The Real Michael Vick - Don't let him fool you


New member
Mar 29, 2007
I guess you didn't read the article. You have no idea what you're talking if you can't back it dont reply yourself.

LOL. ok bud.

From what we at Best Friends know of the way Michael Vick has related to the animals he abused, the answer is clearly that he has “simply rediscovered the pocket.” Best Friends took 22 of Vick’s 48 seized dogs and the only contact we’ve received from Vick or his representatives was by way of some overtures from his agent, one of his attorneys and a PR firm specializing in reputation rehabilitation. They were interested in some public glad handing that would put Vick in a favorable light with the NFL, which at the time was still considering whether or not to reinstate him. We declined.

Best Friends has never heard from Michael Vick or any of his representatives inquiring after the health or well being of any of the 22 dogs that we received from his fighting ring.

According to the law, Michael Vick has paid his debt to society. Many would argue though that being free to get on with his life is one thing. Being welcomed into the highly privileged ranks of the NFL is quite another and warrants a much higher threshold of qualification.

but according to you a 7 year old is supposed to know the difference between Mike Vick the person and Mike Vick the football player. and if they don't they need to have their heads checked. lol.

and again not all kids grow up in a high class white neighborhood like you. there are a lot of poor ghettos out there with kids who don't have any one to lean on. forget don't get it anyway.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
If you can honestly disagree with him overcoming his unfortunate situation he put himself through and overcoming it, which is an inspiration to others that have been in similiar situations....then there's no point arguing. All I have to say is congrats Vick and haters gon hate

once again. you don't get it. I don't want the man to fail. That's not my wish. I just don't think he should be celebrated when no one really knows for sure if he learned his lesson and he is truthfully remorseful.

RX Senior
Oct 17, 2010
LOL. ok bud.

From what we at Best Friends know of the way Michael Vick has related to the animals he abused, the answer is clearly that he has “simply rediscovered the pocket.” Best Friends took 22 of Vick’s 48 seized dogs and the only contact we’ve received from Vick or his representatives was by way of some overtures from his agent, one of his attorneys and a PR firm specializing in reputation rehabilitation. They were interested in some public glad handing that would put Vick in a favorable light with the NFL, which at the time was still considering whether or not to reinstate him. We declined.

Best Friends has never heard from Michael Vick or any of his representatives inquiring after the health or well being of any of the 22 dogs that we received from his fighting ring.

According to the law, Michael Vick has paid his debt to society. Many would argue though that being free to get on with his life is one thing. Being welcomed into the highly privileged ranks of the NFL is quite another and warrants a much higher threshold of qualification.

but according to you a 7 year old is supposed to know the difference between Mike Vick the person and Mike Vick the football player. and if they don't they need to have their heads checked. lol.

and again not all kids grow up in a high class white neighborhood like you. there are a lot of poor ghettos out there with kids who don't have any one to lean on. forget don't get it anyway.

Yes, why not? You assume they're retarded or naive? You HONESTLY believe because they're from the "ghetto" without parents to lean on they're going to be influenced from Vicks dogfighting? Just because he got out and paid his dues to return to football stardom? :ohno::ohno:

RX Senior
Oct 17, 2010

LA Times sports reporter Bill Plaschke wrote a compelling piece for yesterday’s paper on the resurgence of Michael Vick as an NFL quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles. Plaschke interviewed the caregiver of Mel, a pit bull and former resident of Best Friends Animal Society—and one of Vick’s former canine victims. Powerful stuff. Plaschke’s article boils down to is this question:

“Essentially, an ex-convict is dominating America’s most popular sport while victims of his previous crime continue to live with the brutality of that crime, and has that ever happened before?

Do you cheer the player and boo the man? Can you cheer the comeback while loathing the actions that necessitated the comeback? And how can you do any of this while not knowing if Vick has truly discovered morality or simply rediscovered the pocket?”

From what we at Best Friends know of the way Michael Vick has related to the animals he abused, the answer is clearly that he has “simply rediscovered the pocket.” Best Friends took 22 of Vick’s 48 seized dogs and the only contact we’ve received from Vick or his representatives was by way of some overtures from his agent, one of his attorneys and a PR firm specializing in reputation rehabilitation. They were interested in some public glad handing that would put Vick in a favorable light with the NFL, which at the time was still considering whether or not to reinstate him. We declined.

