Thoughts on


RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
Then why no contact phone or address?
Does it not bother you that they gave out personal information to Murph?

Why are you people so naive and willing to give these people the benefit of the doubt.:think2:

they didnt give me any personal info.

u call a couple scam names personal??? they jus thought it was hilarious the moron used the same address in all three accounts even though the rules strictly forbid it..even if there was a Jimmy and James in same house. ONLY ONE ACCOUNT PER ADDRESS PERIOD.

also they didnt provide the ip/address/etc to me just a stiff name that more than likely is fake anyway....if anything it prolly means nothing to them especially if u have seen the stiff page.

they provide enough there for us to laugh at, yet dont tell address/etc where technicaly they could expose these stiffs like degenerate dood more than they have.

all and all newspaper was right.DD is now exposed and wont be coming back to this thread, considering he has nothing to say now that we know he is a stiff.....Its quite funny actually to see him claiming to post up funds yet if u do a research of his recent posts he was crying poor a week ago.

sometimes stiffs/crooks/morons always end up exposing their true self.

Goodluck and no harm no foul bookie...i knew u read it wrong..i ment nothing other than go find out for not saying getting the info from them is 100% correct but i tend to agree with the story they provide way before i believe DDood's because for one he is one of maybe 3 stiffs who have made up a complaint story...most others are talking of business as usual, and report being paid very atleast for now through chat or not, i believe the book.


Legal Scams All Around You
Feb 20, 2006
If you don't mind that their servers are loacted in the US, they registered through are only registered through Dec, 2008, and seem far too good to be true, then by all means play there. The fact that their servers are in the US should steer any US players far, far away in this climate. If they aren't an Identity theft scheme, or a Gov't sting operation, they certainly have enough info to turn over to the Feds that the IRS may be interested in, WHEN, not if, but WHEN they are busted. They show no hesitancy about publically sharing anyone's private info. Booking online from the US is flaunting it and not too bright, unless you're a fly by night operation and didn't plan to be around for the long haul, or one oof the scams I mentioned above.

Legal Scams All Around You
Feb 20, 2006
it took them two seconds on live chat to find out which scumbag liar he was...they were laughing bout the i decided to expose the guy.

anytime i have a question i go on live chat and ask...simple as that.

go do it urself if u have more questions.


so they gave you ANOTHER PERSONS acct info over live chat?


offered you a credit bonus to run back on the forums and tout it up!


did you get your $50 dry snitch bonus yet??


New member
Oct 3, 2004
If I owe somebody money, all I want is their name and address. No picture or utility bill necessary.
Scam in the making---just take awhile to uncover it.

Apr 10, 2007
If I owe somebody money, all I want is their name and address. No picture or utility bill necessary.
Scam in the making---just take awhile to uncover it.
..Yeah..and if you lend somebody a thousand dollars to take pot shots at you..all you need is a name and address?..Right..They have to verify your identity so the same no pay losers do not keep taking pot shots at them..

Every fucken book I ever deposited at with a cc card has my ID..Bookmaker even makes me take a pencil and rub it lightly over my cc card and a piece of paper so they can have an imprint..You think all the Coasta Rican, Gibralter books give a fuck about your ID`s safety?..I sure as fuck dont..If you do not like it..dont play there..but this place has been legit for a while now..I dont play there all you ass holes with theories about guys gettin cut backs for posting good shit about them are not correct..

I`ll be the first mutherfucker here to call out a shady book and you can put that in your pipe and smoke it!

New member
Aug 27, 2007
Deniz - like your posts man, but if you will not even admit this is not a shady shop, you are on the PAYROLL.

Sorry dude, they HAVE NO CONTACT INFO.

um. yeah, that inspires confidence.
Jul 21, 2003
Why do you need contact info? They have live chat and always respond quickly (at least the 3 or 4 times I have used it). Bet PanAM, BOS, Aces all had contact info and what good did that do anyone. They took YOUR money and you never saw it again. At least here if they run, they only take your credit line with them.

I dont think it should be your only out, but I love their soft dog lines and so far they have paid me. If it stops, guess what, I still have THEIR money.

As for identity theft, what difference is it if they have the info or bodog or bos? It just takes one person at one book to screw you. Sack up and pay the $15/month for credit monitoring. I check mine weekly.

Last, I'm not on any payroll either. I have posted here for years and only post my thoughts and experiences.

Bottom line - buyer beware. I would be concerned if I sent them money, and hoped to get it back some time. As it is now, they have been a place that not only sends me funds, but send them fast and cheap. Good luck getting your Bodog money in a month, if ever. And that is money you had to send THEM.

I think I want my money back!
Mar 29, 2005
The whole identity theft thing doesn't fly with me.

Sending your utility bill & ID to any offshore shop is a risk.

