just like you wouldn't use one indicator to evaluate a player/team you can't just use the unemployment rate or participation rate on it's own.
if a player increases his shooting percentage, that should be a good thing, as long as he is still taking the same amount of shots.
reporting on just unemployment rate is useless and misleading unless the participation rate remains unchanged.
reporting on just the participation rate is useless and misleading unless the unemployment rate remains unchanged.
like you figured out the participation rate can be at 100% with 100% unemployment.
same with number of jobs.. useless number unless population remains unchanged
there are other metrics that can be looked at, like population:employment ratio
elected officials pick and choose what metrics and what time period to show what a great job they are doing.
like saying "I work 80 hours a week" but didn't sell any cars
then the next week saying "I sold 20 cars this week" and didn't show up for 3 days because you were blowing your paycheck
I agree with this.
The real thing the USA needs to do is invest in what will make us stronger. The only way in a global market is to make products people want and at a better value. I hate to tell those people in the rust belt the truth because they cant handle it....but those manufacturing jobs arent coming back.
Carrier Air Conditioning is a perfect example. If you cant compete on price and quality you are destined for failure. The only reason they are staying is that they have $500 million in revenue and the parent company has about 8 times that in military contracts. So the threat of losing 8 times the sales is the reason for staying (plus subsidies).
The car industry is a perfect example. GM had dominant market share. Honda and Toyota came in and made better products and they lost market share. I will never buy another GM product. The Honda and Toyota actually cost more but I am willing to pay that because I believe I am buying a better quality product.
The USA needs to invest in making the top 25% of our students exceptional. They need to invest in products that the world wants and needs and be the absolute best at those. Products that right now they dont even know they want or need. Example would be driverless cars. Make the best ones in the world and then manufacture those here and export it. Develop the next medical device like the pacemaker that the world will want and need and manufacture it here.
Not an air conditioner that the only reason it is here is because the government bullies them to stay.
I looked at big screen TV's yesterday. I will buy one that I think has the best value for my dollar....I don't care where it is made. If they can make a better product in the USA for the dollar I will be happy to purchase it. But I dont want it to be because we put tariffs on the competitors just so a plant in Ohio can compete. Common we can do better than that.