Best Friends has never heard from Michael Vick or any of his representatives inquiring after the health or well being of any of the 22 dogs that we received from his fighting ring.

According to the law, Michael Vick has paid his debt to society. Many would argue though that being free to get on with his life is one thing. Being welcomed into the highly privileged ranks of the NFL is quite another and warrants a much higher threshold of qualification. Plaschke again:

“…a large percentage of the population will still think Michael Vick is a sociopath. Many people will never get over Vick’s own admissions of unthinkable cruelty to his pit bulls — the strangling, the drowning, the electrocutions, the removal of all the teeth of female dogs who would fight back during mating.”
Love to see the statistics for that. Seems like he's being more forgiven as time goes by.

Obviously not a sufficiently large enough percentage of the population feels that way to deter the NFL from allowing someone on the field who many do believe is a sociopath ex-convict as long as he can fill the seats. They wouldn’t do it if they didn’t know they could get away with it.

What does a large enough % of the population have to do with him playing in the NFL? That's the commissioners decision. He didn't get away with anything.

Despite the fact that America is routinely described as a nation of animal lovers, concern for the lives and well being of those animals doesn’t yet compete with the desire to be entertained. That’s a problem.
:ohno: Maybe we should make a reality tv show just for dogs? @):mad:

It’s a problem because the same imbalance of public opinion that tolerates Michael Vick as a celebrated athlete also tolerates puppy mills, pet stores and shelter killings…each a cause of suffering many magnitudes the scale of Michael Vicks crimes and in some cases the same order of depravity.

Bitter much? People make mistakes. I sense jealousy in Vicks recent accomplishments.

Ending the societal abuse of homeless pets that results in the death of 4 – 5 million animals annually in our shelter system will require more than the heroic efforts of rescuers, it will require recruiting a larger percentage of this nation of animal lovers to a value proposition that places the lives and well being of our animal companions above personal entertainment, the allure of designer breeds and pets as fashion statements. The Michael Vick story is, for me at least, a marker along the way pointing us to the tasks ahead on the road to No More Homeless Pets.

Yet this is something Vick has supported since getting out of jail. Good quote about this from an ESPN writer, "The man is contrite …He has dismissed his old friends, even run from them when they show up. What else is he supposed to do? Move into a dog kennel himself?"
Francis Battista
Co-Founder, Best Friends Animal Society


What else could he do to prove that he is sorry for what he did? Since his release, he has made 24 speeches for the Humane Society, he no longer associates with the friends who got him into trouble, he went to federal prison and served 18 months in prison and six months in a halfway house, he has repeatedly offered heartfelt apologies.

RX Senior
Oct 17, 2010
your lost. I'm not even responding to you anymore.

No, you're in denial and are way too acceptive of the garbage Bill Plaschke has to say. He makes no valid points. You haven't made a valid point. No one against Vick has made a valid point in this topic. You're just "going with the crowd". I was really looking for a good debate too...

New member
Sep 11, 2009
wow!!!!! I cant believe some comments made in this thread, some of you tards are acting like hes a child murderer. He has more than paid his dues and who cares if he is remorsefull he did the time what more do you want?? I am a dog lover and had a beautiful german shepheard for about 15 years and loved him more than most relatives but he was an animal not human..
I believe that Vick got to much time and they're much worse crimes that go less punished.

he did his time and is now a productive member of society
you guys should cry about kenny powers fighting cocks!!!!!! grow up children.....

New member
Mar 29, 2007
No, you're in denial and are way too acceptive of the garbage Bill Plaschke has to say. He makes no valid points. You haven't made a valid point. No one against Vick has made a valid point in this topic. You're just "going with the crowd". I was really looking for a good debate too...

your misinterpreting what I am saying though. I don't have a problem with him getting a second chance. thats fine. thats what this country is about. I just have a problem with how he is being delivered to the public now.

RX Senior
Oct 17, 2010
your misinterpreting what I am saying though. I don't have a problem with him getting a second chance. thats fine. thats what this country is about. I just have a problem with how he is being delivered to the public now.
How would you like them to deliver him to the public? I can't see any other way from what they're doing now that would make sense...and be fair to him.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
wow!!!!! I cant believe some comments made in this thread, some of you tards are acting like hes a child murderer. He has more than paid his dues and who cares if he is remorsefull he did the time what more do you want?? I am a dog lover and had a beautiful german shepheard for about 15 years and loved him more than most relatives but he was an animal not human..
I believe that Vick got to much time and they're much worse crimes that go less punished.

he did his time and is now a productive member of society
you guys should cry about kenny powers fighting cocks!!!!!! grow up children.....

jesus christ no wonder why this country is in the shitter with attitudes like this. hate to see where we are in 10-15 years.

