Lol, coming from a liberal arts school, I would never in a million years consider myself a "liberal". I'm definitely pro war, including the Iraq/Afghan war, I'm pro NSA and think they should increase the spying domestically, I think the government should have a greater role in policing the Internet and preventing all the filth and crime that goes on in it. If I had to vote on gay marriage, I would vote against it. I would vote pro to serious immigration reform including building a massive fortress to block the Mexican border.
I would continue developing and using drones in the middle east as much as possible. I would lower taxes on everyone (as long as they prevent us from increasing spending), I would pump the shit out of ANWR in Alaska, I'm pro Keystone Pipeline, etc.
I have many conservative beliefs that make me an outsider to a lot of my friends and their liberal ways. The only reason you don't see that in the Poly forum is because I'm as objective of a person as there is. Like I don't buy in to the petty crap that is dominating the talk in the forum. Like the obsession over Obamacare and Benghazi. Or Michelle Obama's vacations. You'll also never hear me talk about Republicans taking vacations.
I'm simply pro government and organization. In that forum, if you don't hate Obama with a passion you are a socialist, liberal, communist, fascist, etc, etc. And of course everyone of us who doesn't hate Obama is black, does not have a job, and has an Obamaphone.