[h=2]The children fighting over Muhammad Ali's $80million fortune: Eight of boxing legend's offspring are pictured as his casket arrives home in Louisville[/h]
It was a moving display of family unity: nine children with four women gathered around the bedside of dying Muhammad Ali. They had rushed from all corners of the US, said his spokesman, to share the final moments of a man whose chaotic family life had always been subsumed under his glorious public one. On Sunday, his body returned home to Louisville, pictured inset, where he will be laid to rest on Friday. After the funeral there are fears that the gloves will be off in the battle over the boxer's $80million fortune and, perhaps equally importantly, who guides the legacy of such a legend. Ali, who died Friday aged 74, is pictured center with some of his children - (from left) Jamillah, Maryum (standing), Khaliah (sitting), adopted son Asaad, Hana, Miya, Laila and Rasheda.