad,” the official, Abbas Araqchi, told the Iranian media, according to Agence France-Presse. “There is no question of sending the stocks abroad.”

Western officials confirmed that Iran was balking at shipping the fuel out, but insisted that there were other ways of dealing with the material. Chief among those options, they said, was blending it into a more diluted form.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Boehner: Iran has 'no intention' of keeping its word on nuclear dealSunday 29 March 2015 15.34 BST The Guardian[/h]

Iran has “no intention” of keeping its word on an agreement being negotiated in Switzerland over its nuclear programme, House speaker John Boehner said on Sunday.
The top Republican’s comments came as negotiations in Lausanne approached the 31 March deadline for the drafting of a framework for a deal, under intense criticism from Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu.
Speaking on CNN, Boehner said he had serious doubts about the talks.
“We’ve got a regime that’s never quite kept their word about anything,” he said. “I just don’t understand why we would sign an agreement with a group of people who have no intention of keeping their word.”
If there was no agreement, Boehner said he would move “very” quickly to impose new sanctions on Iran.
“The sanctions are going to come and they are going to come quickly,” he said.
Boehner deepened a rift with President Barack Obama when he invited Netanyahu to address Congress earlier this month without first informing the White House. The invite strained Obama’s already awkward relationship with the Israeli premier.
“I think the animosity exhibited by this administration toward the prime minister of Israel is reprehensible,” said Boehner. “And I think the pressure they have put on him over the past four or five years frankly pushed him to the point where he had to speak up.”

Boehner said Netanyahu had clearly highlighted the threat he said Iran’s nuclear programme represents, “not only to the Middle East but to the rest of the world”.
Netanyahu denounced the talks once again on Sunday. “I am deeply troubled by the emerging agreement with Iran in the nuclear talks,” he said at the start of a cabinet meeting. “The agreement confirms all of our fears and even worse.”

Boehner said: “The president doesn’t want to talk about [Iran]. Doesn’t want to talk about the fact that he has no strategy to deal with it. When you begin to see all these leaks that presumably came out of the White House about what the Iranian deal was going to be, there is a lot of concern in Congress on a bipartisan basis.”


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clintons Refused to Return Money from Iranian Government Front Group[/h]Man pardoned by Bill Clinton tied to Iranian foundation



BY: Brent Scher
March 26, 2015 10:35 am

The Clinton Foundation refused to return more than $50,000 of contributions from a group described by federal government investigators as a “front” for the “Mullahs who dominate Iran.”
The Alavi Foundation contributed $30,000 to the Clinton Foundation in 2006, and again contributed between $25,000 and $50,000 in 2008.
The Washington Post reported in 2003 that federal law enforcement officials said that Alavi was “closely tied to the mullahs who dominate Iran” and “funds a variety of anti-American causes.”
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara filed a lawsuit in 2009 to seize a New York City building partially owned by The Alavi Foundation alleging that it had been acting as a “front for the government of Iran” for two decades.
“For two decades, the Alavi Foundation’s affairs have been directed by various Iranian officials, including Iranian ambassadors at the United Nations, in violation of a series of U.S. laws,” said Bharara.
Despite the allegations, the Clinton Foundation held its ground, stating in 2009 that it had no plans to return the money it received from The Alavi Foundation.
The 2008 donation to the Clinton Foundation came just two days after Alavi’s partner, the New York-based ASSA Corp., was designated a terrorist entity by the Treasury Department.
In 2013, a federal judge upheld Bharara’s case and ordered the seizure of the 36-story building. Bharara said at the time that the ruling “paves the way for the largest-ever terrorism-related forfeiture, and provides a means of compensating victims of Iranian-sponsored terrorism.”
The Clinton’s ties to the case don’t end with donations from Alavi.
One of the tenants of the building, Marc Rich, had previously fled the United States for Switzerland after he was indicted on 65 charges including “fraud and illegal trading with Iran.” Rich was trading with Iran even as it held American hostages.
Rich returned to the country after former President Bill Clinton pardoned him on his last day in office in 2001.
The Rich family contributed over a million dollars to Democratic political causes, including $450,000 to the Clinton library.

This entry was posted in Politics and tagged 2016 Election, Bill Clinton, Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton,


New member
Nov 10, 2010
The negotiations whether they lead to an agreement or not , are not going to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, they are so advanced now and the concessions they have given are so trivial and easily reversible that the deal actually legitimises Iran's existing nuclear programme.

Aug 6, 2006
Press Aide to Iranian President Defects - Ahmed Vahdat and Richard Spencer
Amir Hossein Motaghi, who managed public relations for Iranian president Hassan Rouhani during his 2013 election campaign, has sought political asylum in Switzerland after travelling to Lausanne to cover the nuclear talks between Tehran and the West. Motaghi said he no longer saw any "sense" in his profession as a journalist at the Iran Student Correspondents Association as he could only write what he was told. "My conscience would not allow me to carry out my profession in this manner anymore."
In a television interview, Motaghi also gave succor to Western critics of the proposed nuclear deal, which has seen the White House pursue a more conciliatory line with Tehran: "The U.S. negotiating team are mainly there to speak on Iran's behalf with other members of the 5+1 countries and convince them of a deal," he said. (Telegraph-UK)


Aug 6, 2006
Iran's Nuclear Breakout Time: 7 to 8 Months - Olli Heinonen (Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
The breakout time for 6,500 centrifuges with 3.5% enriched UF6 will be between seven and eight months - less than the goals set by the U.S. administration.

Iran's nuclear infrastructure is much larger than what it actually needs. Therefore, a monitoring scheme that is merely "good enough" will not guarantee success in preventing Iran from breaking out and achieving a nuclear weapons capability.

The writer is former deputy director-general for safeguards at the IAEA. Full Article:

Aug 6, 2006
What Else Is Iran Hiding? - Ali Alfoneh and Reuel Marc Gerecht (Washington Post)

As Olli Heinonen, a former No. 2 at the International Atomic Energy Agency, has warned, outsiders really can have no idea where and how fast the mullahs could build a nuclear weapon unless they know what Iranian engineers have done in the past.

Without "go anywhere, anytime" access for IAEA inspectors and a thorough accounting of Tehran's weaponization research, we will be blind to Iran's nuclear capabilities.
The writers are senior fellows at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

Aug 6, 2006
Arab States Gear Up for War - David Schenker and Gilad Wenig (Wall Street Journal)

Over the weekend, the Arab League met in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, and endorsed the creation of an intervention force to fight terrorism in the Middle East.

The main driver is Egyptian President Sisi, supported by King Abdullah II of Jordan and King Salman of Saudi Arabia.

The willingness of Arab states to finally sacrifice blood and treasure to defend the region from terrorism and Iranian encroachment is a positive development.

But it also represents a growing desperation in the shadow of Washington's shrinking security role in the Middle East.

Mr. Schenker is the director of the Program on Arab Politics at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, where Mr. Wenig is a research associate.

See also Why Yemen Matters - Daniel Pipes (Washington Times)

Dec 12, 2006
Obama is doing his best to start WWIII

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