There's no excuse for the way the North Koreans treated our son and the way they have treated so many others.


May 27, 2007
The previous administration warned him not to go. They did their job. He decided to go anyway. It's on him.

I guess I value personal responsibility a little more than you, and I don't look for people to blame my problems on.

How did they warn him not to go? He asked the WH if he could go to NK?

Where does it say that? I'd like to read that.

May 27, 2007
What "the fuck" do you think they told him?

A) Sometimes 22-year-old kids don't tell their parents things. Do you know he asked them for their opinion?

B) If he did tell them, they most likely warned him not to do it.

All that to say, you have absolutely no clue what they did or did not tell him but you are blaming them based on pure conjecture.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
How did they warn him not to go? He asked the WH if he could go to NK?

Where does it say that? I'd like to read that.

At least two other Americans are currently being held by North Korea. Twenty-one-year-old University of Virginia student Otto Warmbier was detained in January of last year as he was set to board a flight in Pyongyang. He was accused of taking a political poster off a wall and sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. Another U.S. citizen, Kim Dong Chul, got 10 years of hard labor for alleged espionage charges.

In its latest travel warning issued in February, the State Department does everything but ban going to North Korea, saying there's "serious risk of arrest and long-term detention under North Korea's system of law enforcement." The U.S. doesn't have diplomatic or consular relations with the country, which complicates matters as Sweden's embassy has to work as a go-between of sorts.

The State Department even goes as far as to suggest that Americans who travel to North Korea could indirectly fund the country's weapons programs.


Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
The State Department's warning is almost word-for-word of what Warmbier did:

In North Korea, the following – whether done knowingly or unknowingly – have been treated as crimes:
  • Showing disrespect to the country’s former leaders, Kim Il Sung or Kim Jong Il, or for the country’s current leader, Kim Jong Un, including but not limited to tampering with or mishandling materials bearing their names or images;
  • Entering North Korea without proper travel documentation;
  • Possessing material that is in any way critical of the DPRK government;
  • Proselytizing or carrying out religious activities, including activities that may be construed as such, like leaving behind religious materials;
  • Engaging in unsanctioned political activities;
  • Traveling without authorization, even for short distances;
  • Having unauthorized interaction with the local population;
  • Exchanging currency with an unauthorized vendor;
  • Taking unauthorized photographs;
  • Bringing pornography into the country;
  • Shopping at stores not designated for foreigners; and
  • Removing or tampering with political slogans and signs or pictures of political leaders.

May 27, 2007

See, this is where liberal arguments fall apart. When people actually press regarding details. In post #37, you said the previous administration warned Warmbier about traveling to NK. The previous administration DID NOT specifically warn this young man not to go to NK. You are implying they phoned/emailed/texted/sent a telegram to him telling him NOT to go to NK. That's not what happened.

The state department routinely puts out travel warnings regarding travel to certain areas. I can guarantee you 95% of the U.S. does not know the state department does this nor do they know where to look. Are you telling me a 22-year-old kid knows to go to the state department website to check on travel restrictions? That's absurd.

So just admit in post #37, you are mistaken and misleading. No administration told this young man NOT to go to NK. That didn't happen like you're making it out to be.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
See, this is where liberal arguments fall apart. When people actually press regarding details. In post #37, you said the previous administration warned Warmbier about traveling to NK. The previous administration DID NOT specifically warn this young man not to go to NK. You are implying they phoned/emailed/texted/sent a telegram to him telling him NOT to go to NK. That's not what happened.

The state department routinely puts out travel warnings regarding travel to certain areas. I can guarantee you 95% of the U.S. does not know the state department does this nor do they know where to look. Are you telling me a 22-year-old kid knows to go to the state department website to check on travel restrictions? That's absurd.

So just admit in post #37, you are mistaken and misleading. No administration told this young man NOT to go to NK. That didn't happen like you're making it out to be.

What an intellectually dishonest post.

Of course Warmbier wasn't warned personally, and I never said he was. Your "argument" is ridiculous, again. He was warned as part of the general warnings that I posted above. If a UVa graduate is unaware that North Korea is a dangerous country to visit, his parents and his education failed him tremendously.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
I would expect to be murdered for removing or tampering with a political sign. Wouldn't you?

After reading the State Department's warning, I would say imprisonment was guaranteed, and death was possible.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
All kids make mistakes. They learn and move on. Unfortunately his was the MOAM
and it got him killed. Lack of common sense is dangerous.

May 27, 2007
What an intellectually dishonest post.

Of course Warmbier wasn't warned personally, and I never said he was. Your "argument" is ridiculous, again. He was warned as part of the general warnings that I posted above. If a UVa graduate is unaware that North Korea is a dangerous country to visit, his parents and his education failed him tremendously.

Exactly what you said.

The previous administration warned him not to go. They did their job. He decided to go anyway. It's on him.

I guess I value personal responsibility a little more than you, and I don't look for people to blame my problems on.

