The One Size Fits All Friendly Muslim Thread



New member
Oct 20, 2005
Slicing the heads off little boys, how nice and friendly.

The best part is we keep pissing trillions down the drain in attempts to win the "hearts and minds" of theologians. AMERICA - FUCK YHEA!
Sep 21, 2004
Syrian Islamists kill boy, 15, in front of parents for disrespecting prophet

Members of an al Qaeda-linked group in Syria executed a 15-year-old boy in front of his parents after kidnapping and torturing him for making disrespectful statements about Islam's Prophet Muhammad, a human rights group in the region claimed.
Mohammad Qataa was seized Saturday in Aleppo by gunmen with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria — formerly known as the Nusra Front — after he was overheard saying during an argument with another, “Even if the Prophet Muhammad comes down [from heaven], I will not become a believer,” according toReuters.
The captors displayed the bloody and beaten boy to a crowd on Sunday, issuing a warning to those who might similarly speak of the prophet before shooting the teen.
“[They] fired two bullets from an automatic rifle in view of the crowd and in front of the boy’s mother and father, and got into a car and left,” the Observatory for Human Rights said.
A photo from the rights groups showed the boy with a bloodied jaw and a bullet wound in the neck, Reuters reported.



New member
Jan 9, 2009
Just think what they would have done had it been a girl instead. Yes indeed, we need to show more respect for that muslim "religion". Are we sure that was not just some more work place violence. good grief.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Are Mosques Excluded from The Digital Snooping Dragnet?[/h]by Elizabeth Sheld 13 Jun 2013, 3:51 AM PDT 145post a comment
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[h=2]An Investor's Business Daily opinion piece makes the claim that mosques are excluded from the massive dragnet surveillance operation of the US Government. "That's right, the government's sweeping surveillance of our most private communications excludes the jihad factories where homegrown terrorists are radicalized."[/h]Considering that the pretense for all this "necessary" surveillance is to stop terrorism, it seems unusual to exclude mosques from examination. What is going on?
The piece explains that "Since October 2011, mosques have been off-limits to FBI agents. No more surveillance or undercover string operations without high-level approval from a special oversight body at the Justice Department dubbed the Sensitive Operations Review Committee."
(Here is the unclassified version of the FBI Domestic Investigation and Operations Guide, head over to page 171ff )
Who is this review committee? "Nobody knows; the names of the chairman, members and staff are kept secret."
Apparently, these limitations were set up from pressure by Islamic groups.
We do know the panel was set up under pressure from Islamist groups who complained about FBI stings at mosques. Just months before the panel's formation, the Council on American-Islamic Relations teamed up with the ACLU to sue the FBI for allegedly violating the civil rights of Muslims in Los Angeles by hiring an undercover agent to infiltrate and monitor mosques there.
IBD goes on to describe that "the FBI never canvassed Boston mosques until four days after the April 15 attacks, and it did not check out the radical Boston mosque where the Muslim bombers worshipped. The bureau didn't even contact mosque leaders for help in identifying their images after those images were captured on closed-circuit TV cameras and cellphones."


Aug 6, 2006
How To Understand Islamism: Read What Its Leaders Actually Say - Barry Rubin
To read Yusuf al-Qaradawi's 1984 book Islamic Education and Hasan al-Bana is to get an Islamic education. Nobody should be allowed to talk about Islam or political Islamism without having read this or similar texts. Just as Marx claimed in the Communist Manifesto of his movement, the Islamists, too, disdain to conceal their aims. It's easy to see why al-Qaradawi is the leading Sunni Islamist thinker in the world today. He knows how to express his ideas clearly and persuasively.

Al-Qaradawi does not put the emphasis on Western strength or even on injustice, but on Muslim weakness. He does not flinch from facing the humiliations of the situation. He promises - as the Arab nationalists did 60 years ago - that his doctrine will bring rapid development and tremendous power. Like Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev once did, al-Qaradawi pledges to the West: "We will bury you."

Islamism is a formula to turn inferiority into superiority, to make the Muslim world number one. It uses religion and is formed by key themes in Islam, but ultimately it has nothing to do with religion as such. This is a political movement. Al-Qaradawi is far more sophisticated than a demagogic firebrand.

