Jim Ross-
There is no doubt you are Dave Johnson or acting under direct inside information from him.
Sure, Dave could email or dictate his posts to "Jim Ross" and send them from a remote location, but Shrink's implication was that your specific comment about me was too specific to come from the outside.
I also agree Beenthere also smells a lot like Casablanca, since he started posting Jun 24th, shortly after this probelm with Areeff.
When I used to work on his old computer system, Dave Johnson asked me to create this very "Java" account so I could defend criticisms of their software, but come from an address outside of Casablanca's office. I was the one that explained how IP addresses worked to Dave, so I feel bad for all the shilling he as done in the years since.
Anyway, my support of Areeff in this no pay situation is based upon the inconsistent excuses by Dave Johnson, which are pointed out by many other posters as well.
Singling out one poster from behind a weak shill like Jim Ross is just an attempt to divert attention.
To use such a shill to attack Shrink is just plain stupid.