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Heartbroken: Aimee West, the fiancée of murdered fusilier Lee Rigby and his estranged wife Rebecca Rigby cried as the family spoke of their torment

The following story is true.......
A White, American woman and her 4 children were trapped in the mall in Kenya during the recent terror attack. The boys were in a separate store. They got out safely. Meanwhile she crouched under a table with her 4yo and infant daughter, praying the baby wouldn't cry, gunfire all around her.
Meanwhile a Muslim man heard about the attack from his brother who worked in the mall. He drove to the mall and went in, while everyone else was streaming out. Shortly thereafter he received a text from his brother, "I am safe. If you are in the mall get out!"
But he did not leave. He spotted the woman and led her and her two children to the exit.
Good for him, there is hope for Muslims like that...
As a minority and as a Jew I learned to be accepting of others, you should learn to do the same.
You're just not very bright. Read the whole thread before you come in here and spew your brainless effluvia.
I've never seen such dedication to trolling...wow you're a sad human being. Good luck. Go get an education. Stop sitting around wasting your life copying and pasting crap that doesn't even affect your pathetic life.
I have 3 college degrees ass clown. Have you ever been right about anything?
I have 3 college degrees ass clown. Have you ever been right about anything?