Western observers often take for granted or discount the seriousness of a movement claiming that it is a direct instrument of God's will. They are used to subverting far weaker contemporary Western religious impulses, or look at those from the past that crumbled in a test of wills with rationalism, modernism, material interests, and personal hypocrisy.

The key challenge is not to cite passages from original Muslim theology to "prove" that Islam is always unchanging and inflexible or to ignore Islam as a factor completely, but to look at the movement's modern strategy and tactics. Almost 30 years after al-Qaradawi clearly explained the movement's ideas, the opponents of Islamism have barely begun their attempt to understand and to educate others on this ideology. (PajamasMedia)


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Scott L: Sounds like Qaradawi is enacting the Hope and Change that Obama only talked about. He is a unifier, Obama is divider. He leads from the front, Obama leads from behind, way behind. We have to pull out heads out and soon.


Aug 6, 2006
Geller: “The Jewish Left Betrays the Jewish People”

(Let's be real: EVERYONE Betrays the Jewish People - But this piece reveal more about
the sickness of radical slam and it's coddlers than i does about Jews - SL)

In condemning Jews who speak out against jihad and Islamic supremacism, leftist rabbis are enabling the worst enemies of the Jewish people.

Protester burns Israeli flag with swastika on it in El Salvador Photo: REUTERS
Last Monday in the Toronto Star, Rabbi Dow Marmur wrote an article criticizing what he referred to as my “customary rants against Islam,” saying that they would “create tensions between the two communities.”

“Rants against Islam,” i.e. condemnations of Islamic anti-Semitism, hatred of infidels, wife beating, honor killing, clitoridectomies, murder of apostates, denial of the freedom of speech, and so much more. On the heels of three anti-Semitic attacks in Montreal, another Canadian rabbi saw fit to condemn a fellow Jew for the crime of telling the truth about how jihadists use core Islamic teachings to justify various kinds of violence.

Nor was he the first rabbi to do so – a chorus of rabbis have condemned my work, claiming that it interferes with their dialogue with Muslims. But what are these rabbis really accomplishing with his dialogue, other than to obscure the root causes of the Islamic anti-Semitism that is increasing around the world? Rabbi Eric Yoffie recently published a vicious and defamatory piece attacking me in The Jerusalem Post. Where was Yoffie countering “hate” when Islamic jihadists murdered the Fogel family in Israel? Or when jihadists targeted the Chabad house in Mumbai for a savage and bloody attack? Or when Christians are persecuted on an increasingly frequent and violent basis in Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia and elsewhere? Instead, he opposes me for standing up against this real hatred.

Jewish dissembling and obfuscation about the religious motives behind the jihad against the Jews only serves the enemies of the Jewish people. Now it has become common to assert that if Israel returns to the 1967 lines, there will be peace. But before 1967 the war against the Jews raged, and before 1948 the same war raged against the Jews – led before and during World War II by the then-leader of the Muslim world, the mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini. Hitler’s ally, Husseini lived in Berlin during the war, raised a Muslim SS division, and cited Koranic chapter and verse as the mandate to annihilate the Jewish people. This is clear from the texts of his weekly pro- Nazi radio addresses to the Axis powers and the Islamic Ummah.
The 1,400-year history of Jews living in Muslim lands is brutal and oppressive.

Has Marmur never read Bat Ye’or or Andrew Bostom on Islamic anti- Semitism, or Sir Martin Gilbert’s history of the Jews in Muslim lands, In Ishmael’s House? All of them show that Jewhatred is a constant of Islamic history.

Historian Phillip Hitti states: “The caliph al-Mutawakkil in 850 and 854 decreed that Christians and Jews should affix wooden images of devils to their houses, level their graves even with the ground, wear outer garments of honey color, i.e. yellow, put two honey-colored patches on the clothes of their slaves… and ride only on mules and asses with wooden saddles marked by two pomegranate-like balls on the cantle.”

Andrew Bostom’s work shows much more. One thousand years later, in 1888, a Tunisian Jew lamented a similar situation: “The Jew is prohibited in this country to wear the same clothes as a Muslim and may not wear a red tarbush.
“He can be seen to bow down with his whole body to a Muslim child and permit him the traditional privilege of striking him in the face, a gesture that can prove to be of the gravest consequence.

Indeed, the present writer has received such blows. In such matters the offenders act with complete impunity, for this has been the custom from time immemorial.”

