i dont believe none of the shit above...most of it is incorrect and out right crap
BAR: Well that certainly puts a crimp in our relationship if you're convinced to not believe anything I say
BEAM: and your ways are exactly what is wrong with and why this country is fucked up and will get nothing but more fucked up a little bit more than the day before...
BAR: And yet I and my friends and family are rocking along living a happy life while you froth like a madman. Go figure
BEAM: I think you have demons living in are against anything of god
BAR: Actually I'm a happy, lifelong Christian. But I've learned to not make a big deal about it.
BEAM: And i know you cant be a white man...
BAR: We already covered that...I'm actually kind of a dark tan. During the summer months, you might see me and mistakenly want to call me Pancho