This sicko gunman in NZ


New member
May 24, 2018
How is this even a debate? How many uneducated simple minds occupy this site?

Of course the majority of them are peaceful.

1.6 Billion Muslims. Compare that with the number that are engaged in violence. Now further compare that with the number that are engaging in violent acts in developed countries. I don't understand why you would dignify trolls that say Muslims are violent with a response. It's absurd. They are clearly trolling or about as ignorant as one can get. Let them believe what they want. They are sick people. They live in fear and hate. Let them be.

May the families and friends of the victims in the Mosque killing find justice and peace.

Nobody deserves this.

I don't see why people make this a political debate. Worried about the exposure of killings in a country like Nigeria? Go post threads about it and raise awareness. Why are these sickos bringing that up as if to undermine the tragic story of this thread?

Sick sick people on this site. Scary to think they walk among us. People with so much hate in their hearts.

Enfuego. You should ignore these trolls that are just here to spread hate and fear out of ignorance or merely trolling for the fun of it. I wonder if they have families and how they would feel if they were gunned down in a Church and they try to undermine the story by mentioning oh people died in this 3rd world country why was there no exposure on that etc.

Pathetic. Disgusting. I hope these people don't have kids they are raising. Scary thought.

I don't think you have bad intentions, but you have to realize that the 30% of global Muslims that are ideologically okay with death for apostate (converting from Islam) absolutely provide a safety net for the radicalized Muslims to commit violence in the name of Islam.

This is common sense. If your base level is pretty fucking extreme, it's a short walk to radicalized extreme. Mainstream Islam is extreme compared to 2019 society.

Never ever ever met a Christian who thought you deserved to die for converting from Christianity. Compare that to Islam, where PEW (a left leaning research company) estimates that 30% of global Muslims support death penalty for converting from Islam.

You act like Islam isn't a problem because those 30% aren't killing people themselves. That's moronic. They're providing a base level of insanity for these extremists to continue to grow and thrive and spend time in extremist mosques surrounded by people almost as crazy as them.

New member
May 24, 2018
That's not my argument. My argument is 1.6B Muslims walk the earth and a majority of them are peaceful. Guys here can't accept that but it's a fact.

Let's try a hypothetical. Let's say there's a group of 100 people walking around town. 90 of them support murdering homosexuals for being homosexual. But only 1 of them actually does it.

Are the 90 people a problem? Or just the 1 violent one?

May 27, 2007
This is a little bit misguided though. 30% or so global muslims believe death for converting from Islam is appropriate. 0% or so of global Christians believe death for converting from Christianity is appropriate.

The reason there are so many extremist Muslims is because a moderate Muslim is still insanely extreme when compared to 2019 society.

Totally agree.

May 27, 2007
Let's try a hypothetical. Let's say there's a group of 100 people walking around town. 90 of them support murdering homosexuals for being homosexual. But only 1 of them actually does it.

Are the 90 people a problem? Or just the 1 violent one?

Look, I don't agree with their mentality most of the time but that doesn't mean they turn their beliefs into reality either. As long as the 90 people in your scenario aren't acting, I don't really care what they believe.

Mar 6, 2019
Javy, are you seriously wondering why a guy who live-streamed a mass murder in a first-world country gets more media attention than killings in some third-world shithole where no one wants to live in the first place? Like you think ABC news is gonna send people to Africa to cover some murder that possibly happened weeks ago? Get a clue.
And why are you using examples that are 20 years old to prove some sort of point? Couldn’t find anything more recent in the sea of our 24 hours a day violent news cycle?

New member
May 24, 2018
Javy, are you seriously wondering why a guy who live-streamed a mass murder in a first-world country gets more media attention than killings in some third-world shithole where no one wants to live in the first place? Like you think ABC news is gonna send people to Africa to cover some murder that possibly happened weeks ago? Get a clue.
And why are you using examples that are 20 years old to prove some sort of point? Couldn’t find anything more recent in the sea of our 24 hours a day violent news cycle?

Why are a few prostitutes making up rape allegations about rich white people a 24 month news obsession and a couple of white college kids getting sexually mutilated, raped, burned alive, etc by 5 people of the opposite race not even news according to those same media outlets?