In 1291, Isaac ben Samuel, a Palestinian Jew, said: “In the eyes of the Muslims, the children of Israel are as open to abuse as an unprotected field.”

The philosopher Maimonides said: “You know, my brethren, that on account of our sins G-d has cast us into the midst of this people, the nation of Ishmael, who persecute us severely, and who devise ways to harm us and to debase us…. No nation has ever done more harm to Israel. None has matched it in debasing and humiliating us. None has been able to reduce us as they have…. We have borne their imposed degradation, their lies, and absurdities, which are beyond human power to bear.”

And today, because of this mass Muslim immigration, the Islamic anti- Semitism has increasingly rendered Europe hostile to Jews. Norway’s Jewish population is almost nonexistent, French Jews are fleeing in droves, and a Jewish school in Belgium has been forced to shut down. In Sweden, Muslims shot rockets and hurled pipe bombs at Jews and attacked Jews at a peaceful pro-Israel rally. In Germany, Muslims rioted, chanting “Jews out, Germans out, Allahu akbar, kick the Jews out, burn the Jew!” A Hezbollah courier was found guilty of playing a role in a Cyprus jihad terror plot. Hezbollah was also behind the bombing of a bus full of Jewish tourists in Bulgaria. In Italy, a Muslim was jailed for a Milan synagogue bomb plot.

There are now sweeping “no-go areas” for Jews in Europe.

Why are rabbis more comfortable condemning me than candidly discussing the ideology that drives the war on the Jews? Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said that any peace deal Israel might sign with the Palestinians will fail as long as Palestinian children are taught that it is a good thing to kill Jews and that Israel must be destroyed. Yet they are taught this as part of the mandate of Islam.

At Vatican II, the Catholic Church repudiated Christian anti-Semitism – why can’t we get any Muslim groups to repudiate jihad, Islamic supremism, Islamic Jew-hatred, Islamic oppression of women and non-Muslims, etc.? It is not wrong to challenge them and ask Muslims who supposedly reject “extremism” to address the Islamic teachings that give rise to that “extremism,” and to reject and reform those teachings. Genuinely peaceful Muslims should be calling for the same thing, and standing with us.

In condemning Jews who speak out against jihad and Islamic supremacism, leftist rabbis are enabling the worst enemies of the Jewish people.

The writer is the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of and author of the new book Freedom or Submission: On the Dangers of Islamic Extremism & American Complacency.


Aug 6, 2006
A moderate Muslim speaks out. One point - Being opposed to
jihadi terror does not make one anti-Islam or a racist!

Combating political Islam

Op-ed: Renowned Muslim activist says weeding out radical Islam from West is first step in defeating global jihad
Raheel Raza, YNET
Political Islam is the major force shaping the Middle East region today, and a dangerous one at that. The real question is if it can be tamed, and, more pointedly, what the West can do to bring about positive change during this pivotal time in history. But first, we have to understand what we’re dealing with.

Political Islam, or “Islamism” as we call this phenomenon in the West, is an armed political ideology similar to Bolshevism and Maoism. It’s essentially religiosity cloaked as a movement which operates as a virulent ideology of warfare (jihad.) It demands radical reorientation of Muslim societies to comply with Sharia Law that repudiates modernity in all its forms and it has brought death and devastation both within the Muslim world as well as outside its borders. In some ways, Islamism is more dangerous than outright terrorism, as terrorism can be identified by violence, while Islamism is a war of ideas.

It is essential to note that historically this aberrant thinking has only been espoused by marginal groups and kept in check for centuries. However, there was one pivotal moment in world history when they were not. In 1926, a marginal sectarian movement inside Arabia, the Wahhabis, allied with the Saudi tribe, captured power, and established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It now serves as the bastion of Islamism, most notably spawning Osama bin Laden and various militant youth groups that spread the ideology.

What are the defining characteristics of Islamism? It’s anti-modern, misanthropic, misogynist, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, triumphalist, jihadist, terrorist, and suicidal. Put simply, it is Islamic-flavored totalitarianism. It is based upon the intolerance of others, including Muslims, and the glorification of violence as martyrdom, to be exercised against all who disagree with the Islamist rendition of Islam.

So, where is political Islam headed? To answer this, we must look to the Arab Spring, which has fast become the ‘winter of discontent.’

