Good 4 u then.. If you had been buying you'd be losing ur ass off with the roll that lang is on with his guaranteed selections. What i don't understand is why you wouldn't buy the guaranteed selections when it's great for the fade.. Lang loses, your card isn't charged and you win your bet.. What is $99 $75 or $50 too much for you to take a chance considering you'll probably get it back anyway?? Makes no sense.. but yet since lang is on this roll all of sudden ur not buying?? But yet when he loses you act like you did buy.. Just pointing out the facts
Facts without any fact, interesting concept. If you knew what you were talking about, you'd be dangerous. I don't pay, and since I have zero ties to you, I don't feel I have to explain to you. So here's the don't fade Lang yet you're on a fade Lang thread stirring up shit with no real idea what is going on. I think I have you figured out now.