Trump knows money really doesn't grow on trees or form in the clouds and fall to the ground in the form of rain
Every auditor, any accountant who glanced at government budgets, any financial whiz with a lick of integrity understands there's MASSIVE waste in government and cutting spending could actually be painless.
I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt spending could be cut 10% and not miss a beat, with good managers of course.
Of course democrats, liberals and career politicians all go straight to arguing some sort of catastrophic event taking place. Such politicians are inherently dishonest (although many are just plain stupid). The people they're speaking to are somewhat uninformed, a little naive. At the end of the day, such people still believe career politicians, what more needs to be said?
PS: this matter has proven one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt, it's time for Republicans like John McCain to be removed from office. If the senile geezer decides to run again, I will donate money to whomever opposes him in the primaries. And if a conservative (honest) democrat runs against him, I'll donate to that democrat. It's time for the clueless mother fucker (who the democrats love except for 4 months in 2008) to be put out to pasture