Countries that originally showed promise are now headed down a dark path. The mandate of The Muslim Brotherhood, stemming from Egypt, is taking hold, while traditional Islam is pulling back. The youthful voices of change and reason have often been stilled in harsh ways, including through sexual violence against women.

As Muslims in the West, we want to explain that the Muslim world is presently in an upheaval of historic proportions. We have important inside knowledge regarding the extent to which Wahhabi teachings generating from Saudi Arabia and Islamism have together undermined what was once a rich and tolerant culture within Islam.

As once Christendom and Europe transitioned from the pre-modern to the modern world of liberal and secular values, the painful redefinition now begins in the East. The internal struggle among Muslims will likely continue over several generations, as the Muslim world painfully makes its transition, and begins a renaissance of its own.

The West must now use its friends, progressive Muslims and the State of Israel, to determine a clear strategy for dealing with Islamism. Progressive Muslims, like myself, have tried to inform our governments about what they are up against. After 9/11, we called for recognition of the true enemy, a violent ideology which could not be fought with weapons of mass destruction. However, multiculturalism and political correctness kept sidelining the real issues, with any critique of Islamism bringing accusations of racism and Islamophobia.

This must stop.

Multiculturalism has become a cover for Islamist penetration of the West. The foe is formidable and has already taken hold in our backyards. Political Islam is on the rise in the UK and Europe, where some cities have installed “Sharia zones.” There are entire areas of Norway where non-Muslims are not safe.

If there is one country that truly “gets it,” it is Israel. They understand the powerful force of political Islam, and have vast experience in determining the enemy. They are a powerful ally in understanding this volatile situation.

The weeding out of Islamism and the Islamist threat lodged inside the West is the essential prerequisite, or the first step, in defeating global jihadi warfare of Islamists and in helping the Muslim world reconcile itself with the modern values of science, democracy and human rights.

To do this, we need to follow the lead of our Israeli allies and look with clear eyes into the nature of political Islam and have a frank conversation without fear of political correctness.

Raheel Raza is an award winning author, journalist, and filmmaker on the topics of Jihad and Sharia. She is president of The Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow, and an activist for human rights, gender equality, and diversity. Ms. Raza will discuss “Political Islam’s Tomorrow” alongside fellow experts at the upcoming Fifth Annual Israeli Presidential Conference: Facing Tomorrow 2013 in Jerusalem later this month
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Oct 30, 2006
[h=5]America, under-mined by Amnesty in ANY form
[/h][h=5]< Obama and McCain support these animals >

Catholic Priest Beheaded in Syria by Al-Qaeda-Linked Rebels as Men and Children Take Pictures and Cheer

Catholic Priest Beheaded in Syria by Al-Qaeda-Linked Rebels as Men and Children Take Pictures and Cheer Jun. 30, 2013 7:37am Sharona Schwartz Syrian Catholic priest Francois Murad killed last weekend by jihadi fighters was beheaded, according to a report by Catholic Online which is linking to video purportedly showing the brutal murder. As TheBlaze reported last week, Murad, 49, was setting up a monastery in Gassanieh, northern Syria. Last Sunday, on the Christian leader’s Sabbath, extremist militants trying to topple President Bashar Assad breached the monastery and grabbed Murad. While earlier reports suggested Murad may have been shot to death,...
Catholic Priest Beheaded in Syria by Al-Qaeda-Linked Rebels as Men and Children Take Pictures...

[/h]www.theblaze.comSyrian Catholic priest Francois Murad killed last weekend by jihadi fighters was beheaded, according to a report by Catholic Online which is linking to video purportedly showing the brutal murder. As TheBlaze reported last week, Murad, 49, was setting up a monastery in Gassanieh, northern Syria. Las...

