To all you conspiracy theory nut jobs out there..


Dec 21, 2007
What are you babbling about fella?
You can find info on Operation Northwood all over the internet....look it up and then get back to me

Ignorance AND Arrogance are not a good combo sircheersgif
When are we going to get all these earth shattering revaluations?

Sure 9/11 was not about “weapons of mass destruction” etc…any fool knows that…

You said you have info/proof on 9/11 and school shootings…Please share the credible information you have on these events being fake…

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
When are we going to get all these earth shattering revaluations?

Sure 9/11 was not about “weapons of mass destruction” etc…any fool knows that…

You said you have info/proof on 9/11 and school shootings…Please share the credible information you have on these events being fake…

Its out there bro in droves for those seeking the info....its not something I want to spend time going back and forth on right now, IM more focused on the present situation.

If you really want to know the truth it wont be hard to find but let me give you a few jumping off points as a courtesy since I do remember you giving that Mob asshole some good beatings in the past.

They didnt just start lying to us

Hope you found the other versions of that Operation Northwoods so that you can confirm for yourself that it is indeed a true declassed file.

LIke I said no interest in back and forth debates, if you watch and think its full of shit then fair enough....happy hunting sir.:toast:

I didnt say 911 was fake , these were my words
It is going to blow people's mind when they release info about EVENTS that go against the accepted narrative ( Apollo missions, 911, school shootings and more)


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
or that Q is not a real at the fake news who keep making stories and are concerned about a "debunked conspiracy theory"
i know i will never "reach" you since you are a Qanon but i assure you the whole Q thing, while it has plenty of roots in real information, is a leftist plot to expose the radicals based off an old Bolshevik and Stasi program to OUT the potential terrorists that would get in their way. While a lot of what they put out is accurate there is no deeply entrenched plot to overturn the power brokers, it's the power brokers making you expose yourself. that's why you Qboys are now talking about speaking through invite-only sites and passing info through torrents, they're just weeding out the truly "radicalized" group among you.

You have hundreds of Qanons sitting in prison without proper legal representation and for that super scary January 6, ahemm, insurrection, and neither you nor Q is coming to their defense. THAT is the power you possess, figure this the fuck out ... please

(you don't seem like a bad dude at all and I think your heart/head is in the right place but you're too absorbed in Qworld to see reality. The day is NEVER coming when all of their secrets, lies, murders, and genocide is revealed. "They" get a fn kick out of you thinking that reading some mysterious messages means their days are numbered. They're writing the fn messages!)

Jul 23, 2020
Well, at least I got three pages out of this before it was moved.


Dec 21, 2007
Its out there bro in droves for those seeking the info....its not something I want to spend time going back and forth on right now, IM more focused on the present situation.

If you really want to know the truth it wont be hard to find but let me give you a few jumping off points as a courtesy since I do remember you giving that Mob asshole some good beatings in the past.

They didnt just start lying to us

Hope you found the other versions of that Operation Northwoods so that you can confirm for yourself that it is indeed a true declassed file.

LIke I said no interest in back and forth debates, if you watch and think its full of shit then fair enough....happy hunting sir.:toast:

I didnt say 911 was fake , these were my words
It is going to blow people's mind when they release info about EVENTS that go against the accepted narrative ( Apollo missions, 911, school shootings and more)

Fair enough sir...

I will give it a look...

