Hilarious. Vitterd is such a loser he has to post a thread about the Poly Forum in the Rubber room, or wherever the hell it started.
Don't worry, Akphi has taken over your role as resident dumb ass.
It's going to get super ugly for your party in the next 6-12 months uncovering all scandals and corruption.
New libtard buzzword: "witch hunt"
"Benghazi is over for normal people" - fratfraud
Nah....you can see the desperation by repubs already. Turd blossom Rove is out there making up brain damage stories already. LOL.
Seriously, Benghazi will be a non issue for most people. Only those against clinton and obama already really care about it. Independents will see 8 hearings and all these investigations and run from the right like they always do. If you guys wanted to win elections you would just leave the fringe stuff alone......but as a dem, I see keep it going.
Now it's 6-12 months. You need to stop using these made up time frames because they keep blowing up on you.
At least that guarantees another solid 8 years for the Poly Forum. Can't imagine there being much action down there with a Rep in office.
Joe, it's a fox news poll.
It was back in 2012 the polling of fox news, rasmussen, dick morris gang was disgraced....yet they keep coming back.
Nobody going into the voting booth is going to be considering benghazi.....those who are.....made up their minds about hillary decades ago. Cmon Joe....you're smarter than this
True but the repubs will always find away to blame dems....even if they control all branches. Hell, we had a total economic collapse, a terrorist attack that killed thousands and we let people die when it rained in new orleans.....and they still found a way to blame that on guys like Barney Frank and other dems. If a repub gets elected in 2016.....anything that happens, they will still blame obama. It's a disease.
I don't disagree. That's the disease of American politics. It's easy to point the finger at the other side for the problems the US faces. It's harder to identify solutions to these problems. Unfortunately, most politicans choose the easy way out.
Very true.
In regards to polling, i would agree that most did a very poor job in 2012. Only pollster or numbers guy that was accurate was Nate Silver....the rest were not good. A group called Suffolk polling was so wrong it was scary.
Joe, it's a fox news poll.
It was back in 2012 the polling of fox news, rasmussen, dick morris gang was disgraced....yet they keep coming back.
Nobody going into the voting booth is going to be considering benghazi.....those who are.....made up their minds about hillary decades ago. Cmon Joe....you're smarter than this
Did he really post a Fox News poll about Benghazi? Hahaha. Who on Earth would ever go to the voting booth and decide on who the next President is based on whether or not the attack in Benghazi was over a video or not. Lol. That convo would be like... "Hmmmm... these guys hate women, they hate minorities, they hate gays, they hate poor people, but Hillary did say Benghazi was over a video, gotta go with the Repubs."
Well, if the can connect the dots like old man russ....im sure they will come up with the right vote.
You don't get it and you never will. It is all about connecting the dots, i.e., getting to the truth. If you think the truth has come out on Benghazi you are truly sick. Yes, Aktard was outed for the troll he is, the truth hurts. You are the only one referring to posters as crazy psychos, maybe you should step back and give that some thought. Maybe it is you who is obsessed mainly with not wanting to know the truth on most anything. Truth - Aktard is a troll. Truth - something that has not been reached on Benghazi. Get out your crayons and try to figure it all out.
This is how psychotic Russ is. So Sheriff Joe has been scouring the Internet day in day out trying to find information on me. It's really creepy. So Russ compares that search for the "truth" to Benghazi, lmao.
The guy is truly mentally insane.