This implies they reached out to him to tell him not to go to NK and he ignored their warnings. Please stick to facts not fairy tales.

May 27, 2007
Don't you think the travel agency that arranged his trip to North Korea warned him of the dangers?

Just like your assumption he told his parents and they told him not to go...I have no fucking clue and neither do you.

Assumptions are a bitch huh?

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
Exactly what you said.

This implies they reached out to him to tell him not to go to NK and he ignored their warnings. Please stick to facts not fairy tales.

I don't like to name call, but you are an idiot. No reasonable person would think that my post "implied" that the Obama administration personally warned Mr. Warmbier. For you to argue that makes you an idiot.

The Obama administration, and probably every administration all the way back to Truman's, warned all Americans not to travel to North Korea. ALL AMERICANS. Warmbier, being an American, was warned. It is not that hard, for most.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
Just like your assumption he told his parents and they told him not to go...I have no fucking clue and neither do you.

Assumptions are a bitch huh?

This is straight off the website for the tour group that Warmbier patronized, Young Pioneer Tours:

North Korea FAQ

How safe is it?

Despite what you may hear, for most nationalities, North Korea is probably one of the safest places on Earth to visit provided you follow the laws as provided by our documentation and pre-tour briefings. Tourism is very welcomed in North Korea. North Korean’s are friendly and accommodating, if you let them into your world and avoid insulting their beliefs or ideology. Even during tense political moments tourism to the DPRK is never affected.

However, it is important to note that they have what amount to extremely strict lèse-majesté laws (our
pre tour travel agreement which all tourists must sign before a tour cover these in greater details) and in the event you should contravene those laws the consequences can be severe.

Recent cases of severe unwarranted consequences for American detainees in North Korea means we now consider the risk to Americans visiting North Korea to be too high and as such we can no longer accept Americans
travelling on US passports for tours to North Korea.

How do you get through the day as dense as you are?

May 27, 2007
I don't like to name call, but you are an idiot. No reasonable person would think that my post "implied" that the Obama administration personally warned Mr. Warmbier. For you to argue that makes you an idiot.

The Obama administration, and probably every administration all the way back to Truman's, warned all Americans not to travel to North Korea. ALL AMERICANS. Warmbier, being an American, was warned. It is not that hard, for most.

Now you're changing your tune when you get called on the accuracy of your details. Typical liberal.

May 27, 2007
This is straight off the website for the tour group that Warmbier patronized, Young Pioneer Tours:

How do you get through the day as dense as you are?

Are you still implying the kid's parents warned him and he read these various websites before going to NK or do you have some facts to back your claims?

Wait, I know the answer already.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
You don't sound like a parent. I give my almost 19-year-old advice all the time. Sometimes he takes it and sometimes he doesn't but I treat him like a grown man and let him succeed or fail based on his own decisions. It doesn't mean I don't give him advice, it just means he makes his own decisions.

How in the fuck do you know they didn't tell him not to go to N. Korea?

After reviewing this entire thread, I can see why you hold the position you do: It is because you identify personally with this situation, and you see Warmbier, Jr. as your son, and yourself as Warmbier, Sr.

Your son is likely a fuck-up. You describe it in the quoted post. And, seriously, how could he avoid it? You are a person who spends hours on end on a gambling message board (25,000 posts) and calls people an "abortion," a "douche," and describes people's comments as "fucking dumb," just in this thread! Why do you think he ignores your advice? What an example you have been for 18 years!

Since your 18-year-old son isn't following your advice, it obviously hurts you, and you have rationalized the Warmbier's plight to be the same as your own, so you sympathize with them and defend them.

May 27, 2007
After reviewing this entire thread, I can see why you hold the position you do: It is because you identify personally with this situation, and you see Warmbier, Jr. as your son, and yourself as Warmbier, Sr.

Your son is likely a fuck-up. You describe it in the quoted post. And, seriously, how could he avoid it? You are a person who spends hours on end on a gambling message board (25,000 posts) and calls people an "abortion," a "douche," and describes people's comments as "fucking dumb," just in this thread! Why do you think he ignores your advice? What an example you have been for 18 years!

Since your 18-year-old son isn't following your advice, it obviously hurts you, and you have rationalized the Warmbier's plight to be the same as your own, so you sympathize with them and defend them.

Funny stuff on so many levels as you've made so many assumptions in your posts on this topic it's actually entertaining. Again, you don't know what the father did/did not do in regards to advising his son about NK. You've made the assumption he actually spoke to his father about traveling to NK which may/may not be true. Basically, you don't have a clue. You deal in assumptions, I deal in facts and the fact is you don't know any of this. You guessed but have no idea.

25K posts over a 10 year period. Again, you're having a problem with context just as you did when you said the administration warned Warmbier not to go to NK.

The one thing I've never done on this site is attack or discuss fellow poster's families. To me, it's off limits. I guess that's ok for you. Good for you. I hope you have a great family and they have their health. I wouldn't ever say a word about them.

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