Nov 20, 2004
You would think the internet would make people smarter, but it has actually made people dumber. Thats really sad. The amount of bullshit that is spread on the internet is mind boggling. People believe all the dipshits posting garbage from their mommys basements believing it to be true facts. Yes all the govts around the world want all of their citizens to get the vaccine, so that we can wipe out the entire world population, lmfaooooo. If thats their plan, every country should all just launch their nukes. It would be a lot faster. This vaccine has now been tested on 170 million people in our country, dipshits with a death rate of like 0.002 percent. All you dumb asses that believe in all these conspiracies, guess never paid attention in class when the science teachers said germs and viruses would someday wipe out man kind. Its funny how the conspiracy nuts all said once biden was sworn into office the virus would suddenly go away. Well it didnt go away and now its getting worse. That should tell all you dipshits that this thing is real. Just another conspiracy story that turned out wrong once again. Problem is people keep believing bullshit posted by guys like stevie ray{how an awful life this human trash must live** who post garbage non stop 24/7/365. after awhile people just end up believing the bullshit, because they have been force fed the same bullshit over and over again. To all people who dont want the shot, dont get it, i could give a rats ass. Just dont coming looking for sympathy when your on a ventilator. Go die being a dumb ass. Gotta go now the chip that was implanted in my arm is turning on right now, you fucking dumb asses.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
i know i will never "reach" you since you are a Qanon but i assure you the whole Q thing, while it has plenty of roots in real information, is a leftist plot to expose the radicals based off an old Bolshevik and Stasi program to OUT the potential terrorists that would get in their way. While a lot of what they put out is accurate there is no deeply entrenched plot to overturn the power brokers, it's the power brokers making you expose yourself. that's why you Qboys are now talking about speaking through invite-only sites and passing info through torrents, they're just weeding out the truly "radicalized" group among you.

You have hundreds of Qanons sitting in prison without proper legal representation and for that super scary January 6, ahemm, insurrection, and neither you nor Q is coming to their defense. THAT is the power you possess, figure this the fuck out ... please

(you don't seem like a bad dude at all and I think your heart/head is in the right place but you're too absorbed in Qworld to see reality. The day is NEVER coming when all of their secrets, lies, murders, and genocide is revealed. "They" get a fn kick out of you thinking that reading some mysterious messages means their days are numbered. They're writing the fn messages!)

The people in jail are unfortunate POW's in the war...its unfortunate no doubt

I get that misinfo thing you talking about I just DISAGREE with it for many reasons. The main reason is that Trump is part of it and if he has deceived us then we never had a chance to begin with:smoking:

Bottom line is it doesnt exist then we are closer to being totally fucked than people can imagine and I just dont think that is the case.....time will tell....Freedom or Gulags.....

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
You would think the internet would make people smarter, but it has actually made people dumber. Thats really sad. The amount of bullshit that is spread on the internet is mind boggling. People believe all the dipshits posting garbage from their mommys basements believing it to be true facts. Yes all the govts around the world want all of their citizens to get the vaccine, so that we can wipe out the entire world population, lmfaooooo. If thats their plan, every country should all just launch their nukes. It would be a lot faster. This vaccine has now been tested on 170 million people in our country, dipshits with a death rate of like 0.002 percent. All you dumb asses that believe in all these conspiracies, guess never paid attention in class when the science teachers said germs and viruses would someday wipe out man kind. Its funny how the conspiracy nuts all said once biden was sworn into office the virus would suddenly go away. Well it didnt go away and now its getting worse. That should tell all you dipshits that this thing is real. Just another conspiracy story that turned out wrong once again. Problem is people keep believing bullshit posted by guys like stevie ray{how an awful life this human trash must live** who post garbage non stop 24/7/365. after awhile people just end up believing the bullshit, because they have been force fed the same bullshit over and over again. To all people who dont want the shot, dont get it, i could give a rats ass. Just dont coming looking for sympathy when your on a ventilator. Go die being a dumb ass. Gotta go now the chip that was implanted in my arm is turning on right now, you fucking dumb asses.

Cool story bro,,,,now why dont you actuall read some info from smart people about the long term potential negatives. the current deaths are simply a blip of the long term negatives that we have coming.

Arrogance and Ignorance are not a good combination pal.

Nov 20, 2004
Cool story bro,,,,now why dont you actuall read some info from smart people about the long term potential negatives. the current deaths are simply a blip of the long term negatives that we have coming.

Arrogance and Ignorance are not a good combination pal.
unlike you, i dont read info from facebook, twitter, you tube jerkoffs. Feeble mindless idiots like you gobble up all that bullshit.

