or that Q is not a real thing.....lol at the fake news who keep making stories and are concerned about a "debunked conspiracy theory"
It is going to blow people's mind when they release info about EVENTS that go against the accepted narrative ( Apollo missions, 911, school shootings and more)
How many of you think that its crazy that our own govt would hurt their own people strickly as a poilitical manuver......Please read the now declassifed Operation Northwoods to glimpse what these people are capable of
- Proposed Top Secret plan from 1962 stating intent among the Joint Chiefs of Staff to stage terrorist attacks, including killing innocent civilians, to provoke war with Cuba
- Proposals include use of drone aircraft to stage foreign attacks, staging hijackings, staging attacks on U.S. vessels and facilities, staging riots, as well as the creation of “terror campaigns” on U.S. soil