The truth is we know that if the college couple was black and the 5 black assailants were white then that would have been a 24 month story that we heard about 50,000 times between then and the trial.

Look, I don't really want to argue. If you don't think the media picks and chooses what stories to focus on to influence your beliefs then you're not living in the same world as me and there's no use in arguing about it.

Mar 6, 2019
Of course the media does that. I’m still failing to see your point though. No rational person thinks the media is unbiased

New member
May 24, 2018
It's a story, sure, but 98.6% or some shit of terrorist attacks at airports globally are done by Muslims. Find this info yourself, saw it before, referenced in a podcast.

Why is the news terrified to say a statistic like that but a white person does something and it proves white people are evil and this other group is innocent and persecuted? We know that's not true.

Mar 6, 2019
What percentage of school shooters are white? Does the media reference that statistic when another one happens? No, they don’t, because it’s not part of the story. But according to you, it should be? Got it

New member
May 24, 2018
What percentage of school shooters are white? Does the media reference that statistic when another one happens? No, they don’t, because it’s not part of the story. But according to you, it should be? Got it

I believe around 70% or so of mass shooters in America are white.

In a country that is 70% white. LOL. That is equal representation.

Not saying you're in this group, but a lot of people don't understand statistics.

For instance, black men are shot more often by police than white men if you just look at percentages, but when you control for violent crime and interactions with police involving calls that involve violent crime, white men are actually shot proportionally more by police than black men.

But that doesn't fit the narrative that the media loves to pander. So you'll never hear it.

New member
May 24, 2018
Here's another one. Over the last 30 or so years, black men and white men have killed roughly around the same number of cops. Despite the fact one group makes up 70% of the population and another group makes up 13%.

And despite that, cops actually shoot white men more than black men when you control for interactions involving violent crime/investigations into violent crime.

But black men are the victim, the media told me so!

New member
May 24, 2018
I said school shooters. Nice subtle dodge there

Men are 6 times more likely to kill themselves than women, die younger, make less money when they're single, and report higher levels of depression.

And yet every liberal policy geared to help out one of the sexes is aimed at helping women at the detriment of men.

So no, I didn't dodge it. Men are in a bad place thanks to liberals.

Mar 6, 2019
Ok well if you can’t even refute the own issues you brought up, I’m gonna exit this discussion after handing you the L

New member
May 24, 2018
Ok well if you can’t even refute the own issues you brought up, I’m gonna exit this discussion after handing you the L

LOL sorry little brother, you got slapped around like a bitch here. Who cares about school shootings vs other mass shootings? That's your hill to die on? LOL. It's semantics.

Mar 6, 2019
No one is “dying on a hill.” Since you wondered why the media doesn’t report on a statistic like why Muslims shoot up airports(which I’m not even gonna look up because I can’t even remember more than one happening), I’m simply pointing out that school shootings, which happen with FAR more frequency, and are done near exclusively by whites, aren’t reported with racial statistics either. So who fucking cares?

New member
May 24, 2018
No one is “dying on a hill.” Since you wondered why the media doesn’t report on a statistic like why Muslims shoot up airports(which I’m not even gonna look up because I can’t even remember more than one happening), I’m simply pointing out that school shootings, which happen with FAR more frequency, and are done near exclusively by whites, aren’t reported with racial statistics either. So who fucking cares?

Pretty sure I saw you were more likely to be killed by your furniture than killed in a school shooting

lol but yeah its so likely

Mar 6, 2019
More people have died in school shootings than airport shootings. There was like one this decade. Take your L and move on like I said

Dec 12, 2006
In Nigeria, 120+ Christians have been gunned down or killed with machetes over the past 3 weeks by Islamic jihadists.
CNN didn’t even report on it. Big newspapers ignored it.
So far in 2019, there have been 453 Islamic terror attacks in which 1,956 people have been murdered.
4,305 Christians were murdered by Muslims because of their faith in 2018 alone.
A Christian living in a majority Muslim country is 143 times more likely to be killed by a Muslim for being a Christian than a Muslim is likely to be killed by a non-Muslim in a Western country for being what he is.
Jan 12, 2019
Muslims would be celebrating all over the world if they killed 200K Jews and Christians in 1 attack

47 or whatever Muslims get shot and its a world wide tragedy. Please

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