Being a white male involved with a black gal for the past 15-16 years, I feel I have some insight to offer on this subject. When we first started going out, it was a very different time (way less tolerant than today's world) and we had problems from both races let alone family members (each side). There were places we could each go, but not together. Unfortunately, there are still a few places like that, but the good news is people have come to better terms with a "mixed" couple.There were plenty of times in the early going in which we fought like cats and dogs and the racial slurs came from both of us. After hearing (aloud) we both stopped, and started to laugh at our stupidity. Over the years, since those stupid fights we've needed gone racial on each other and won't. It's called respect. Many of person should remember that before dropping a "N" bomb on someone or a group for all it takes is one time to piss off the wrong person and you could end up swimming with the fishes or pushing up daiseys from your lack of intelligence. To each their own. Lastly, if anyone who thinks there is not racism in this world is a complete fool. I could list a dozen plus places in the metro area that make it uncomfortable for "mixed" couples. Word to the wise.