New member
May 20, 2007
so, i realize this is somewhat off topic... BUT, speaking of NFL players who have "paid their dues" - what the fuck is Plaxico Burress still doing in prison? Guy shot himself, by accident... Never been in any other trouble, nothing malicious, yet he's still behind bars? Crazy f'ing system we got.

As far as Vick goes, I think he should have done the amount of time someone without a household name would've done - and after that he has every right to go back to the NFL (if a team would take him). If you want to express disappointment or anger in the situation, I'd suggest it be directed at the NFL and/or Eagles, as I don't see how Vick himself needs to do any more.

Personally, I don't think I'll ever root for him, as the amount of forethought he put into his crimes was just too much... There were too many opportunities for him to think to himself that perhaps his actions weren't only detrimental to his career - but were inhumane. It wasn't a mistake, it was a lifestyle of thoughtless destruction.

New member
May 26, 2010
No point in continuing the argument.

Keep cheering for Mr. Vick. Keep cheering for the Eagles.

Hope he wins the Super Bowl this year and a few more, hope he breaks a bunch of records, hope he's named MVP, hope he's inducted to the Hall of Fame... what a great story. This is the guy some of you want representing our sport. LMAO.

In the meantime, enjoy these pictures of his dogs.












This last one is a good one.

Georgia, a toothless pit bill and one of the dogs rescued from the Michael Vick dog fighting ring, plays with her favorite toy at DogTown, part of the Best Friend's Animal Sanctuary in southern Utah.


She's toothless because they pulled her teeth out so that she wouldn't fight back during breeding.

New member
Feb 11, 2008
these arguments just dont stack up. should people who kill cattle and other animals be subject to this torment. What he did was absolutely awful act yesbut he was punished severly he spent 2 years in fucking prison. Kobe and big ben have been pretty much caught red handed of rape and havent gotten 10% the backlash of vick. Oh and both them got off.

Im not a vick fan by any means i enjoy the nfl and watching him but comparing the horrible acts he did with animals, i believe doesnt even compare with what these other athletes have done

remember stallworth killing a man driving drunk or caruth killing someone or all the sexual assaults no, no one does within a few months so i really hate when people keep getting salty about vick he paid way worse than any of these other clowns

so out of curiosity for some of you folks would you rather have vick or anyone come in and kill your dog/bird whatever or have some pro athelete come in and rape your daughter or wife?

New member
Sep 11, 2009
kobe never raped anyone, she wanted money and got it, she also had a couple of other guys loads in her and on her panties she was wearing.....
he more than paid his debt.....

when I was younger I watched as my uncle hit a pig over the head with a sledgehammer and while it was ko'd he and my other uncle's tied it to a table stabbed it in the chest and drained its blood into a pail (portuguese people make sausages out of pigs blood) and the pig woke up and let out high pitch squeels until he finally died

New member
Dec 30, 2005
kobe never raped anyone, she wanted money and got it, she also had a couple of other guys loads in her and on her panties she was wearing.....
he more than paid his debt.....

when I was younger I watched as my uncle hit a pig over the head with a sledgehammer and while it was ko'd he and my other uncle's tied it to a table stabbed it in the chest and drained its blood into a pail (portuguese people make sausages out of pigs blood) and the pig woke up and let out high pitch squeels until he finally died

Damn thats just sad man. People that do stuff like this really bother me. Its like they get enjoyment from the power. its just sick and twisted.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
when I was younger I watched as my uncle hit a pig over the head with a sledgehammer and while it was ko'd he and my other uncle's tied it to a table stabbed it in the chest and drained its blood into a pail (portuguese people make sausages out of pigs blood) and the pig woke up and let out high pitch squeels until he finally died

wow...damn that's hardcore...i couldn't do that to an animal in a million years...however i honestly think i would have no problem doing that to a piece of crap human that tries to attack or rob me or someone i know...or the thugs that fight dogs..

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