As far as the government sting entrapment.
Jul 21, 2003
Not sure where the utility bill came from. I just sent the id and as long as it matches your CW info when you signed up, you are good to go. You only have to send a utility bill if they have a different address for you then the one that shows on your licence. Mine was actually different and I just went to the DPS and got a new one and sent it. Ok'd that day, card the next, money the day after that.
Mar 19, 2008
DING DING DING Here we go. I made an account, they said nothing, said all was fine, I get up 2000 dollars, and suddenly. Sir one second there is a problem.. blah blah. Fuck them bums. I wouldn't be spouting shit off if I stiffed them, I would slink away.
Jul 21, 2003
and to be honest, i figured they would give me a hard time since i first sent them an id with a different address. I figured I needed a new DL anyway and didnt feel like sending any bills. Simple enough.
Jul 21, 2003
DING DING DING Here we go. I made an account, they said nothing, said all was fine, I get up 2000 dollars, and suddenly. Sir one second there is a problem.. blah blah. Fuck them bums. I wouldn't be spouting shit off if I stiffed them, I would slink away.

Your just pissed you didnt get away with it. I bet you were pretty excited thinking you screwed them twice and now you were going to get paid.
Mar 19, 2008
Please wait. A representative will be with you shortly.
Sam says:
Hello James. My name is Sam how can I help you?
James says:
Enough of my shit
James says:
I've done nothing wrong here
Sam says:
yes sir
James says:
I even told Ben the truth and he believed me
Sam says:
and he is confirming it
James says:
Why would I want to send in my fucking ID when you have a stiffs page if I've odne something wrong
James says:
ok confirm it
James says:
I've done nothing wrong
Sam says:
you have acted like an ass the whole time sir
James says:
An ass?
Sam says:
everything i say you act like one
James says:
James says:
How do you expect someone to act?
Sam says:
no sir I did not
James says:
Yes you did
James says:
I have the conversation saved
James says:
James says:
That is calling me a liar
James says:
It goes againt my exact words
Sam says:
after you started your shit then I started on you
James says:
My shit?
James says:
You excused me of lieing
James says:
How pathetic are you?
Sam says:
Sam says:
James says:
I have the conversation saved
James says:
Man this is gonna look good on and
Sam says:
James says:
I also have me and bens phone conversation saved
James says:
Him threatning me over nothing
Sam says:
put it everywhere
James says:
I will
Sam says:
James says:
My grandpa is the district attourney in Omaha
James says:
Sam says:
James says:
It is good
James says:
You guys are a bunch of scam artists
Sam says:
no sir
James says:
accusing me of shit I've never done obv so you dont have to pay your measly 1.3k
Sam says:
looks like you are\
James says:
bigger than your whole bankroll
Sam says:
afraid for us to check into past
James says:
LOL if I did shit you'd have proof
James says:
I told you to check into past buddy
James says:
When I said sir you got upset
Sam says:
we are
James says:
I said its bullshit not to pay me
Sam says:
every winner has been paid and will be paid unless they break the rules
Sam says:
James says:
James says:
I havent broke any rules
Sam says:
if you did nothing wrong then you will get paid
Sam says:
James says:
If I did he would of closed mya cocunt after we talked on the phone
Sam says:
you say
James says:
He even apologized
James says:
I said look into it.. I said after that its bullshit not to pay me
Sam says:
we check all sir
James says:
I'm viewing the conversation in MSWORD
Sam says:
we are looking into it
Sam says:
past it back here
James says:
No reason to
Sam says:
you will see you started with your attitude way before i called you a liar
James says:
James says:
I asked you for simple directions
Sam says:
cause you dont have it
Sam says:
prove me wrong
James says:
That you couldn't even follow
Sam says:
Sam says:
and I will apologize
James says:
Alright I'll bet you it will be posted on every forum within 20 minutes
James says:
I'm good
Sam says:
thats great
James says:
I don't need apologies from illiterates
Sam says:
and all will know the truth
Sam says:
James says:
Yeah we do
Sam says:
here you go again
James says:
Here I go again
James says:
James says:

Please wait. A representative will be with you shortly.
George says:
Hello James. My name is George how can I help you?
James says:
Hey George did things get figured out with Ben?
George says:
you ask every person every day and you keep getting told that ben will be in on Sunday sir
James says:
Why wouldn't I ask everyday? It's a pretty big deal.
George says:
and you keep getting told the same thing
George says:
nothing changes
James says:
No I haven't actually.
James says:
It's differed.
George says:
Ben will be in Sunday and you need to talk to him
James says:
If or I need to?
James says:
George says:
If you keep asking your account will be closed
George says:
Chat closed I'm not dealing with this
Please wait. A representative will be with you shortly.
George says:
Hello James. My name is George how can I help you?
George says:
aggravate me again and you will be blocked
James says:
Aggravate you?
James says:
You blatantly lied
James says:
Block me then man. I'm just asking for honest answers and asked for help. Which is your job
James says:
I'm not trying to cause you strife, I'm asking for you to help me. SInce I'm in the dark here.
George says:
you dont listen
George says:
I have no time for this
James says:
Then what do you have time for? Your job is to sit here and be a desk jockey, answering questions.
James says:
I'm helping you do your job.
James says:
You get paid to do this.
George says:
not for people who never listen and are abusive
James says:
I'm not calling you names, I'm not harassing you. All I was doing was asking for a follow up. How was I abusive?
James says:
I listened and I said Sam told me he would call me, then you said that is not true and I ask daily.
James says:
THen you said he is in 3 days aweek and was in today
Mar 19, 2008
I'll be posting the audio recording here soon, Funny thing is I never made any of those accounts, and Ben even said the IP wasn't my address, I dont have a cox account, then suddenly it was. IT MUST BE YOUR NEIGHBORS, YOU CAN DO THAT, HEY FUCKFACE I USE AOL
Mar 19, 2008
I'm guessing ''murray'' here is involved with this website, it's almost laughable.