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Saudi Arabian Airlines reportedly refuses Israeli passport holders to purchase tickets[/h] Published July 15,

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    FILE: Saudi Arabia airlines. (Reuters)

Saudi Arabian Airlines reportedly is discriminating against Israeli citizens by refusing to let them fly from U.S. airports.
The New York Post
reported that for customers booking on online, the airline’s website has no drop-down menu options for anyone holding an Israeli passport, even though, as the Post pointed out, there is a drop-down menu option for Antarctica citizens. The airline appears to prevent passengers simply looking to transfer in Saudi Arabia to another country, as well.
“No city in the world has closer ties to Israel than we do, and yet Israeli citizens are being discriminated against right here at JFK. It’s not only illegal; it’s an affront to who we are,” said public advocate, and mayoral candidate, Bill de Blasio, who conducted a recent telephone sting on the Mideast nation’s airline.
When a member of de Blasio called the airline --trying to book a ticket from JFK to Mumbai, India -- identifying themselves as an Israeli passport holder, the caller was told by an agent that they would not be able to fly.
“Since you have Israeli nationality, you will not be allowed to go on Saudi Airlines,” the agent said, after consulting a supervisor.
Federal law says an “air carrier or foreign air carrier may not subject a person in air transportation to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex or ancestry.” has reached out to Saudi Arabian Airlines seeking comment and has not gotten a response.

Sep 21, 2004
[ Wouldn't want to offend the nice, friendly Muslims by doing something like.... eating. Everyone else, eat in the fucking bathroom. It's fucking insanity. ]

Malaysia: School orders non-Muslim students to have lunch in bathroom to avoid offending Muslims fasting for Ramadan

Tolerance. "Fasting month, so pupils told to take recess meals in bathroom – Updated," from the Malaysia Edition, July 23 (thanks to Pamela Geller):
A decision by a primary school administration to order its non-Muslim pupils to have their meals during recess in what appears to be the school’s shower room has gone viral and angered netizens. Photographs of the pupils having their meals in the bathroom at the Sungai Buloh school have been posted in Facebook.
It is believed the pupils had been told to do it there because it is the fasting month.
Seri Pristana School Issue : “I have already informed the Ministry at 11am this morning and action will be taken against the person who came out with the decision. This should be a lesson for all in the future.” By PKamalanathan Deputy Education Minister 2

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Egyptian Muslim cleric instructs European Muslims on how best to beat their wives[/h]
"Men are the managers of the affairs of women for that God has preferred in bounty one of them over another, and for that they have expended of their property. Righteous women are therefore obedient, guarding the secret for God's guarding. And those you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches, and beat them." (Qur'an 4:34)
I am sure that all the Muslim spokesmen in the U.S. who constantly assure us that only greasy Islamophobes think that that verse actually means beat them are jetting over to Egypt right now, to explain to Mahmoud Al-Denawy how he is getting the wife-beating verse all wrong, wrong, wrong.
"Egyptian Cleric Mahmoud Al-Denawy Instructs European Muslims on Wife Beating," from MEMRI, June 17:
Following are excerpts from a religious call-in show featuring Egyptian cleric Dr. Mahmoud Al-Denawy, which aired on Iqra TV Europe/Africa, on June 17, 2013: Mahmoud Al-Denawy: Here is an important question from sister Hagar from Norway. She says: What’s the Islamic view on the beating of wives? Non-believers use this point against Islam. May Allah reward you, sister.
Indeed, many people take this as something [with which] to stab Islam and to stab Muslims. They say: Here Islam is calling for the beating of wives. Islam is urging Muslims… There are so many sayings and many misconceptions about this, but they forgot an important thing: Allah says that if there is a problem – or a lady, for example, who is disobedient, she has a bad behavior, for example – the husband should do his best to correct her, to fix this issue, first of all, by admonishing, by leaving her bed. For example, he shouldn’t sleep with her. He should sleep in a separate room, or whatever. And, at the end… Allah says: “Sleep in beds apart, and beat them.”
The issue of beating… First of all, if someone [does it] just for admonishing, or whatever… When it comes to beating, he should never beat her harshly. He should never raise his hand. He should never beat her on her face. But he can use something very simple – like a siwak [dental stick] or something like this pen. The beating should not lead to breaking her arm or a tooth. He should avoid this, because the Prophet urged us and told us that when you beat someone, you should never beat him or her on his or her face. This is because the face is owned by Allah.
Sep 21, 2004
[ nice friendly Muslim prof removes Israel from the map ]

Calif. College Professor Hands Out Middle East Map — but Something Big Is Missing