Nov 20, 2004
Cool story bro,,,,now why dont you actuall read some info from smart people about the long term potential negatives. the current deaths are simply a blip of the long term negatives that we have coming.

Arrogance and Ignorance are not a good combination pal.
if your boy trump told you to drink the poison juice, you would do it in a heart beat, cause your a fucking guppy with no brain

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Let’s do a reminder that they want 70% to take it. 30% of 332 million is 99.6 million, the predicted population of the USA in 2025.

Nov 11, 2007
if your boy trump told you to drink the poison juice, you would do it in a heart beat, cause your a fucking guppy with no brain

How about downing a bottle of Trump endorsed sugar flavored Lysol as an alternative to the vaccination-surely that would work!! lol

Sep 20, 2017
Predicted by who? The idiots who believe the vax was produced with the purpose of killing all who take it?
I think the idea is to reach herd immunity(supposedly why they want people to take it) they want 70% to take the vax
If that happens it leaves 30%(99.6 million) unvaccinated
Predicted outcome if the vax is intended to kill leaves 88.6 million people

Nov 20, 2004
Let’s do a reminder that they want 70% to take it. 30% of 332 million is 99.6 million, the predicted population of the USA in 2025.

you need some serious mental help to really believe all the bullshit you post on this site. So that means your boy trump who you would get on your knees for, is gonna be part of the ones that die. So when are all of us that got the shot just going to drop dead? Every single conspiracy the whack jobs post on the internet never come true. what ever happened to the 50k indictments that were supposed to happen when trump was in office? whatever happened to all the fema prison camps that were supposed to happen, when dopes on the internet saw all the fema trailers being stored in georgia a few years back? You have total nut cases making up all these silly conspiracies and guppies like you believe it. Pretty sad. If there was all this election fraud, it should be pretty easy to prove it, yet Trumps own people said the election was okay. Amazing democrats were able to pull off all this election fraud in all these states, right while republicans were there watching the elections. Thats some pretty dumb fucking republicans. Also why is it, you conspiracy nuts all say democrats rigged the elections and never say republicans rigged the elections? Is that because republicans are all so honest and wouldnt do such a thing? Give me a friggin break. Your just a sad little person who hates the way your life turned out. Get some help

Jun 4, 2018
next you're gonna tell me there's secret human-animal cloning programs

or Planned Parenthood harvesting and selling baby parts and organs

or that vaccine passports are real followed by implantable chips holding your personal information

or that the Govt poisoned alcohol during Prohibition

or that FDR was crippled

or that Dominion voting machines had internet connection capabilities

or that hundreds of thousands of illegals are being walked into the US through the southern border, many with covid, and then the govt is using your tax money to send them on buses and planes to the cities of their choice

or that glyphosate is a harmless weed-killer

all crazy talk...
it's all true :ohno: it's all true

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
you need some serious mental help to really believe all the bullshit you post on this site. So that means your boy trump who you would get on your knees for, is gonna be part of the ones that die. So when are all of us that got the shot just going to drop dead? Every single conspiracy the whack jobs post on the internet never come true. what ever happened to the 50k indictments that were supposed to happen when trump was in office? whatever happened to all the fema prison camps that were supposed to happen, when dopes on the internet saw all the fema trailers being stored in georgia a few years back? You have total nut cases making up all these silly conspiracies and guppies like you believe it. Pretty sad. If there was all this election fraud, it should be pretty easy to prove it, yet Trumps own people said the election was okay. Amazing democrats were able to pull off all this election fraud in all these states, right while republicans were there watching the elections. Thats some pretty dumb fucking republicans. Also why is it, you conspiracy nuts all say democrats rigged the elections and never say republicans rigged the elections? Is that because republicans are all so honest and wouldnt do such a thing? Give me a friggin break. Your just a sad little person who hates the way your life turned out. Get some help

lol. My life is great ! Seems yours may be the losing life

I’m not a conspiracy theorist at all. Far from it.

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