this is a classic case of defensive can spin this all you want with puns, cliche's, etc. the fact is that year after year everyone that doubts your conference are indeed geniuses. Did I or did I not fade both Cal and Oregon for my biggest plays on Saturday (well ECU fade was also a biggie). So if your intent is to be condescending when implying genius in your cliche then I thank you for your unintended compliment.
No you missed my point which was that it's dumb to make a case on a single weekend. I felt something when I woke up in the morning, like having under slept or gotten up too early and it took until noon before I felt up to speed. I also want to point out that I NEVER try to play one conference off vs another. But I will respond to disrespect and ignorance. Conference superiority is idle chat to me.
Specific strengths and weaknesses among conference opponents is what is valuable. Other than that, conference superiority has nothing to do with any given game on a given Saturday. I'm basically here to share my knowledge of who I follow and try to post some winning sides. Constantly bashed by Pac-10 conference "know it alls" who live thousands of miles away and who often go down in a heap to many people's satisfaction.
And, when I hear all the SEC pundits hoot and holler over their conferences "top to bottom" superiority over all CFB, it means one thing to me and one thing only. They have regressed to a place where their bruised egos need to explain their own team's shortcomings and they take some twisted sort of pride in this "life they lead" which nobody can possibly understand. Only someone who is full of themselves to a fault in a prideful way probably could.
But then when you look at things like head-to-head competition, it all falls apart because it's bullshit. Every player in the SEC gets up and puts their pants on one leg at a time like everyone else.
So instead of just saying things like USC would lose 2 games a year if they played in the SEC, also try saying that Florida would lose 2 games a year if they played in the Pac-10. That is just as realistic. If you don't think so, you are not a handicapper who's plays should be followed because you are too headstrong to be trusted.
What is real is that next year's winners are immature young losers this year. That is true in every conference so it's meaningless to evaluate them with a snapshot weekend as a basis of comparison. After the 8th week, even a lot of today's losers start playing well.