Sep. 17, 2013 1:53pm Sharona Schwartz
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Some San Diego State University students studying the Arabic language were dismayed when they were handed a map by their professor at the beginning of the semester which labeled the State of Israel as “Palestine.”
The pro-Israel advocacy group StandWithUs tells TheBlaze that the professor, Ghassan Zakaria, distributed the map on the second day his Arabic 101 class met. Students worried that if they complained about the map they could be labeled as “troublemakers” and that their grades could be impacted, StandWithUs said, adding students turned to the organization fo help. The group urged its members to contact the university to complain.
The original map handed to students in a San Diego State University Arabic 101 class (Photo courtesy: StandWithUs)

“It is a language class, it’s not a class about conflict,” a student who asked not to be named told San Diego’s KGTV.
Another student said, “Bringing his own bias to the classroom was just not o.k.”
“This is not only anti-Israel, it’s the elimination of Israel,” said Nicole Bernstein who is executive director of StandWithUs-San Diego.
Bernstein says she spoke with the Arabic department chair who explained that the professor handed out the map labeling the territory as “Palestine” in order to reflect the views of Arabic speakers in the Middle East.
Bernstein says the university further told the pro-Israel organization that the professor planned to assign students to research the politics of the region in order to prompt a discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Israeli history.
San Diego State University issued the following statement to KGTV last Tuesday: “While SDSU encourages scholarly debate and discussion of varying opinions, presenting inaccurate information to students in not acceptable. SDSU’s Provost has conferred with the department chair, who spoke with the faculty member. This inaccurate portrayal will not reoccur.”
Sep 21, 2004
[ Nice, friendly "moderate" Muslims support stoning and other nice and friendly punishments. Such a nice, friendly religion. ]

[h=1]Watch as Self-Described ‘Normal’ Muslims Show Support for Stoning Adulterers and Other ‘Punishment Described in the Koran’[/h] Nov. 6, 2013 8:20am Mike Opelka
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Video taken at a Norwegian Islamic conference in March appears to show self-described “normal” Muslims approving of stoning adulterers and other “punishment described in the Koran,” as well as men and women sitting separately. The participants — and especially the speaker — seem take the stance that such positions are not “radical.”
The video was first publicized by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) in May and then lightly covered by various blogs in the past week.
For three days in March of this year, thousands of Muslims attended a conference in Oslo, Norway, organized by Islam Net. During the event, a question about the media’s treatment of Muslims on topics like separation of men and women and the treatment of gays, was posed by an audience member. The event’s moderator and organizer, Fahad Qureshi, addressed the question to a room packed with an estimated 1,500 people.
In his response, Qureshi surveyed the crowd about their feelings on issues often associated with the more radical segments of Islam, including topics like separating men and women, stoning of gays, and the stoning of women believed to be unfaithful.
Image: YouTube

Qureshi first asked, “How many of you are normal Muslims, Sunni Muslims.” With only a couple of exceptions, virtually every hand was raised. He then asked, “How many of you agree that men and women should sit separate?”
Image: YouTube

The questioning continued, “How many of you agree that the punishment described in the Koran and sunna – whether it’s death, whether it is stoning for adultery, whatever it is, if it’s s from Allah and his messenger – that is the best punishment ever possible for humankind – and that is what we should apply in the world? Who agrees with that?”
Again, the vote was virtually unanimous.
“Are you all radical extremists? … No one.”
After getting nearly unanimous agreement on stoning of gays and adulterous women, Qureshi asked: “How many of you go to the normal Sunni mosques?”
Almost every hand in the room was raised in response.
“So what’s the politicians gonna say now?” Qureshi asked in response. “What’s the media gonna say now? That we’re all extremists?”
Watch the segment:
As this video surfaced, Islam Net has also just released the first of four videos in a series titled, Political Participation and Western Muslims. According to the YouTube posting, Islam Net describes the 67-minute long lecture by saying, “This episode explains why we must give sovereignty to Allah and that Islam also includes the political system.”
Image: YouTube

The video is instructional in nature. It aims to explain how Muslims can gain a foothold in the Parliament and represent the beliefs and principles of Islam. The video series is directed and delivered by Dr al-Haddad, who currently serves as a judge at the Islamic Sharia Council in London.
TheBlaze has reached out to Fahad Qureshi for clarification on some of the statements he made in the March video and regarding the video that instructs Muslim citizens of various countries to “give sovereignty to Allah.” If Mr. Qureshi responds, we will update this story.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
everything about them reminds me of the middle ages

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