Any price you elect to put on this war is meaningless compared to the thousands of lives our soldiers have lost over there for no apparent reason. My bet is if those votes hadn't been stolen in Ohio and Florida, we'd still have those thousands of soldiers walking around alive today. And a few more happy kids having their fathers and mothers around.1. False. Japan is our largest Treasury debt holder. China holds close to 500 billion in U.S. debt. what? Are they going to flush their dollars down the toilet to hurt us? And themselves? Of course not...ridiculous premise. Those dollars will come back to the US as investment. In fact they already are if you are paying attention. It's a non issue, pedaled by economic ignorance.
2. The cost of the war is known. It's a little over 500 billion. Not a trillion...not 3 trillion...a little over 500 billion. Libs love to come up with all kinds of complete bull shit theories to try to inflate it into a shock headline. How about using the actual figure?
And don't give us all these figures about increased health costs ect...the VA is already here...the infastructure is already here...the costs are part of a system already here. Quit peddling more bull shit.
3. Our GDP has increased substantially under the Bush administration. If you use the defecit figures...then I also get to use the higher GDP figures that allow us to pay it. The real defecit is not much higher than Clintons peak defecit. But I know you will never understand...because Libs have blinders for the debt...they never even consider the income side of the ledger. Dumb...I can't help you if you are that freakin dumb. It's all relative to each other. Never mind that Bush brought in record tax revenues...our debt burden is considerably less now than under Clinton...but you won't get that either.
4. The war has been argued to death...jesus...get over it. You lost 2 elections that could have changed things...but you lost. Get it?
Quit being a GD baby and deal with it. There were plenty of reasons for the Iraq war based on the broken cease fire agreement alone.
But you won't get that either...
5. Anything that I've thoroughly debunked your ass? :missingte