They originally siad I was some guy from north Omaha and then when i sent documentation proven that it moved on to some more shit, they have no clue who is who and this shit isn't on the up and up. Fuck them

New member
Aug 27, 2007
I want that 4 minutes of my life back.

But I feel your pain DD.

Seems odd that they would have so many violent backers for such a new shop with an untested model. Perhaps they feel their potential checks depend on it.

RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
DING DING DING Here we go. I made an account, they said nothing, said all was fine, I get up 2000 dollars, and suddenly. Sir one second there is a problem.. blah blah. Fuck them bums. I wouldn't be spouting shit off if I stiffed them, I would slink away.

ROFL :nohead:

First off having a blance of 2000 means u are up 1000 (they gave u 1000 credit but simple minded people wouldnt understand that i guess.. ROFL).....SO U WERE UP 1000 not 2K...sheesh

so u DO admit u had multiple accounts???

U should have been 100% LEGIT and cashout-able since they didnt DISCOVER u were a SCAMMER till after u won??????

what a joke...u expect us to respect u after they were right in their ruling???

Did it ever occur to u that a book doesnt check for FRAUD or DUEL ACCOUNT status...IP CHECK/ADDRESS/etc etc until after THEY OWE, or ARE OWED?

It would occur to me that until they need to verify your identity WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY???

it costs money/staffing/other sources so why would they waste time on several thousand lame scammers like urself until u actually demand a payout?

did u jus expect them to BAN ur account the day u signed up ACCOUNT 2 or 3?? and if they DIDNT BAN U ....then u were GOOD TO GO??? 100% LEGIT???

ROFL :missingte

Quit crying to the jury.

The verdict is in.



Degenerate TOOL
Mar 19, 2008
I never admitted to having multiple accounts, they claimed I did for the sole reason someone had the same first name as me, It is blatantly obvious you are a shill for this website, no regular man would talk in the business fashion or take such personal gains to attack someone over something like this unless they had fiscal gains from it.
Mar 19, 2008
I had already sent them all my information, ID, Online INFO, Utility Bill, If I had stiffed them I certinely wouldn't be sending it to some shady offshore book.

You are what Stalin referred to as one of his ''Useful Tools''

What is the best part about this is, your volitle attitude you show with your book shows up with your posts, which gives everyone on here direct insight into the truth.

New member
Nov 21, 2001
What is the best part about this is, your volitle attitude you show with your book shows up with your posts, which gives everyone on here direct insight into the truth.

<table id="post5571859" class="tborder" width="100%" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="thead" style="border-style: solid none solid solid; border-color: rgb(253, 222, 130) -moz-use-text-color rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130); border-width: 1px 0px 1px 1px; font-weight: normal;">
07-22-2008, 01:56 PM <!-- / status icon and date --> </td> <td class="thead" style="border-style: solid solid solid none; border-color: rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130) -moz-use-text-color; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0px; font-weight: normal;" align="right"> #200 </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="alt2" style="border-style: none solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color rgb(253, 222, 130); border-width: 0px 1px;" width="175"> Murphy8276 <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("postmenu_5571859", true); </script>
RX Senior

Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Ohio
Posts: 1,609

</td> <td class="alt1" id="td_post_5571859" style="border-right: 1px solid rgb(253, 222, 130);"> <!-- icon and title -->

<hr style="color: rgb(253, 222, 130);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> Quote:
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by Harvey Dent
they had a notice earlier they would be down from like 1 est to 3 est something like that
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

yea i spoke with support after last nites down time.

the server crashed so they were re installing a new one today should be back up and not offline again once they get this server install done....i mean its good to shut it down right now anyway...aint a bet to be made till plenty of work time and plenty of betting time afterward.

i always live chat support if i have questions....they have been upfront everytime..i mean most books would jus tell u it was an abnormal mishap...but they actually were honest and said they decided to buy new i mean atleast they are investing in company...who knows but im sure u wouldnt spend 1000s on servers unless u planned on using them for good sign imo.
<!-- / message --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="alt2" style="border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130); border-width: 0px 1px 1px;">
</td> <td class="alt1" style="border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130) -moz-use-text-color; border-width: 0px 1px 1px 0px;" align="right"> <!-- controls --> </td></tr></tbody></table>

I'm starting to wonder myself Murph about your motives.
The link is to a thread when you attacked several posters about Creditwagering. Why so emotional?

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