Tin - no I had a great day why? I think the time is right for us to call a spade a spade. Paid employee rolling over from a rival site pretending to be interested in only "correcting" things has gone beyond comic. We will try and keep it cleaned up but we have a lot of pride in our home as well, won't make any apologies over defending it.
Minnow - Sorry I missed your response. First off I don't think you lost any friends. You are pretty good at the Miss Innocent act. If either of them want to speak to you about it that is up to them. Between us I think it looks bad when we bicker but maybe it is part of your job. I think you are here more because someone wants you to be rather than on your own, if you say no I will take your word for it. Here's a few questions though I really want to know your opinion on. If you want you can e-mail them to me if you bother to answer....
- Do you want the garbage between the sites to end? Or do you want it to continue? I know the answer for your boss, what do you think? If not why are you here?
- You say you come to "correct" us but what purpose does it really serve? If BoDog is piss-poor let the readers decide. Input from you and Russ is clearly not objective and takes away from what the posters have to say. If you can't see why people would doubt your sincerity on BoDog I don't know what to tell you. You seem like a sweetheart but hard for me to swallow your interest in BoDog is just a coincidence.
- Should all of us paid employees be around to "set the record straight" at the other sites as you claim? I only ask because I never see Grandfather over here? Or Total Square? Or MJH? Or Louis Cypher? I never see our guys over there "correcting" you or Russ. I'm not being facetious but in your opinion do you think it's best I patrol your site and "correct" you guys if I deem it necessary? Personally I thought it was a disgrace to tell a man like Black Lab he is lying about having a sick father, calling him a cheat, a liar and a
thief. This from the owner of a site about a poster all in the main forum? However not only did I not go over and "correct" anybody I stayed out if it entirely. Even when Seven and other respected posters bashed Russ about it I did not bother to chime in on my own. Even though the whole thing was disgusting to read and it was posted over here.
- Should I defend myself over there every time? From the moment I started here I have been called a sell-out, bought off for money etc.... You know the routine if anyone ever does anything your boss doesn't like. Think SBR sold out on CRIS over a dinner from Micky according to your place. I was once again in the spotlight yesterday. Since I am here and your boss doesn't like it I will be continually bashed. Why not "correct" that? Though it's easy to ignore since I have no respect for the person who says it, should I be responding like you do? If Ken was here using your name with some of these allegations I would almost guarantee you would be over here screaming and hollering.
- Why not argue the issues instead it's always about money or someone being "paid off". Nobody is more suspicious of their spouse having an affair then one already involved in one. If I was a Shrink I would call that projection. They are trying to rationalize based on their own life what other people would do. A few extra $$$ in my wallet means squat to me if I have to sell my soul for it. The most common refrain is always you have changed or sold out for the money if anyone disagrees with you people. A dinner with Micky, mod pay or whatever. If there is ever any meat to any of this stuff address those things in the future and leave the cheapshots alone. Is that unreasonable?
In closing I really want to hear what you have to say Minnow. I have done my very best to not get involved in this but I have to tell you I am not going to let this stuff from you continue on without responding. I like this place and I am proud of what we are doing here. We've got a ways to go but we don't waste our time over your place looking to "correct" you guys. Not enough time in the day as it is. Hope this doesn't offend you but knock off the innocent poster routine here to check us out.
BTW I missed your response about your involvement in the hacking of our boardroom? Seems you would want to "correct" that as well.